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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 165

“Kay! You okay! The visitor shouted from a distance.

He has a beard that looks rough at first glance, but if you look closely, you can see that this man has a thick and thin side.

Well…… How does this description sound terrible.

The battle is forcibly interrupted and Kai retreats from the six-door mode.

As soon as the six doors were lifted, he grinned, the further back the eight doors of Dun Jia, the greater the price of opening, even if a person like him who has experienced hundreds of battles and has a strong physique, there is not a single place in the whole body that does not hurt after opening the six doors.

“I’m okay… We’re talking, Asma, don’t make a fuss. Kai said with a smile.

Hearing this, the visitors were stunned.

He looked at it from a distance, but he didn’t think that this was a competition, how to look at it, Shenwei is the rhythm of taking Kai’s life!

Kamui let out a long breath, and also lifted the state of the Night Hare’s blood, and looked at Asma with a smile.

“It’s another Konoha Shinobu, you Konoha Shinobu really have a lot.”

Listening to his unyielding tone, Asma frowned slightly.

“Your Excellency?” He asked.

Shenwei glanced at him with a smile: “Ask what is this for, want to know if I have a background, is it good to bully?” ”

“…… Your Excellency is thinking too much. Asma said displeased.

Shenwei laughed: “My name is Shenwei!” An ordinary member of the Dusk Brigade, and as a discount, I will also tell you by the way the purpose of my coming to Konoha, I am a spy on Konoha, I want to see how strong Konoha is, and whether it is worth the arrival of our cadres!” ”

Asma was stunned.

He basically couldn’t understand what Shenwei said.

For a moment, he wondered if the smiling young man in front of him had his brain broken…

Kakashi quickly came up and interrupted the two: “Asma, this is a guest, and I have already made an appointment with Sandaime-sama. ”

“Well, oh,” Asma nodded stunnedly.

His head was a little too much to handle the problems in front of him, and since Kakashi thought it was okay, he simply didn’t want to.

Behind him, there were also three imps following.

Brain Men’er, pineapple-headed teenager, Nara Shikamaru.

Chubby little boy, Akimichi Dingji.

A girl with long pale yellow hair, Ino Yamanaka.

Pig deer butterfly trio.

Seeing the seventh class, the three came over to say hello separately.

When passing by Sasuke, Dingji smiled and said, “Sasuke-kun looks a lot stronger!” ”

Hearing this, Shikamaru also focused on Sasuke.

Sensing the faint dangerous fluctuations emanating from the latter, Shikamaru frowned and took two steps back.

“This guy… I haven’t seen it for a few days, is it a little too big a change? Shikamaru thought in surprise.

Hearing Dingji’s words, Sasuke just snorted coldly, without any sense of reason, showing his noble and cold nature.

Kai came up and patted Kamui on the shoulder with some difficulty.

“Kamui-kun! Although the battle was interrupted, I still have to admit that you won this victory! If I continue to use the seven doors, the damage to my body will not only be that… The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and this is indeed true. ”

“Mr. Kai is not too reluctant, let’s have the opportunity to discuss again.” Kamui said with a smile.

“Good! This is youth and blood! Plum! Have you learned? The spirit of Shenwei-kun! ”

“Yes! Teacher Kai! I will definitely study hard! Li Locke on the side shouted loudly!

Hearing the conversation between the two, most of them smiled bitterly, while Asma was shocked.

It turns out that just now it was really a competition, not a sneak attack by Shenwei?

This boy, who looks like he is sixteen or seventeen years old, defeated Kai Liumen head-on?!

What a freak is this!

Even if he used some means, in the entire ninja world, he is still super first-line strength, right?!

Looking at Kamui who was in a completely strange place, but could smile at everything, Asma’s heart felt cold.

And just now… How much of that passage is true and how much of it is false?

Kakashi and them, they didn’t seem to realize at all how dangerous this kid named Kamui was!

Asma suddenly gave birth to a sense of distress.

This kind of consciousness often happens to middle school students, as well as keyboard warriors, feeling that the world is drunk and awake, and it is necessary to stand up and wake up this deformed society, sick beings.

Without saying a word, he turned around and walked directly towards the Hokage office building.

He had to warn the three daimes, that is, his father, that this divine power could not be trusted!

Looking at Asma’s changing face, comparable to the speed of Sichuan opera, and the pace of hurriedly leaving, Kai wondered: “What’s wrong with him?” ”

Kakashi probably guessed, but he didn’t say anything.

Shenwei laughed: “It may be that there is some strange sense of responsibility, the son of the leader, it is understandable.” ”

Kai didn’t go with them, he was a little injured and had to go to the hospital to find a medical ninja to treat him, and Kamui and Kakashi and his party went to the Naruto office building.

As soon as I came in, I was just in time for Asma to come out.

He looked at Kamui with a heavy face, and then strode away.

“Every day I look like a dead father’s face, no wonder I die so humiliated.” Kamui smacked his lips and said.


Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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