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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 152

Kakashi was taken aback.

The moment he saw Sasuke’s shot, he only had one thought – is this really Sasuke?!


Kakashi pulled out the kunai and blocked Sasuke’s blow.

It was just a simple confrontation, but it surprised him even more.

Until yesterday, Sasuke’s strength could only be regarded as the elite of the students, and he had no superficial skills, experience and skills at all.

Now Sasuke, but it seems like a different person!

The attack angle is weird and tricky, which is completely a method that only old ninjas who have been fighting for many years will use.

The footwork of the sprint is simple and effective, and it is completely used to fight people, without any fancy,

Swinging the kunai technique is old and ruthless, just able to exert his own strength to the maximum, if it is not him Kakashi standing here, but a special Shinobi, he may have hung the lottery by now!

“It’s not over yet!” Sasuke’s Sangotama Sharingan rolled his eyes, and instantly saw through Kakashi’s way of shooting, he flicked his left fist, and several shurikens flew straight to Kakashi’s eyes at super close range!

“Drink!” Kakashi threw his head back and dodged the shurikens.

Sasuke did not hesitate, and with the bitterness of being with Kakashi, the whole person turned over in mid-air, and the heel of his back streaked a large circle, from top to bottom, smashing into Kakashi’s face!

The moment he was kicked by Sasuke, Kakashi finally dodged the blow with a teleportation technique.

Sasuke landed on the ground, looking surprised,

Not to mention Kakashi, even he didn’t expect that he could obtain so many benefits in one cultivation!

Taking advantage of Kakashi’s changes before he could adapt, Sasuke took a sharp breath without saying a word: “Fire Escape Ho Fireball Technique!” ”

“Tudun Tuliu Wall!”

The two ninjutsu were released one after the other, exploding a scattered flower of flame in the clearing!

“It’s so hot!!” Naruto and Sakura subconsciously raised their arms in front of them to resist the rushing heat!

“Even the use of ninjutsu has reached this point?!” Kakashi’s eyes widened, the Hao fireball just now, it didn’t contain a lot of Chakra, not much different from the Hao Fireball that Sasuke used before, but the power increased several times!

This is obviously a significant increase in Chakra’s control!

He put away his contempt and completely treated Sasuke as an opponent who needed to go all out on his own.


As soon as Kakashi flicked his hand, several kunai flew towards Sasuke, Sasuke subconsciously pulled out his kunai resistance, and as soon as he collided, he found that it was kunai with an explosive charm!

“Gee!” Sasuke jumped high, and as soon as he left the position just now, he was affected by the air wave exploded by the detonation charm.

For Sasuke’s actions, Kakashi had already predicted it, although Sasuke’s strength improved rapidly, and he had received a lot of combat experience taught by Tang Yuan, but these experiences could not be digested in just a short time! It is simply impossible for Sasuke to fully grasp it now!

Kakashi raised his hand high, and with his movements, a large cloud of thunder-attribute chakra gathered in his hand, and then, with his palm as a knife, he slashed down fiercely!

The chakra of the thunder attribute stretched out, forming a long thunder lightsaber and slashing towards Sasuke!

“Sasuke-kun!!!!” Sakura shouted in shock.

Sasuke in mid-air stared at Kakashi, this move, he probably couldn’t avoid it!

But…… This situation will arise and is also within his calculations!

The red chakra eyes suddenly lit up!

“Not good!” Seeing Sasuke staring at him, Kakashi realized something was wrong and reached out to touch his mask.

Unfortunately, the hand is still a little slower.

The power of the Sharingan’s illusion invaded from his own right eye, and immediately brought him into the world of illusion.

“Got it!” Sasuke in mid-air stepped on a tree trunk and rushed towards Kakashi, kicking Kakashi on the shoulder fiercely-

In the next second, Kakashi, who was kicked, snapped and shattered into a field of thunder light, and under Sasuke’s shocked gaze, all the thunder light was channeled into his body!


In Sasuke’s scream, lightning knocked him directly to the ground!

“Ray doppelganger…,” Sasuke gritted his teeth.

“Guessed right, it’s a pity it’s too late.” Kakashi’s figure had already appeared beside him, and the kunai in his hand pointed at his neck.

“It’s not too late.” Sasuke said.

In the next second, under Kakashi’s surprised gaze, Sasuke’s right hand slapped on the ground.

“Thunder and the land go !!!”

“!” Kakashi was about to jump when he moved on his feet, but his speed was still a little slower than lightning, and the powerful electricity passed through his body, paralyzing him as well.

“Did you want to use this method to force me to show up from the beginning?” Kakashi couldn’t help but ask.

Sasuke took a deep breath and slowly climbed up – although the Ray doppelganger has a strong paralyzing effect, it will not be long because the amount of chakra is small.

“Because of Tang Yuan’s predecessor’s illusion…” he said lightly, “In the illusion, he simulated many battles between me and you, and I was pitted by your thunder doppelganger more than once. ”


Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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