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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 083


The golden lion was shocked to find that a large piece of rubble flew towards him!

“What?!” His eyes widened in disbelief.

Isn’t this his ability to flutter fruits?

He smashed the stone with a sword and exclaimed, “You can actually use the ability of the fluttering fruit!” ”

“Fluttering Fruit…? Make no mistake, the Earthburst Star is not something as low-level as you. ”

Sasuke pointed at the golden lion and said lightly, “Have you heard of gravity?” Now, you are the center of gravity, and everything around you is falling towards you at this time! ”

As Sasuke’s words fell, all the surrounding earth and rocks erupted, like a rainstorm smashing towards the golden lion, and even several surrounding flying islands, at this time, irrepressible super golden lions flew in!

The golden lion didn’t have time to react at all, and was directly surrounded by earth and rock, forming a ball of earth that was rounder than when he trapped Sasuke just now.

Tang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief: “Fortunately, I collected my strength in time, otherwise those floating islands around me would all be finished.” ”

He controlled Susanoo to fly over, slapped his palm on the Earth Explosion Star, and in the next moment, the thunder flashed, and the entire Earth Explosion Star exploded!

The golden lion flew out with a black smoke and landed on an island in the distance!

Susanoo flapped his wings to follow, fell 000 times, and lifted.

Sasuke stood not far from the golden lion, holding the Kusanagi sword in his hand.

“Figured it out?”

“I…” The golden lion clenched his teeth, he deeply realized at this time that he was not the opponent of this junior, but it was really impossible to let him surrender like this!

So, can you only die generously?

Just as he was about to speak, Sasuke said, “Isn’t your wish to take revenge on the world government?” Joining the Dusk Brigade, this wish is too easy to fulfill. ”

“!?” The golden lion looked up in shock, “You actually know?!” ”

“Don’t underestimate the intelligence network of the Dusk Brigade, if you are an ordinary person, it is okay, but you are the golden lion of the sea thief, we still know a lot about you.”

With that, Sasuke withdrew his sword and opened his hand towards the golden lion.

“Vientiane Heavenly Lead!”

The golden lion was surprised, irresistibly sucked by a strong gravitational force, fell into the assistant, and was choked by the neck.

“Surrender, you can get the opportunity to take revenge on the world government, but also can be famous in history, refuse, can only become fish food, which side to choose, it should be very simple.”

The golden lion gritted his teeth and said, “What is the purpose of your Dusk Brigade…?” Occupy the world? ”

Sasuke shook his head amusedly.

“Such lofty goals are not suitable for us, as long as we are happy, we are already satisfied.”

The golden lion sneered disdainfully, “Ambition uses this nice way to cover up the truth, and Lao Tzu is also redundant to ask.” ”

He slowly sat up and pulled it out of his pocket, but unfortunately it had been burned into powder by Sasuke’s thunder.

Throwing away a handful of cigar powder in his hand, the golden lion sighed.

“Give me a day to think about it.” He said.

Sasuke raised his eyebrows, “No time, decide now.” ”

“It’s really ruthless.” The golden lion shook his head funny, “Then what choice does Lao Tzu have?” ”

He stood up and stuck his two swords as feet into the ground.

Under Tang Yuan’s gaze, the golden lion grinned and said with a vicious smile: “Okay, Lao Tzu recognizes, let’s see with you guys what you want to turn this world into!” ”

Sasuke nodded and took out a ring: “Very good, then, this is for you, those who have this, are all people like you, who have the identity of the Dusk Brigade, and they must be friendly with them, but on the topic of how we want to change the world, I think you should not look forward to it too much, we don’t have such strange ambitions as you.” ”

The golden lion took the ring, rolled his eyes, and did not answer.

As he accepted this new identity, a prompt sounded.

[Accept the legendary pirate, the leader of the Flying Pirate Group (AJDG), the golden lion Shiji! ] Get a million prestige rewards! 】

[Congratulations on the new achievement “Legendary Master”! ] Reward 300,000 Renown, and increase the number of energy avatars by one! 】

Hearing the two prompts, Tang Yuan was stunned.

This reward is really rich!

At this moment, he only had one thought – he didn’t kill the golden lion, it was really wise!

After taking a few deep breaths, he finally calmed down.

He looked from afar, looking not far away, at the border of the floating island.

“We fought just now and damaged a few islands, you replenish them as soon as possible, by the way, try to pick a good scenery, don’t bring people on the island.”

“What are you going to do on the floating island? Do you want to raise powerful animals too? The golden lion asked.

Sasuke shook his head: “Just to be a base for the Dusk Brigade. ”

“The base of the Dusk Brigade Regiment?!” The golden lion was shocked, “All the members are here?” ”

“How could it be… This place is mainly used to house peripheral members, and as for the members who have obtained the name ‘Tang Yuan’, they already have other permanent residences. Sasuke said.

Under the gaze of the golden lion, he reached out and pinched a seal.

“I summon a member to help you, and if you encounter any trouble, you can find him.”

Saying that, a burst of black energy surged, and Illidan appeared beside the two.

As soon as he came out, he grinned, “Uchiha Sasuke? What are you calling me to do? ”

The golden lion looked at the man in front of him in shock.

This man… How could he not know, this is Illidan!

The guy who fought BIGMOM head-on, cut off one of her arms, and made a big fuss about the Chambord Islands!

This kind of strong person actually summoned it casually?!

His eyes widened, he finally understood why the Dusk Brigade was so terrifying, this ability to summon companions at will, too TM cheating!

Sasuke pointed to the golden lion: “You assist him in perfecting the base of the floating island, which will be a gathering place for peripheral members in the future.” ”

Illidan flew up with his wings and looked around at the scenery.

“It’s not bad, I don’t hate it here, okay, leave this job to me.”

Saying that, he looked at the golden lion and grinned.

“It’s just that this newcomer is a little weak, so I don’t have much interest in fighting.”

On the golden lion’s brain, a bunch of green tendons burst out.


Gee, I lost my wallet when I went out today, which caused the codeword to be in a very bad mood.

However, I met a small stray cat in a pet store and brought it home, and I was in a better mood to see her cute.

Although it looks a little ugly, it is (crossed out.)

The thought of getting a replacement card makes me feel unloved. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive


Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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