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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 168

The moment Shenwei moved, everyone moved.

Whether it was the three generations of Hokage, who advocated peace, Kakashi, who had been playing soy sauce, or the two Konoha advisors who had already had a great opinion of Kamui, they all began to seal at the same time!

“Too slow!” Shenwei smiled, picked up the umbrella in his hand, and pointed the tip of the umbrella at everyone.

Sudden !!!!

A string of tongues of fire emerged, forming a dense web of fire in this small Hokage office!

As a fighting nation, the night rabbit does not carry a decorative umbrella, this umbrella is first-class in terms of sturdiness and practicality, and in the umbrella, there is a machine gun hidden!

Faced with this dark weapon that had never been seen before, both the three generations and Kakashi subconsciously chose to dodge, and the two advisors had not been on the battlefield for many years.

It was this stunned, directly shot several times, screamed and knelt on the ground, if it were not for the ninja physical bonus, these shots could directly kill them!

“Gee, people are useless, the vitality is quite strong, let’s make up for you.” Kamui said with a smile and walked over.

“Fire Escape Phoenix Immortal Fire Art!”


Three generations of Hokage and Kakashi, the two of them attacked from two directions, ready to stop Kamui!

Kamui smiled and stretched out a hand: “Do you want to fight in a group?” It’s okay on my side… Come, hurt each other! ”

With his movements, a summoning array unfolded, and a figure suddenly appeared in the room.

“Your time… Ran out. ”

With this low chanting that seemed to come from the endless abyss, everyone in the room couldn’t help but feel the cold from the bottom of their hearts!

Everyone subconsciously looked at this guy who suddenly appeared.

Dark blue body, distorted face, carrying a mace full of barbs in his hand, but the most terrifying thing is that face… Under the dark little eyes, three long strips of flesh hang down, and the middle one looks like some kind of organ.

[Void Kamen transformation completed! ] 】

[Void Kamen, from the game Dota world, he was once thrown into the gap in time, and when he returned, he had mastered the ability to manipulate time. He is able to lock in enemy time, and he can also dodge attacks by briefly rewinding. He can even tear the space-time structure around him, and the —- in it can’t move regardless of the enemy or —-, and it is rumored that he can instantly attack any enemy around him, but no one really sees him approaching! 】

The moment the transformation was successful, Tang Yuan filled the prestige of subduing the scorpion and flying segment before in one breath.

A transformation, the more prestige it eats, the greater its potential, and the Void Kamen is exactly such a transformation with unlimited potential!

[Void Kamen transformation strength increased! ] Open the big move “Time Enchantment”! 】

[Time Enchantment, the Void Kamen tears the enchantment created by time and space, making any unit or even building in it static. He himself can move freely with his mysterious connection to this enchantment! Current level 4! 】

The prompt was not finished, and the Void Kamen waved the mace in his hand, and an invisible hood brush expanded!

In the next second, everything in the enchantment was still.

The third Hokage and Kiki Kakashi maintained a move posture, frozen in midair.

Kamui smiled and stood aside.

The two Konoha advisors sat on the ground, maintaining an expression of anger.

Even the dust that fell from the holes in the wall was motionless.

In the enchantment, time stops completely!

And the Void Kamen walked in front of Mito Menyan without hindrance at all, and raised the mace in his hand high.

Then, fall hard.


Mito Menyan’s head was directly shattered into pieces of flesh and bone! The brain plasma splashed out, but stopped in mid-air – leaving the contact of the Void Kamen, they were deprived of time again.

Then, Void Kamen walked towards Koharu.

“Although a reasonable system needs some people who sing blackface, it is not interesting to sing too much blackface, especially a stupid blackface like you.”

Saying that, the Void Kamen went down with a hammer and killed Xiaochun, whose efficiency was comparable to that of a Foxconn quality inspector.

Ninjas, this kind of thing, without the protection of Chakra, lost their agile body technique, are not much more difficult to fight than ordinary people.

Kill two people, the effect of the time enchantment is almost the same, and the Void Kamen removes the time enchantment.

Everyone in the room regained consciousness.


The third generation was just about to launch his own technique, and suddenly felt something more on his face.

He looked in the direction where the blob had come from.

I saw Mito Menyan’s smashed head, and Koharu’s smashed neck that had already turned to sleep.

The pupils of the three generations of Hokage constricted.

“How could it be !!!?”

He looked at the guy who had just appeared in the room in shock.

The mace in his hand was still stained with blood.

Who the perpetrator was, there is no doubt.

And the latter is struggling there at this time.

“I feel that this ability and DIO are repeated… It’s a little embarrassing, I didn’t think much before the transformation, and I changed casually. ”

But after thinking about it, he didn’t care again: “At least this time you don’t have to worry about being killed by the sun, it’s still acceptable.” ”

Saying that, he looked at Kamui and then at the three generations of Hokage and Kakashi.

“I heard that you plan to refuse the kindness of the brigade? That’s not a smart move. ”

“Those two over there, just knock on the mountain and shake the tiger, I hope you don’t make stupid mistakes again.” The Void Masquerade said.

The three generations of Hokage crunched their teeth and released their ninjutsu without hesitation: “Fire Escape Hao Yan Technique!” ”

“Stupid.” Seeing this scene, Shenwei shook his head.

Hao Yan fell on the Void Kamen, and saw that the blue light on the Void Kamen flashed, and Hao Yan completely disappeared, leaving no trace at all!

“What?!” Miyo and Kakashi showed incredible expressions at the same time!

Void Kamen smiled: “I’m from the time rift… All the damage you have done to me, I can make the damage invisible by reworking my time! ”

As soon as these words came out, Kakashi and the three generations broke out in a cold sweat.

Can such an excessive ability be done?!

And the three generations were even more shocked at this time.

Seeing the scene of Kamui summoning the Void Kamen, he finally knew what Kakashi’s letter said that “members of the Dusk Brigade can summon each other” concept…

It’s cheating!!


Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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