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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 024

Before on the ship, it was the rear admiral who was worried, but now he ran to the ground, and the worrisome became a pheasant.

Sitting in the train to the other end of the Red Earth Continent, the green pheasant put his left leg on his right leg, holding his cheek in his hand, and his eyes looked at where Tang Yuan was before a few rows of seats.

Tang Yuan smiled and sat in his seat, chatting with several navies next to him.

“LORD DIO, DID YOUR FRIEND REALLY KILL FROST ADAM?” A navy asked with adoration on his face.

“Lord DIO, you must have been a nobleman of a certain country before, right? Your etiquette is more perfect than many nobles! ”

“Lord DIO, it’s really awesome that you can actually fight that Hawkeye…”

There are countless words like this, and the green pheasant is numb when he hears it, and on the one hand, he feels a little nervous, he doesn’t know what charm this man has, so many navies, in such a short time, obey him, worship him.

On the other hand, he couldn’t help but be curious about this guy named DIO.

This man is indeed very peculiar, he obviously has aristocratic manners, like a navy said before, more like a nobleman than a nobleman, but he asked the navy headquarters to check his information, but it was blank.

At the mention of nobles, he couldn’t help but think of that man… The one called Doflamingo.

That guy is a real nobleman, bleeding the blood of Draco, but unfortunately, from him, it is not at all obvious that he should belong to the temperament of the nobility, compared to the dio, that Doflamingo is simply like a little rascal.

It’s a pity….

The pheasant’s eyes narrowed.

It’s a pity that this dio is destined to not be the same as the Navy, absolutely!

Just thinking about it, suddenly, he saw Tang Yuan, who was chatting with the navy gate, raise his head and look out the window faintly.

Then, a violent vibration came!

The train they were riding on stopped with a bang, the rear of the body was raised high, and it fell back to the ground with a bang, smoke and dust were everywhere, and in the carriage, the screams of the navy resounded!

“What’s going on?!” The green pheasant stood up and released a domineering look.

As soon as the domineering spirit was released, a huge cylindrical foot smashed the roof of the car, smashing the first half of their carriage!

This time, there is no need to see the domineering, and the green pheasant also knows what happened.

A huge mammoth was standing next to the carriage, looking over with a fierce face.

The trampled half-cut carriage is exactly his masterpiece!

“The Hundred Beast Pirates… Drought Jack?! The pheasant was surprised.

While surprised, he suddenly remembered the action that Tang Yuan had just looked out the window.

This guy… Actually discovered the enemy before himself? Really fake?

Just thinking about it, a sense of crisis suddenly struck, the green pheasant turned into a piece of frost and disappeared in place, appeared not far away, and saw a violent wind blowing through the position where he was just now, where the wind blew, a large piece of the train turned into fine sand – it was dried by the air!

“The wind … queen! The green pheasant’s face became ugly, if there was only one three plagues coming, he didn’t care, but two three plagues struck at the same time, he would be very uncomfortable.

With so many navies around, he can’t take care of it.

Queen, one of the three major cadres of the Hundred Beast Pirates, animal is a dinosaur fruit ability, although the name has a crane character, but this fruit can not actually make people fly.

Compared with taking off, Queen has more terrifying abilities, the first is the ability to fight hand-to-hand against the sky, and the second is the fierce wind caused by the pair of huge wings, which is the wind of destruction that can really be touched, although in the group of beast pirates, the fastest Adam ranks first of the three plagues, but many people think that Queen’s ability is more terrifying….

At this time, looking at the pheasant’s somewhat embarrassed look, Queen’s huge beak laughed: “Stupid navy! Hurry up and roll aside! Otherwise, even kill you! ”

The corner of the green pheasant’s mouth pulled out a helpless smile.

Seeing that it was the people of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group who made a move, he guessed what was going on, and he must be seeking revenge for Adam and wanting to take revenge on Tang Yuan.

But…… What’s the use of guessing? Do you want him, the admiral, to sacrifice Tang Yuan, and then say “Lord pirates, your enemies, our navy has prepared for you”? Then he, a general, might as well apologize for his own guilt.

No matter what, Tang Yuan definitely has to keep it!

The green pheasant gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

Tang Yuan sat on the seat that was still intact, showing an unhappy expression.

He was chatting with those navies and pretending to be forced, when he was suddenly interrupted, so angry.

What’s even more unpleasant is that the roof of the train is gone, and he is almost exposed to the sun, DIO is a vampire, and it is very dangerous to be exposed to the sun.

Fortunately, he opened the umbrella in time.

He straightened the collar of his clothes and was just about to speak, but Drought Jack spotted him first.

Looking at this blond man with a unique temperament, Drought Jack blinked suspiciously.

This guy, obviously very young, but has a wonderful sense of oppression, as if he was born restraining him, the strong vicious temperament, Jack even has the illusion that DIO seems to be more courageous than his own captain…

Jack shook the huge elephant’s head, put this strange thought away from his mind, and said in a sullen voice: “Boy, are you a criminal escorted by the Navy? The skill is not small, and it can also be specially escorted by the general. ”


Tang Yuan glanced at him with the eyes of an idiot, what a joke, where is he like a criminal, and he has nothing to do with the criminal half a dime!

The green pheasant, who was dealing with the wind disaster not far away, showed an empathetic expression when he heard this.

He really hoped that Tang Yuan was the prisoner he escorted, this person was too evil.

Seeing that Tang Yuan didn’t speak, Jack didn’t bother to ask, and said directly: “Forget it, tell me directly, do you know where Tang Yuan is?” ”

Tang Yuan was still sitting gracefully.

“I am Tang Yuan.” He said.

Jack sneered: “I don’t have the heart to joke, if you don’t want to die, say quickly, Lao Tzu will give you some face for the sake of you being a criminal, do you want to be trampled into meat by me like those navies?” ”

Under Jack’s gaze, Tang Yuan touched his chin, pondered for a moment, and then pointed far away at the pheasant.

“If you are asking about the white-haired, red-jacketed, and Tang Yuan who can project weapons, then you have to find the green pheasant, and only he knows about this car.”

The green pheasant’s expression froze, and his expression on Tang Yuan’s side became very sad and indignant.

This grandson really used himself as a coolie!


Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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