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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 053

“Oh, you say.” Tang Yuan said while walking towards the coast.

“What are you going to do with the captain’s son?” And why do you have to bring me with you? Reilly asked.

Tang Yuan stopped and looked back.

“Those are two questions.”

“Can’t you answer them all?” Renly was speechless.

Tang Yuan glanced at him lightly: “On the order of the regiment commander, go and absorb Portcas· D. Ace joins the Dusk Brigade, as for why he took you there… Hello villain is also a general-level combat power, if there is any trouble at that time, you can block the gun. ”

This is a reasonable statement, and some people will definitely not be able to open their mouths, but on the paralyzed face of Ulquiorra, it is really extremely harmonious.

Renly’s face darkened: “I don’t agree!” The captain’s child, can’t join your Dusk Brigade! ”

“Unfortunately, it’s not something you can decide.” Tang Yuan said.

“You all have so many members, and there are even a strong man like Saitama, who is unparalleled in the world, why do you have to join the captain’s child? An organization like yours that cannot be figured out, an organization that has not even been exposed to the identity of the regiment leader, I will never be able to trust the captain’s children to join!” Renly said seriously.

“Huh… What if I say, your opinion is invalid? Tang Yuan said.

“That can only offend!” Renly slowly drew a long sword from his waist, “I won’t allow the captain’s child to be used as a tool!” ”

“Interesting, then let me try, the former Hades, now there are more than a few pounds and two.”

Tang Yuan casually drew out the slashing knife and hung it diagonally beside him, and his other hand was still copied in his pocket, with no intention of taking it out.

Renly’s eyes were cold, rushing like electricity, and the long sword in his hand was charged, brushing and brushing! Countless sword rays were formed, and at the same time, they actually pierced Tang Yuan from different directions!

“Good swordsmanship.” Tang Yuan said, and then, the sword dance in his hand danced a sword flower, and greeted it at the same time!


The sound of blades clashing continued to sound, and Reilly was not impressed at first, and continued to strengthen his attack, but while fighting, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

His heart became cooler and colder!

Renly found in disbelief that every sword of Tang Yuan was actually right on the tip of his sword! Not a single mistake and not a single redundant operation!

Is this guy a monster!

Reilly gasped, and the sword suddenly exploded domineering, shocking Tang Yuan, and he also took the opportunity to open a little distance.

Distance yourself…

He doesn’t remember how long he hasn’t done the operation of “opening the distance ~ leaving”, obviously he is a swordsman, and what he needs most is to close the distance!

It can be seen how much pressure Tang Yuan’s hand just now caused him!

Looking at Tang Yuan’s sword with ease, Renly took a deep breath: “It is worthy of the Dusk Brigade, it is really powerful…”

“You’re not bad, you’re so old, you can still play fast attack, much better than Whitebeard.” Tang Yuan said with a smile.

“Compared to Whitebeard?” Reilly thought of Whitebeard’s wide open and closed fighting style, and couldn’t help but smile bitterly, “It’s really a compliment that makes people unhappy.” ”

“With swordsmanship alone, I’m not your opponent, but… Yes, I’m not afraid. ”


A layer of black shiny domineering, covering Renly, he is not like Luffy, can only cover the domineering on his arms or feet, his armed color, directly included, not only that, even the long sword in his hand, with armed color domineering, sharpness, toughness, strength, all raised a notch!

He raised his sword high and swung it downward!


Sword qi, like a tide!

With the sword qi, Renly rushed again, and the armed color on the blade seemed to be boiling with his movements! The next time the blades collided, this weapon color would form a spear that would break through Tang Yuan’s defenses and let the blades directly pierce Tang Yuan’s body!

If Tang Yuan concentrated on dealing with this sword, he would be injured by the sword qi, no matter what, this was an unavoidable blow!

In the face of Renly’s serious shot, Tang Yuan nodded approvingly: “The skill is not bad.” ”

“It’s a pity, in terms of pure strength, it’s still a little short.”

Saying that, he raised his sword and placed it in front of him, the action was like a knight’s oath.

“Blockade… Blackwing Devil! ”


Renly, who was rushing forward, suddenly felt as if a shock sounded in his ears!

The air, in the trembling 1!

The black spiritual pressure, turned into raindrops, fell, and the terrifying scene was like hell…

Invisible power, filled the air, made Renly’s movements become jerky!

It was as if a district of strange chants of psalms sounded in the ears.

What kind of power is this?!

Reilly looked at Tang Yuan in surprise, Tang Yuan’s image at this time was very different from before.

The bone helmet, which originally covered only half of the head, has now covered the entire top of the head, turning into a double-horned helmet.

One black hair became longer, and his hands turned into black claws.

The dark green tear stains became deeper.

Tang Yuan wore a white robe and quietly looked at Reilly.

At this time, Renly’s attack was already in front of him.

Sword qi struck.

Tang Yuan raised his left hand, casually held the sword qi, and squeezed it.


Sword qi, turned into smashes!

Rayleigh sword light strikes!

In Tang Yuan’s right hand, a green photon spear appeared in his hand, and the spear cut through a brilliant arc, smashed on Renly’s sword, and emitted a piercing explosion!

Reilly clenched his teeth, but found that it was difficult to resist the power of this shot, and he held out for less than half a second, and was shot backwards by Tang Yuan!

In mid-air, Renly rolled over and barely landed firmly on the ground.

Looking at Tang Yuan, who had not moved from beginning to end, Renly’s long-lost mood rose with a trace of fear.

The situation on Island No. 1 before, he did not see … But at this time, facing this man, he felt the horror that Warring States (Nord’s) had faced!

No, this is still just a member of the Dusk Brigade Regiment, not the deputy regiment commander Saitama, if Saitama … And what should be the scenario?!

It’s unimaginable…

Renly stared at Tang Yuan, thinking about how to deal with the enemy.

He still has a few hole cards that he hasn’t drawn, but none of them can guarantee a win, so wait for a moment!

Tang Yuan didn’t plan to wait for him any longer.

He flapped his wings and flew into the air.

“Hades, you don’t seem to realize what kind of opponent you are facing… I’ll show you what real power is. ”

He slowly raised the Lingzi spear in his hand.

“Thunder… What about guns! ”

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Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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