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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 113

If the navy participating in the war today has the opportunity to watch war films such as “The Lord of the Rings” in the future, it must be very substitutionary.

Originally, the enemy’s combat effectiveness was higher than his own, there were more of them, and he was not afraid of death, and these elements added up to definitely make the most determined heart tremble …

Dozens of naval guns gathered fire, and did not do much damage to Hellfire, and the only thing that could be relied on to effectively solve Hellfire was the strong personal strength of the generals.

A naval colonel rushed to Hellfire’s head, urged the armed color domineering with all his strength, and then smashed on the latter’s head, and with a strong explosion, Hellfire’s facial features were smashed with green magic energy.

As his head was destroyed, Hellfire let out a muffled roar and slowly lay down.

However, this is meaningless for a constructed life “290”.

In essence, hellfire is less valuable than the zombies in Resident Evil, zombies are transformed by human life, but hellfire is just free energy in the endless void, summoned to the real world by warlocks.

The colonel had just taken out a Hellfire when he was bitten off his arm by a Cerberus that rushed behind him.

In severe pain, he did not see a huge rock hand falling above his head.


Hellfire’s slap slapped down fiercely, slapped the colonel, along with the Hellfire companions who were dying at the colonel’s feet.


Successfully take out a strong-looking enemy, Hellfire lets out a cheerful roar!

On the other side, a lieutenant general of the South China Sea Division was mighty, and he used a technique that overdrew his potential to fight out more than a dozen powerful hellfires!

Seeing his brave performance, the navy cheered loudly!

Such a strong thing, the cost of manufacturing must also be very high, the lieutenant general broke five, and his side is one step closer to victory!

Just thinking so, several meteorites smashed into the sea water around them with billowing black smoke.

A couple of hellfires, come back out of the water!

The navy opened their mouths, raised their heads, and the weapons in their hands shook and fell to the ground.

The golden lion couldn’t help but look at Ulquiorra.

“Archimonde’s Hellfire… How much can be summoned? ”

Ulquiorra touched his chin.

“Hellfire…? This kind of thing, as much as you want, a bunch of rags, I can hit 10 thousand alone. ”

Golden Lion: “…”

At this moment, he couldn’t help but have an idea.

I didn’t fight with the Dusk Brigade to the end, which was really very wise…

“Damn, I don’t believe you can be infinite.” The lieutenant general of Nanhai said angrily, shouted loudly and rushed forward.

It was not easy for him to fight, but at this time, the secret method had been launched, and he would not be happy, it was better to rush up and fight hard with the Dusk Brigade while he was now.

In this state of overdraft potential, he is not much less confident than the general.

He didn’t believe that in his state, Mond himself was not qualified to fight!

From a distance, Archimonde watched this scene with amusement.

“Kind of interesting ant, reminds me of some people I’ve seen before.”

Saying that, under the gaze of the pirates, in this battle, Archimonde personally took a step for the first time.

He stepped on the water that was still there.


A turquoise flame burned at his feet.

Everyone thought that Archimonde’s foot would step on the water like hellfire, but they didn’t expect that he would step on the water steadily!

The surface of the water is slightly concave, but there is no sign of breaking at all…

This operation, seemingly simple, suffocated everyone present.

Especially on the side of the Navy.

Hearing the report from the front, cold sweat broke out on the commander’s head.

“With its own strength, I strengthened the tension of water…? Can this really happen…”

He was just about to say something when another report came.

After listening to this, the commander couldn’t sit still at all, and dialed the phone of the Warring States side, the command ship.

Under the gaze of the navy and pirates, Archimonde was like a prehistoric beast, he walked on the water, step by step, until he reached the vice admiral.

The lieutenant general who originally wanted to fight to the death, saw Archimonde who came in front of him, but he didn’t know why, and he couldn’t even mention the slightest desire to fight!

He looked up, horror mixed with despair, but after a few seconds, he gritted his teeth and showed a glare at Archimonde.

“I will never admit defeat to you! Pirate! ”

Archimonde laughed.

“If you can say this under my coercion, you can also be considered a character, history will remember people like you, but now…”

He opened his hand and slowly pressed down on the lieutenant general.

“Now you… It is destined to fall victim to the trend of history. ”

With his words, the lieutenant general instinctively wanted to resist, but found it pointless.

In a scream, his soul squeezed out of his eye sockets.

Then, the nostrils, the mouth, the ears…

In each hole, silver-white souls scrambled outwards until they completely broke away from their bodies, forming a silver ball of energy in Archimonde’s hands.

Pinching the ball of energy with two fingers, Archimonde looked at the navy around him.

“Someone who wants this end… Come here. ”

After a momentary silence, the battleships of the Navy, without an order, began to retreat …


I didn’t update it yesterday, but today I have a reason to change it… I’ll have to stand up and explain.

The reason is that a certain two unscrupulous god authors had to pull me to play a particularly difficult game, and our servants played without sleep for two days in order to clear the level.

After not sleeping for two days, I found a problem when I was uncomfortable.

They have long become gods, it doesn’t matter if they break a little, I a little on the street, where did I have the confidence to commit two with them.

I can’t care about eating for dinner, so I hurry up to code words for the readers.

I express my remorse for the actions of these two days!

After clearing the level, I definitely started working hard to break out! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive


Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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