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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 100

After staying with Alyssa for a while, Tang Yuan originally wanted to become a winter lion and fly to the Chambord Islands.

But just before the transformation, he suddenly felt that his essence was a little strange.

This body seemed to be different from what he had been familiar with before.

He clenched his fist, and the surging power coming from his palm made him slightly stunned.


He tied his footwork and punched forward.


An invisible wave of qi rushed out, plowing a long ravine on the ice in front of him, and finally rushed out of the ice surface range, exploding a huge wave on the seawater!


Looking at the scene in front of him, Tang Yuan looked confused.

After mastering the transformation ability, he has already experienced a lot of experience of becoming stronger, among which there are many people who have entered the heavens and the earth, and opened mountains and rocks.

Especially like Sasuke, Nero, Saitama and the like, that is the existence of hands and eyes, it stands to reason that he will not be more excited because he has become stronger.

But now it’s different…

His essence, unknowingly, has actually become so terrifying!

He withdrew his hand and looked at his fist in disbelief.

23 “This is actually … My power? He muttered.

Alyssa looked at him: “You have experienced so many powerful transformations, each of which will feed a little power back to yourself, so it is not surprising to have this kind of strength.” ”

“The truth is this, but when I actually experience it, it still feels a bit dreamlike.” Tang Yuan said.

Transforming into various strong people to obtain their combat power, this kind of more mysterious plot, in Tang Yuan’s opinion, is quite easy to accept, because the actual operation is similar to opening the Gundam, it is just a powerful shell.

But…… His body became stronger, and this kind of more scientific thing became mysterious in Tang Yuan’s eyes.

Feeling the huge power in his body, he was even more excited than the first successful transformation.

He stepped on his feet, and with a sound, the air exploded, and his body also soared for a long distance!

Looking at the sea that was getting farther and farther under his feet, Tang Yuan felt a little dizzy.

“High jump to the point where you are afraid of heights… I can too. ”

After a while, he stopped, this casual jump, actually jumped out of a height of hundreds of meters!

His limbs were open, his hands seemed to be pressed down, his legs were slightly retracted, he made a skydiving posture, squinted, and fell from the sky.

When he was about to land, he retracted his legs and kicked sharply, and the ice was trampled with a sound, and he stood steadily.

Being able to have such agile movements and refinement is due to the fact that he has transformed into a lot of strong people and gained a lot of combat experience.

Alyssa stood on the side of the unbroken ice, watching the wind with interest.

Tang Yuan narrowed his eyes and recalled his fighting posture when he transformed before.

Some of the transformations, such as Nero, IO, Ulquiora, Dongshiro, etc., their combat style is too strange, and there is little imitation value.

But there is also a part, the way of fighting has a lot of intersection with ordinary people, it is the two rituals, Sasuke and other strong people who are good at physical skills, Tang Yuan is recalling these two transformations at this time.

After thinking for a while, he moved.

The ice under his feet has been shattered, and a large number of ice cubes less than the size of a palm float on the surface of the sea, like broken tofu brains, normal people don’t say run here, just standing here, they will instantly fall into the water.

Tang Yuan’s figure was not limited by this loose terrain in the slightest.

His figure tossed and turned on the crushed ice.

From time to time, he punched and kicked, and the movements were full of killing intent, and if there were many people around him, they would definitely be corpses all over the place by now.

The killing technique of the Liangyi family!

Then, his movements became faster and more agile, but this time more concealed than killing intent.


The fists and feet seemed to turn into phantoms, hit one place, disappear directly, and change to the next place…


He has not learned to shave or shave, but his appearance at this time is similar!

If Zefa hadn’t left, he would definitely be scared out of his eyes at this time.

All of Tang Yuan’s moves did not stick to any form, and at a glance, he was from the wild road and had no training, but the combat effectiveness and potential he showed were terrifyingly high!

After a while, Tang Yuan let out a long breath, which was considered to be fun, he quickly ran to Alisa, took advantage of the fact that the ice had not completely shattered, turned into Ulquiorra, and took Alyssa into the air.

After a while, the two arrived at the Chambord Islands.

Tang Yuan specially went to the No. 1 island to take a look, the ruins there can no longer be repaired, and now it has been developed into a tourism project for tourists to see.

Tang Yuan looked at the sign inserted on the broken island.

– Saitama, deputy commander of the Dusk Brigade, singled out the three admirals, marshals, and the site of the four emperors.

Tang Yuan: “…”

This word, how to look at how strange.

Leaving the island, the two headed for Island 13.

A bar called “Aunt Peony’s Rip-off Bar” opened there, where Renly lived, and Tang Yuan wanted to go over to find him.

The two took a small boat that ferried between the islands, and soon reached their destination. 313

On the way, Tang Yuan heard the chat content of many passers-by was the Dusk Brigade.

This organization, which was originally just to help create a background for itself, has now become a powerful group on the cusp of the world.

This sense of accomplishment and confusion made Tang Yuan narrow his eyes and think thoughtfully.

On Island 13, there is a not small forest, and when Tang Yuan and Alyssa walked here, they felt movement in the forest.

When I walked in, I saw Renly standing there.

In front of him, two teenagers were sweating profusely, clenching their teeth and striding their horses, practicing boxing there.

As the two practiced, Renly also had to disturb them with wooden stick blows from time to time, and get rid of the face of a devil instructor.

Seeing Ulquiorra, Reilly’s pupils shrank.

============================ Separator ======================================================================================================================================================================

It’s actually a hundred chapters, which is gratifying.

That said, at the end of this month… Around the 27th, I went to Shanghai to see CJ, is there anyone together?

I don’t plan to urge the draft, I don’t plan to cut my little friend, make an appointment.

Jun Yang: **_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive


Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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