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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 108

Looking at Moria who was walking step by step, Tang Yuan snorted.

“Yes, not bad.” He nodded and said.

Moria’s breath is very different from when they were separated, although he had some strength at the beginning, but overall he was still weak, in this sea, even the third line could not be lined up, and could only float up and down the level of “ordinary strong”.

But now, I don’t know where this guy went to toss around, and at a glance, he really looks a little like the Qiwu Sea level.

Renly keenly noticed that Moriah had a ring on his hand, the symbol of the Dusk Brigade.

“Moonlight Moria, this person has a bit of an impression, when he broke into the New World, he was also a young and promising guy.” He thought.

The golden lion frowned, “With this bit of strength, it is also worthy of appreciation?” ”

When Moriah heard this, he didn’t mean to get angry, and he grinned at the golden lion, revealing a mouthful of fangs.

Then he looked at where Alyssa was sitting, and after confirming who was from the Dusk Brigade, he bowed ~ to Tang Yuan.

“I am Moonlight Moria, and it was Lord Illidan who accepted me into the Dusk-Brigade.”

“Hmm…” Tang Yuan, that is, Ulquiorra, nodded, “I remember, when Illidan told me… Your strength is not very good. ”

Hearing this, Moria was slightly stunned, and then grinned and nodded: “Yes… At that time, I had just failed to challenge the Four Emperors Kaido, fell into a trough, and my strength was not even worthy of the new world. ”

Hearing this, many people present turned their surprised eyes to Kaido.

Unexpectedly, between these two, there was still such a grudge back then?

Kaido closed his eyes and was not interested in the topic at all.

Moriah continued: “Later, Lord Illidan asked me to join the Dusk Brigade, and he said something like this at that time…”

“He said to me, just one failed challenge and it wiped out my guts? When I first went to sea, I must not be so unproductive now! ”

“It’s this sentence that keeps me going.”

“Later, the two ceremonial adults asked me to go out for training, and to be honest, at first I was a little angry at abandonment, and I felt that the Dusk Brigade didn’t take me seriously…”

“But, soon, I figured out that the brigade was not wrong at all … With my strength at that time, let alone enter the organization to get benefits, I didn’t even have the ability to do something for the organization! So, I took a few of my subordinates to the depths of the New World and did a hard and long battle and experience with bounty hunters, powerful pirates, and sea kings, and now, when I heard that the brigade was facing an invasion, I returned with the results of my experience! ”

The golden lion’s expression improved a lot, and there was a little more approval in the eyes of Moria.

Such a person deserves a righteous word.

Kaido suddenly laughed and said, “Moonlight Moria… Right, your name, I remember, a newcomer who challenged me without his own strength … Remember at that time, I almost completely destroyed your pirate group? ”

A haze appeared on Moria’s face.

He spoke in a deep voice: “Hatred, keep it in mind, but my new life is given by the regiment, Lord Eimiya, Lord DIO, and Lord Illidan, between the needs of the Dusk Brigade and my own hatred, I will choose to complete the needs of the brigade first!” ”

“As for my revenge, I will end it in person sooner or later!”

“I’ll let you finish now!!” Kaido suddenly came, full of momentum, as if a demon god descended!

That terrifying coercion, even veteran powerhouses like Golden Lion and Renly felt the pressure!

Under this powerful coercion, Moria stared at his eyes, his eyeballs were bloodshot, and the gap between the two suddenly appeared.

Ulquiorra watched this scene quietly, as if it had nothing to do with him, but just released the spirit pressure to protect Alyssa.

Moriah clenched his fist in his right hand, brushed it, and turned pitch black.

Armed color domineering!!

He threw his fist at Kaido, and a circle of qi bursts rushed over, resisting the momentum released by Kaido.

“You think I’m afraid of you?!!!” Moriah roared.

Reilly nodded: “It’s not a simple armed color, but combining the fruit ability to create new combat skills, this guy, really worked hard.” ”

“Kind of interesting.” The golden lion also said.

Under Moria’s gaze, Kaido watched him quietly for a few seconds.

········ Ask for flowers…

Then he snorted and sat back.

“It’s still a bit of a backbone, stronger than it was at the beginning, leaving you with your life, I hope you can really threaten me in the future.”

Moria’s mood suddenly became very complicated.

It is a joy that he did not lose face under Kaido’s coercion.

It is also good to be recognized by Kaido and to be expected by him to develop himself.

But I don’t know why, I always feel that I am happy and lose.

After thinking about it, he suddenly understood.

Because Kaido is an enemy, what is there to be happy about what the enemy expects from himself? Doesn’t this mean that he is still far from him?!

Thinking of this, Moria’s teeth itched, but he couldn’t say anything, he could only turn into motivation to make himself stronger in the future.

……… 0

Moriah’s problem was solved, and Reilly and the others continued to discuss the matter.

To be precise, it was he and the Golden Lion who had a more active discussion.

Kaido occasionally mixes a little, but most of the time it looks like it’s none of his business.

And Tang Yuan didn’t say a word from beginning to end.

After the golden lion said his power, Reilly said about his intelligence advantages – after the disbandment of Roger’s pirate group, he had actively cooperated with his daughter-in-law to build an intelligence network for various reasons, and even within the navy, there were his people.

This point was also greatly appreciated by the golden lion.

After talking for a while, Reilly looked at Ulquiorra and Red A…”

Under everyone’s gaze, Ulquiorra stood up.

He quietly looked at the people present.

“Hmm… Now that you’ve all decided, go as you want. ”

“?” Everyone looked confused, as the head of the current anti-naval organization, the internal high-level of the Dusk Brigade, Ulquiorra had this opinion?

Immediately afterwards, Ulquiorra solved their doubts with a sentence.

“Because, I came this time, in fact, to tell you that even if you don’t make a move, the Dusk Brigade can calm things out… What you have to do, in fact, from the beginning, is to handle the chores on the side, by the way, as a few salted fish spoons that will shout 666. “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive


Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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