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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 093

Dusk Brigade!

Just four words, but it made a general extremely alarmed!

When all the female warriors saw this scene, they were surprised in their hearts, and then they couldn’t help but get excited!

In the predicament that they were blocked by the admiral, a short sentence in Wuhe Qin actually instantly rewrote ~ the situation!

The female emperor stood aside and looked at Kotori-.

“You, you really are the Dusk Brigade…”

“Ha, didn’t I tell you before, sure enough, a woman’s IQ and milk quantity are always inversely proportional.” Tang Yuan shook his head helplessly.

The female emperor instantly became hot again.

“The people of the Dusk Brigade are actually on our ship?!” A female warrior exclaimed.

“I actually saw such a big person…”

“And it’s so beautiful!”

The first two sentences also made Tang Yuan very useful, and the third sentence made him almost fall into the sea.

Turning around, Tang Yuan looked at the person who said the third sentence unpleasantly, this person he remembered, he had to wear small shoes in the future!

Suddenly, there was another humane: “The big man of the Dusk Brigade, why did he come to us?” ”

“Are you stupid, Lord Snake Ji said it just now, this is her friend! Lord Snake Hime is friends with the people of the Dusk Brigade! ”

As soon as these words came out, the female warriors’ eyes lit up.

The female emperor was speechless, she didn’t want to use other people’s reputation to consolidate her prestige, which would make her feel uncomfortable.

And Tang Yuan’s side was suddenly stunned.

Hearing the discussion of the female warriors, he suddenly remembered a question.

I came down to the floating island to get an identity certificate for Kaido, and when I saw the female emperor, I actually forgot …

Sure enough, his will is not strong enough… No, it should be said, is it true that rough men are not as attractive as beautiful women with long legs?

Tang Yuan couldn’t help but fall into deep thought.

Chi Inu watched this scene from a distance and said loudly: “The Nine Snake Pirates… Collude with the extremely evil organization Twilight Brigade! The evidence is true! Raise the threat level of this pirate group now! ”

After speaking, he pointed to the side of the Nine Snakes from a distance: “The Nine Snakes Pirate Group!” Now immediately hand over the members of the Dusk Brigade, obediently surrender, for the sake of your few evils, and spare you the death penalty! ”

As soon as these words came out, the female warriors suddenly became angry.

“Abominable navy, who do you think you are! What a domineering! ”

“Let’s surrender the Nine Snakes?! Dream! ”

“We will never hand over Snake Ji-sama’s friend!”

Tang Yuan held a double-edged axe, looked at the female emperor, and shrugged: “He said so.” ”

The female emperor glanced at her angrily, and also stood on the side of the ship.

She looked at the red dog from a distance, and her eyebrows were raised.

“Shameless person, say such shameless big words in front of the concubine, but you are ready to sink into the sea of corpses?”

Chi Inu said in a deep voice: “Whether we will be, I don’t know, but I know that if you don’t do what we say, if you sink into the sea, there will definitely be a share of your Nine Snake Pirates!” ”

“Stupid, conceited, really nothing, typical scum.” The female cold waved her hand: “All members, combat preparation!” ”

After speaking, she glanced at Qinli and turned her head: “… The concubine body is not because you say so, no matter who it is changed to, the concubine body will have the same reaction! ”

Tang Yuan: “…”

Female emperor This is idle? Still arrogant with yourself?

However, aside from this enigmatic arrogance, the female emperor’s reaction was still very good for Tang Yuan, and he liked this kind of girl with character.

Looking at the naval shells roaring in the distance, Tang Yuan flicked the double-edged axe in his hand at will, and a crescent-shaped sword qi roared out, directly detonating all the shells in the air!

Then, he moved under his feet, and he had already appeared in mid-air, holding the handle of the giant axe with both hands at the same time!

Seeing the actions in Wuheqin, the red dog instinctively felt wrong, and shouted: “Pay attention!” Beware of the opponent’s sneak attack! The other party is the Dusk Brigade! You must not be careless! ”

In mid-air, Tang Yuan smiled.

“Be careful? Alert? There’s no need for that. ”

With his movements, the various parts of the double-edged axe quickly changed form, and in a few breaths, it had turned into a giant cannon shining with blazing light!

The muzzle of the gun is aimed at the naval warship!

The red dog’s pupils shrank, and his right fist suddenly turned into lava, swinging fiercely towards Tang Yuan: “Dog red lotus!!” ”

The tumbling lava, forming a huge dog’s head, roared towards Tang Yuan!

“Splendid Ghost Destroyer Cannon !!!”

Tang Yuan also issued his own move, which was a huge magic cannon running down from the sky, and the description of the scene was similar to that of Indra’s arrow, so I didn’t go into details.

········ Ask for flowers…


Under the shocked gaze of the red dog, the light cannon of the brilliant ghost annihilator instantly descended, directly covering his canine red lotus and exploding towards his body!

“Damn…” The red dog was furious, and with his other hand armed color covering, he flung it violently, and exploded this glowing cannon above his head, and the whole person took several steps back!

In the sky, Tang Yuan smiled: “Aren’t you going to let the Nine Snakes die in the sea?” Why hasn’t there been real action yet? ”

“Just get the upper hand and get proud? It’s really the style of your Dusk Brigade! The red dog roared, his arms were thrown into the sky, and with each punch, a large fist condensed by lava flew into the sky!

Swish, swish, swish!

In just a few seconds, dozens of fists flew up, which shows how fast the red dog punches!

….. 0


The red dog slammed down on his hand, and those lava fists that flew into the sky all turned to the sea below-

“…… Volcano!!! ”


All the lava fists rushed down!

Seeing these lava fists, the female emperor’s pupils shrank.

“Such a strong move… It’s overwhelming! ”

She gritted her silver teeth and urged the fruit ability with all her strength, condensing a heart shape, and wanted to use the ability of “sweet and sweet wind” to turn these lavas into stone.

But…… Even if it turns into stone, it is not a joke that so many stones fall down!

The female emperor came down in a cold sweat!

Chi Inu snorted coldly: “This time, you blocked it and showed me!” ”

“If you want to see it so much, I’ll show it to you.” Under the lava fist in the sky, Tang Yuan shrugged with a smile.

Seeing his reaction, the red dog suddenly frowned, as if remembering something.

The next second, he opened his mouth in surprise to speak.

Tang Yuan fell back onto the deck of the Nine Snakes first, reaching out and pressing it on the ground.

“Come on! My comrades! ”

The lava fist is already close at hand, and in two or three seconds, I am afraid that the ship of the Nine Snake Pirates can be completely buried!

In the next second, countless swords and shadows flew into the sky from below!

Boom, boom!!!

Countless magma flowers exploded in the sky!

A man in red clothes and white hair, standing quietly on the deck! _

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Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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