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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 181

Chapter 181 Tuan Zang appears

But in fact, the huge energy contained in the other party’s body completely exceeds his budget, interesting, and terrifying!

“Hehe, it seems that the power of this world is still a little interesting, powerful flesh, and then cooperate with some kind of secret method to suddenly make the body heavier?” Tang Yuan said this, everyone looked at Archimonde, they didn’t know what the origin of this tall guy was, and Tang Yuan exhaled, “Actually, I don’t want to completely subdue you today, because we killed too many people in the last world, although a new government was established, but the whole world was fragmented, so the group leader was very unhappy…” Tang Yuan made a gesture and then the entire space began to tremble, and then a giant “six seven seven” A large figure appeared in the conference room, it was a huge doomsday messenger.

Then Tang Yuanyou directly turned around and left, “If you can defeat this guy, then I will let you go, acknowledge the existence of the Taki Ninja Village, and then we will see you when the middle ninja exam, but maybe I will not come to see you at that time, after all, as the commander of the first legion, I am still very busy and busy!” ”

Saying that, Tang Yuan left directly, and then he used the perspective of the doomsday messenger to see with his own eyes how the other party was tyrannical by the doomsday messenger, Shenwei’s strength is indeed strong, but don’t forget, the strength of the other party is just a scientific and technological world, no matter how strong Shenwei is, it is also a physical alien with a strong body.

And a guy of Archimonde’s level, but with a wave of his hand, he can bulldoze the existence of a country, which is not a meaning at all, and the doomsday messenger who appeared at this time swept towards the other party as soon as the flame knife in his hand appeared, at first Lei Yingai still wanted to resist hard, but when that reached close to himself, his face couldn’t help but change greatly, quickly dodged away, and when he looked again, the air with the big knife slashed, there were cracks in the Dao, as if the other party directly cut the space.

Just now, it was Onoki who applied the “Super Light and Heavy Rock Technique” to him, which allowed Lei Yingai to dodge the opponent’s blow, and then Ape Fei directly sealed the seal and shouted, “Tudun, Tuliu Great River!” ”

The ground turned into a mud flow in an instant and rushed directly towards the other party, and for a moment the other party fell into the mud, and with this time, Onoki also began to make a seal, “Tudun Huangquan Swamp!” ”

The body of the doomsday messenger sank down a point in an instant, at this time he was stuck in the mud below his calves, and at this time Lei Ying Ai jumped high and rushed towards the other party, at this time, he was still applied the super light heavy rock technique, so the speed was simply terrifying, and at the moment he was about to get the other party, the earth shadow Onoki directly applied the super heavy heavy rock technique to him, and in an instant his acceleration was several times faster and directly rushed over, and the nearly six-meter-tall monster in front of him gave him a feeling that was too unpleasant.

Before, although he said that his strength was also very strong, but after all, he was a human being, and everything could be calculated with common sense, but how is this guy in front of him a monster, he really felt a shuddering feeling! The doomsday messenger suddenly looked at Lei Ying Ai, muttering something in his mouth, and then a yellow light directly enveloped the other party’s body, and in an instant the thunder armor on Ai’s body disappeared, and at the same time he felt his power disappear quickly, “This… How…… How…”

Then the doomsday messenger easily threw a punch and directly thundered Ai, although the effect of cripple in the game is only slowed down, but now used in this world is a trick that can directly make the other party quickly lose power, but after the doomsday messenger used this move, it found that a large amount of pink mist appeared around it.

This is the mist that erupts from Terumi’s mouth, and it is also her blood succession limit boiling mist technique, a powerful ninjutsu that fuses the two chakras of fire and water, she first fuses the two chakras and then spews out from her mouth, which contains extreme acidity and high temperature, which can quickly evaporate the other party’s flesh.

This is a trick that even a shadow-level existence does not dare to hard connect, and if the flesh is flesh, it only takes a moment to be turned into a bone… 0

After Zhao Mei did this, the mouth of the doomsday messenger made a tragic cry, this guy is indeed powerful, but after all, it is a summoner, no matter how strong it is, there is no brain, at this time its eyes were first blinded by the acid mist, but soon it went crazy and began to wreak havoc around, and everyone quickly dodged, but they seemed to underestimate the vitality of the guy in front of them, and as they dodged, soon the doomsday messenger rushed out from the scope of the acid mist, Then its strong vitality showed its advantages, and soon the wounds on its body quickly recovered, and at this time everyone couldn’t help but be shocked, in addition to the strong recovery power of the other party, the Huangquan swamp arranged by itself looked like nothing to the other party!

And in an instant, the eyes of the doomsday messenger also recovered, and the moment it saw the five shadows, it frantically rushed towards everyone, and at this time, its wings behind it were spreading, looking at its appearance, it was actually able to fly off the ground!

But at this time, Kakashi moved the Rachel in his hand and threw himself directly towards the other party, only listening to the sound of the brush, one of the wings of the doomsday messenger was actually pierced by Kakashi’s hard hole, and now it is difficult for everyone to deal with the monster in front of them, if the other party is really 1.9 can fly, then it is too late for everyone to run!

Kakashi is indeed full of majesty at this time, but he is not without any price, at this time, the doomsday messenger directly grabbed Kakashi with one hand, and then the doomsday messenger’s face showed a maniacal laugh, and he clenched his hand sharply, and then a tragic trumpet sounded directly, everyone’s faces changed greatly, of course, everyone knows what kind of character Kakashi is!

This guy is the elite of the upper ninja, if he is about to scream, then how painful it is at this time.

But soon the doomsday messenger’s mouth let out a scream, only to see that its right forearm holding Kakashi was directly cut off, and Sarutobi’s eyes widened, as if he couldn’t believe it, “Danzo! “_

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Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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