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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 067

Karp and Renly, at the same time with shocked faces.

Under the incredulous gazes of the two, Tang Yuan’s strength soared again!

The blazing flame aura, centered on him, soared high into the sky!

On Natsu’s cheeks, arms, neck, etc., red dragon scales slowly emerged, and just by looking at it, he could feel how strong this layer of dragon scales brought him defensive and offensive abilities!

Karp swallowed his spit: “Stronger again?” How many more times do you have to get stronger!? ”

Tang Yuan smiled: “Don’t worry, this time is enough to deal with you.” ”

Saying that, he slowly squatted down and made an offensive gesture.

“Yanlong King Mode…”


A flaming figure, suddenly disappeared!

On the left!

Karp reacted instantly, raised his foot and kicked it fiercely!

“Yanlong King’s, Broken Fist !!!!”


Karp didn’t even have time to react at all, and the moment his foot kicked out, the whole person flew backwards uncontrollably! Along the way, covered in armed color domineering, he fiercely ploughed out a 30-meter-long deep pit on the ground!

Reilly was taken aback, he never thought that Natsu could improve his strength again!

His overlord color and armed color were released with all his strength in an instant, and he raised his sword and stabbed at Tang Yuan, who had just punched——

Then, seeing Tang Yuan maintaining the posture of flying Kapu, Hikari turned his head back, smiled at him, and took a deep breath.

“The Roar of the Flame Dragon King!!!”

The flame light and shadow in the sky illuminated the sky, even the sunlight appeared dim at this time, it was a dazzling brilliance that people could not see directly, Rayleigh was like a cannonball that was shot out, cutting a long trajectory with black smoke in mid-air, flying directly out halfway up the mountain, flying over the head of the windmill village, smashing into the sea from afar, and disappeared!

“Handsome!!! dumbfounded” Ace, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, jumped up and roared with all his strength.

Naz’s battle, in his opinion, was simply supreme art, he felt his blood boiling and his bones creaking! I wish I was a member of the battlefield now, and I beat him upside down!

“Haha! Handsome enough! There are even more handsome ones! ”

Tang Yuan smiled and gave Ace a thumbs up, Ace felt cool, he was actually very cool now, Natsu’s magic mixed with melee combat was also in line with his preferences, and there was an addictive feeling while playing.

Under Ace’s gaze, Tang Yuan raised his hands, and a fireball rotated, began to expand, and in a few breaths, it twisted into a large fire ball with a diameter of more than ten meters!

In the fire, there is a faint flash of thunder!

Tang Yuan looked in Karp’s direction.

It’s up to you!

“Fire Dragon King Mode… Lei Yanlong!!! ”

Jump high and throw with all your might!

A huge fireball that explodes into the sky on the side of Karp! The whole scene can only be described as a fairy fight!

This trick was not in the original Linaz, and Tang Yuan also tried to use it, but he didn’t expect it to really be.

“Cool?” He asked Ace.

Ace nodded repeatedly, his eyes full of fighting spirit, as if he could be so cocky in the morning.

“Ace-senpai!! I must also find a flame fruit in the future!! He shouted at the top of his throat, because the roar of the surrounding fire, the aftermath of the explosion was too loud to be heard.

Tang Yuan was stunned at first, and then couldn’t help laughing: “Good!” I’m looking forward to it! You definitely can! ”

Ace gritted his teeth and clenched his fists and waved several times in front of him, venting his excitement that was encouraged by his seniors.

Tang Yuan looked at Ace with a smile, but he didn’t expect that he had accidentally hit it, and it also allowed Ace to gain his love for the flame ability.

Then, on his hands, flames erupted again.

With a wave of his arms, he brought up a circle of flames, and with his movements, the blazing white flames centered on him, forming a large circle, and the large circle rotated and spread, forming a spiral around him-

At the same time, in the surrounding fire and smoke, two figures rushed out at the same time.

There are a few holes in the head, but there is still a firm fighting intent in his eyes, and Kapu who is full of blood!

Long knife in hand, over the shoulder behind him, ready for the fatal blow of Renly!

“Fist Bone Heavy Cannon!!”

“Break the wave!!”

The two of them took out a killing move-level attack in unison!

Tang Yuan grinned, and the power accumulated before all exploded!

“Dragon Destroying Aoyi! Dragon Power! I don’t know the fire type… Red Lotus Phoenix Sword !!!! ”

The flames roared!

Thunder and lightning!

The dragon groaned, resounding in the sky!

The boundless sea of flames, condensed into the Optimus Giant Sword, cut down!!

The villagers of Windmill Village looked at it in shock.

Villagers from several surrounding islands, too!

There was a silence of just half a second, and then a pillar of fire connected the sea and the sky.

The circular qi wave, from the sky, looks like a flower of death blooming on the earth, spreading rapidly, and everywhere it passes, everything turns into powder!

The entire mountain, in this confrontation, began to collapse, the mountain collapsed layer by layer, and finally, it was directly cut by 377 by half of its height.

Starting from the halfway point where Tang Yuan’s several people were fighting, the upper part disappeared completely!

In the village below, people wore terrified expressions, revealing fearful eyes for the rest of their lives.

When the qi wave spread, it spread out on a flat surface, so they who were not at the same height as the halfway up the mountain escaped by chance.

Otherwise, now they are afraid that they will not even leave corpses!

Standing on the flaming ruins, both Karp and Reilly were completely stunned.

What the hell is this… What is the strength ?!

Tang Yuan fell from mid-air, and along with him, there was a large circle of fire.

The ring of fire dispersed, and there were some people inside.

Karp knew these people, the Bandit Da Dan family, who was responsible for taking care of Luffy and them.

And also…… Luffy, Saab.

Seeing that Luffy was okay, Karp breathed a sigh of relief, plopped down, and sat down on the ground.

There were also a few villagers who happened to go up the mountain to collect things, and they were also saved by Tang Yuan.

Seeing what Tang Yuan did, Renly was also relieved.

Seemingly…… The organization of the Dusk Brigade indeed has a conscience.


As soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, he heard Tang Yuan laugh and say, “Cool!” Two more fights! ”

Karp and Renly felt like they were going crazy. _

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Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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