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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 121

Sky, overcast.

The sea area where Yanmo Island is located is a thunderstorm-prone area, and the attacks are very frequent during this time.

In the rolling clouds, flickering electric light can be seen from time to time.

It’s like the end of the world.

Many pirates are a little shadowy of this scenery, and always feel that a few meteorites will fall in the clouds at any time and turn into hellfire…

Under this cloud, the naval fleet slowly leaned over.

Seeing the navy’s long horizontal front from afar, the golden lion frowned.

“Human sea tactics? It’s boring. He said, taking a sip of his cigar.

Rayleigh was amused: “It’s as if you don’t play the sea of people, when our Roger Pirates fought with you, which time did you not rely on the sea of people to disgust people?” ”

“Can I be the same! A sea of pirates! The pirate thing… Can it call a sea of people?! ”

The golden lion looked like Shi Yiji and said loudly.

The yellow ape looked at Archimonde, who was not far away, and spoke: “Do you need me to deter them first and disrupt their rhythm?” ”

For him, but the old line, every time the navy fights a hard battle, he basically relies on the speed of no one to fight the forward harassment war, and now he says this, he is also showing loyalty without hesitation.

Seeing the yellow ape’s eager appearance to stand in line, many people showed expressions of disgust, but no one said anything. 237

After all, the yellow ape did nothing wrong at all… And they are not qualified to despise yellow apes.

“The Burning Legion… That is, my First Legion has a rule, that is, when the commander does not speak, subordinates should not express their opinions without authorization, for the sake of you who are not a member of the First Legion, bypass you once, reoffend, die. Archimonde sat in a large chair and said without opening his eyes.

The yellow ape was stunned and closed his mouth.

The red dog glanced at him and snorted coldly.

The green pheasant had an expression that had nothing to do with me, and he was wandering around the world.

To say that he did not react at all to seeing his fellow Navy soldiers heading for death would be a lie.

But when he thought that the Dusk Brigade could transform the world for the better, he was not unable to accept this kind of pain.

Warring States broke out in a cold sweat, he said that he would never want to see his former subordinates go to death, and now all he can count on is the commander of the third army not to be too ruthless, leaving a little strength for the navy…

Under everyone’s gaze, Archimonde stood up.

“It’s almost time, Ulquiora, I’m leaving, the rest of the matter, leave it to that guy, really, it’s a boring world, don’t call me next time…”

Saying that, he flicked his finger, a dark door emerged, and in the huge black stone door, there was orange void energy, and he slowly walked into it and disappeared.

Ulquiorra held her arms and quietly watched the scene.

Under the clouds, his miserable white skin was like a devil from hell, and the pirates around him did not feel cold for a while.

The wind blew his white robe hunting.

A few seconds later, Ulquiorra spoke softly.

“Here it is.”

Hearing these two words, the pirates were all one spirit.

At the same time, the naval side is in a tense busyness.

“Hurry up! Get ready to land! ”

“Hands and feet faster! Don’t you know that enemies can summon hellfire! If we are stopped at sea, we will all die! ”

“Everyone check their weapons! Remember the tactics you set up earlier! ”

In the distance, a ship that has hidden its shape with its fruit ability is floating quietly at sea.

At the bow of the boat, a man wearing a forgiveness-colored cloak with a large tattoo on his face was watching the scene with a telescope.

Behind him, a terrifying-looking man with a big head spoke: “Dragon, are we really just watching from the sidelines and doing nothing?” ”

The man known as the dragon grinned: “Of course, this is a rare opportunity to see up close whether the strength of the Dusk Brigade is really so invincible, and at the same time, you can also see if they are the ones chosen by fate. ”

“Hmph, a bunch of ajdi maniacs, I don’t believe they can lead the world.” The big-faced man said with disdain.

The dragon is silent, he actually has this idea, everything, in this battle, let him take a peek at the leopard…

On the naval warship, soldiers with guns and stuffy heads ran on the deck, preparing for landing.

Some soldiers couldn’t help but whisper: “Did the Marshal of the Warring States really betray us and join the Dusk Brigade?” ”

“Then there can still be a fake, above the vice admiral of the navy headquarters, everyone’s posts have been removed, that is, to prevent them from leading troops to follow the marshal of the Warring States …”

“Even the Marshal of the Warring States has left the world government, does it really make sense for us to fight this battle?”

“Idiot, what are you talking about, be careful of being shot!”

Similar conversations, in more than one or two places in the army, similar whispers can be heard everywhere.

They greeted this war with trepidation, which I am afraid could not be won.


In the sky, thunder sounded, making everyone’s hearts tighten.

Then, a voice suddenly sounded in everyone’s mind.

“You guys are fighting a battle against justice.”

Hearing this voice, everyone was taken aback.

“What man?!”

“Did you hear someone talking in your ear?!”


At the same time, many people suddenly exclaimed.

“Look at Yanmo Island!!”

The soldiers turned their heads to look, and then their pupils shrank.

On Yanmo Island, a pillar of light pierced through the dark clouds and fell from the sky.

Seems…… Miracles.

And in the pillar of light, a silver figure was quietly suspended.

In the gaze of everyone, the voice that rang in his mind reappeared.

“I am the commander of the Third Army of the Dusk Brigade… Angel of Justice, Tyrell! Those who turn their backs on justice will be punished from the highest heavens! ”

He is dressed in silver armor with a hood, and six tentacle-like silver wings float quietly on his back.

The long sword in your hand points straight to the sky!

“I, that is, justice!!”


With these words, endless holy light, turbulent!

Above the sky, the thick dark clouds could not survive for even a second, and they were completely annihilated by the holy light in an instant!

Above the sky, a piece of light!!

[The new transformation “Tyrell” has been completed! ] 】

[Tyrell, from the game “Diablo” series! ] Archangel, representing justice! Together with Imprius, the Angel of Courage, Massair, the Angel of Wisdom, Iserril the Archangel of Destiny and Oriel, the Archangel of Hope, they formed the Council of Antrice, a high-level heaven, and cast a key negative vote on whether Heaven destroyed the world, helping the survival of the human world! 】_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive


Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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