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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 182

“Although this guy is your person, it seems that you can’t care about these things now.” Tuan Zang slowly walked towards this side with a look of indifference, and the devil knew when the other party appeared!

But they all know that Danzo did it on purpose, yes, when Kakashi was held just now, Danzo was already able to strike, but he didn’t, the purpose is simple, he wants to wait until Kakashi is really abolished before he strikes, so that he can ensure his image and make Sarutobi lose a boost! Now that the two elders under him are dead, what does Ape Fei have to lose to be able to balance the strength of the two people again.

“Tuan Zang, why are you here!” The ape flew a few jumps and pounced and hugged Kakashi back, but looking at the doomsday messenger in front of them, they still felt a headache, because it was just an instant that the doomsday messenger grew his forearm again, and it seemed that not only the injury, but even the limb opponent could recover without wavering.

At this time, Kakashi’s injuries were very serious, his internal organs were seriously damaged, and 02 basically did not have a few better bones, although they were just ordinary fractures, but even if they were saved, their strength would drop a lot.

“Of course, you can’t solve the current situation, right?” Tuan Zang’s face showed disdain, as his voice dozens of voices rushed out from his back, everyone was shocked, the strength of these people is the level of the elite of the upper ninja, how could they be in this place?

If Tuan Zang wanted to, then in minutes, he and Ape Fei would be able to forcefully kill one of the remaining four shadows, and then slowly kill the other shadows by entanglement and siege, and his own subordinates actually did not find such a powerful Shangnin around here?

And at this time, the strength of these guys under Tuan Zang also surprised everyone, these upper endurance abilities are not ordinary tricks, they use some pseudo-painting techniques, insect control techniques, shadow control techniques, these tricks are all secret techniques! That’s right, although the secret technique is not necessarily stronger than the Five Elements Escape Technique above the apex, it is extremely strange and difficult, and it always has an unexpected effect in battle.

This is the same as the Blood Succession Limit, boiling does not necessarily have a destructive power that really exceeds the fire, but in some cases it has amazing power, does this regiment in front of him actually have such a force? And it seems that it does not belong to the control of the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash!

“Roar!” At this time, the appearance of the doomsday messenger looked really miserable, although it killed two ninjas, but under such a variety of secret techniques, its situation became ugly, a large number of parasites were frantically devouring the energy in its body, and soon its movements became slower and slower.

After a long time, after killing two more people, its movements finally slowed down, and finally even stopped moving, and at this time there was a large amount of ink and parasites on its body, and it was black.

Wind Shadow is a trace of pity in the eyes of the big snake pill, the guy in front of him will clearly become his own good experimental material, but now it is really unwise to expose his true part here, so he gave up his actions.

Just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Tang Yuan smiled in the distance, “If it’s solved like this, isn’t she bored?” Come, let me give you a thrill. ”

Saying that, he casually snapped his fingers, and with his movements, the doomsday messenger who stopped moving stood up sharply, it looked at the sky, it pointed the knife in his hand to the sky, and then the eyes of the five shadows and Tuan Zang showed an extremely shocked look, “That is… Shooting stars? ”

Countless meteorites fell madly, and Tang Yuan left directly, without any memory, if you die, then it proves that your life is like this, if you can survive, give you the possibility of becoming my slave in the future, I am really merciful, he.

When Tang Yuan returned to Taki Yin Village, he also got the news, and the final result was that the five shadows except for Ape Fei who was seriously injured, all the others were slightly injured, Tuan Zang evacuated in advance, as for the eradication of Tuan Zang’s subordinates except for the two people who escaped, all the others were swallowed by the meteor shower, after getting this news, Tang Yuan couldn’t help but shake his head, the power in this world is still too weak.

But soon, Tang Yuan received a letter of approval from the five major ninja villages, acknowledging the official status of Taki Yin Village, as well as about the Dusk Brigade, Tang Yuan couldn’t help laughing, these guys, really have to be slapped to be honest, thinking of this, Tang Yuan turned his head to look at Deidara, and the others next to him, Tang Yuan knocked lightly on the table and said, “Is that guy still not convinced?” ”

Deidara shrugged his shoulders and said, “No way, that guy…”

That guy, referring to Kaede, has already said before, this Taki Shinobi village has a tailed beast, and Kaede is the current human pillar force, the power of the seven tails is not strong, although the number of tails determines Chakra’s 233 or so, but just like bison and jackals, the size of the body does not mean whether the teeth are sharp.

The seven tails are an auxiliary harassment type of combat power, not strong, but for ninjas, no matter how weak the tailed beast is also a terrible weapon, Tang Yuan knocked on the table and said, “Bring her up, I’ll ask her personally.” ”

Not long after, a beautiful woman with wheat-colored skin was directly dragged over, at this time her appearance looked a little thin, but her spirit was not very bad, it seemed that no one tortured her, of course, this was Tang Yuan’s request, Tang Yuan looked at the woman in front of him and asked, “How can you be my person.” ”

“Hehe, do you want to use me to make you the rightful master here? Stop dreaming! I know why you’re eyeing here! Those who have tailed beasts have the bargaining chips to negotiate with the whole world, you careerists don’t think that I will obey you! Kaede said loudly.

And Li Yi laughed, “Do you think I really can’t force you to comply?” ”

Kaede fell silent all of a sudden, “I… The ninjas in this village see me as an alternative, and the civilians are afraid of me, so it’s useless to use them to threaten me. “._

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Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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