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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 129

The swarm, the race that has created tragedies on countless planets, is like a natural disaster at this time, sweeping and rushing.

The World Government attacked with the whole army this time, with more than 500,000 elite troops and more than 600 warships, densely lined up at sea in a large group that could not be seen.

But for the swarm, the number or something, that’s a joke.

If you want to compare the number of insects, any race is a little tender!

Except for the strong people of this level, who can compete with the Zerg in breeding?

The wave of the swarm and the wave of the naval fleet collided together, falling into a brief stalemate, and then the swarm poured into the gap of the fleet, and many people only heard a crackling sound, saw a black shadow rushing up, and then did not know anything.

Under Tyrell’s world live broadcast, people all over the world can see this killing feast from a top-down perspective14

For the existence of the Zerg, which can compete with steel giants in the universe, the world government army is so powerless, and all the negative recalcitrant people who have been planted with the seeds of holy light are easily torn apart by the Zerg.

Some admirals who can’t beat jumping insects naturally have powerful troops such as thorny snakes and flying dragons.

The horror of the insect swarm, not from the front, is difficult to imagine, curious about this face, you can recall the Hollywood blockbusters you have seen, the kind of upward camera perspective placed from the front of the formation when the enemy is rushing, maybe you can experience a little…

“Rokushi Iron Block!!” A lieutenant colonel roared, and his muscles suddenly became as strong as iron.

In the next second, a cloud of green slime snapped and fell on him.

“Huh? What is it? The lieutenant colonel was stunned.

Then, under his gaze, his body corroded rapidly, and the iron-like muscles could not be seen even in a moment!

A stinging snake let out a piercing cry and had two rows of fangs in its large mouth, and it was its corrosive venom that killed the lieutenant colonel.

“Six Style Finger Gun!!” Another navy reached out and poked at the thorn snake, but before the hand could poke the thorn snake, it was sprayed by a flying dragon with a puff of poisonous smoke, and the head was dizzy and lost its accuracy.

High in the sky, the nearly seven-kilometer-long super zerg mothership, the queen’s exclusive leviathan is also constantly throwing troops down, and in just ten minutes, the number of zergs is soaring up geometrically, and the attack power is becoming more and more fierce!

Bypassing those who do not have the seeds of light and purging those with the seeds of light is the order carried out by the swarm.

The Queen of Blades flew into the skies of the battlefield.

“Tyrell’s kindness may have caused you… I thought that the Dusk Brigade was a moderate organization, but unfortunately, the style of the Dusk Brigade was never decided by one person. ”

Saying that, her body emitted a purple light.

The zergs illuminated by the light all seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, their speed and strength were greatly improved, and the speed of sweeping became faster!

On the command ship, a world government official was sweating.

“Retreat! Hurry up! Let the men of the army go up and we retreat! He shouted.

Before leaving, he also sputtered criticism of the Navy’s retreat, but now he said it himself without any pressure.

A navy standing next to him frowned.

“That’s not what you said at first, my lord.” He said.

The official was furious: “You question me, the order of the officials of the special department directly under the five old stars?” My orders are well thought out and very different from the escape of your navy! I call this strategic shift! ”

The Navy gritted its teeth, but could only choose to carry out the order.

At this moment, a voice sounded above.

“Go? Where to go? ”

The officer and the navy looked up in surprise.


Under the gaze of the two, the cabin ceiling overhead emitted a shrill sound.

Then, the entire ceiling was directly pulled up by an invisible force and thrown aside.

Unsurprisingly, floating above the heads of the two is the Queen of Blades!

From this angle, it seems that you can see… Well, nothing can be seen, after all, the Queen of Blades is covered with a lot of chitin shells.

The Queen of Blades squinted at the official, then gave a weird smile.

517 “Found … The commander in charge of this attack is quite troublesome to find you, and he has to extract memories from the brains of so many soldiers…”

Saying that, she beckoned to the official.

The latter screamed, and his body floated up uncontrollably, flying towards the Blade Queen!

The navy shouted and wanted to stop it, but found that the ship had been covered by the Zerg at some point, and could only fight the Zerg first.

After floating the official, the Blade Queen squinted and smiled, looking at the world live broadcast.

“Hmm… Those world government bigwigs who are still ready to resist, let me put on a show for you. ”

“I’m not interested in playing time-wasting persuasion tricks, so I’ll just show you something fun.”

Saying that, she controlled the official to levitate in front of her, which was too simple for her with level 12 spiritual energy.

“Look, don’t turn your head.”

Under the eyes of the world, she smiled, and a bone wing on her back gently pierced into the official’s head. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive


Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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