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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 187

“The Great Snake Pill took part of the body of the Emissary of Doom from there and studied it, I have seen the results of the study, how do you feel.” Tang Yuan asked against the wall.

“It’s remarkable, that kind of creature simply shouldn’t exist, and even said that if Lord Orochimaru can copy it, such a guy will surpass all psychic beasts.” Pocket said without hesitation, he and the Great Snake Pill were very obsessed with power, so he made such an answer without any hesitation.

And Tang Yuan also nodded, “The Doomsday Emissary is indeed an extremely powerful creature for you, but I can tell you that the Doomsday Emissary is a quantity of things.” ”

“What do you say!” Pocket couldn’t help but widen his eyes, as if he couldn’t believe it, “How is it possible!” That kind of creature is actually a quantity product, that… You guys…”

“Dusk Hotel just thinks that bulldozing this world is just a show of hands, but we directly used three legion leaders in the conquest of the last world, which caused that world to basically be completely destroyed, so we don’t plan to use such violent means this time.” Tang Yuan laughed, “The blood in this is the blood of the First Legion Commander Archimonde who summoned the Emissary of Doom, I think you have a way to turn it into your own, right?” ”

Pocket opened his mouth wide, “But if you want to cooperate, Lord Orochimaru actually…”

“Are you an idiot? If such a thing reaches the hands of the big snake pill, I don’t know what will happen after that, take it, I will wait and see what kind of things you can do. Suddenly, Tang Yuan seemed to have thought of something, “Look at me, I suddenly thought of something, you need an ally, I can introduce it to you.” ”

Saying that, Tang Yuan took out a crystal ball from his waist and threw it to his pocket, “In three months, if you make something I am not satisfied with, I will kill you directly, waste is meaningless, whether it is for you or for me, the coordinates above are the coordinates of the leader of the Xiao Organization, he was marked by me, go find him.” ”

Saying that, Tang Yuan turned around and walked towards the audience of the competition field, and asked behind him, “What about you?” ~”

“Of course, I went to stop the big snake pill.” Hehehe, if you want to help him, come here, but do you know what the end will look like? Tang Yuan said very casually.

And Pocket could only nod and slowly disappeared – in the darkness.

Soon the game progressed to the third game, and in the second game, Feng easily defeated Ning Ci, which made Ning Ci completely unexpectedly that the little-known man in front of him had such a powerful strength, and Feng had already defeated his opponent before he could even really use the power of the tailed beast.

In fact, the reason for this is very simple, that is, when Tang Yuan directly released the seven-tailed Chongming completely, and then he was subdued by himself, Chongming naturally knew that if he continued to resist the unlucky one, it was definitely himself, so he quickly gave his strength to Kaede without reservation.

Now that Kaede has been transformed by Chongming, even if she does not use the power of the tailed beast, she can easily defeat most of the upper ninja, if she allows herself to be tailed beast. I’m afraid that the ordinary shadow is not her opponent anymore.

And just when the third game was going on, suddenly the watch table came out, just a moment Ape Fei moved, he quickly launched an attack towards the wind shadow, for a while, the sand ninja were stunned, in fact, they got the news that the wind shadow started first, where would they think that the fire shadow started first.

Wind Shadow dodged the other party’s attack in a few steps at this time, and then said with a smile, “Lord Ape Fei, what’s wrong with you?” ”

“Hehe, don’t pretend to be a big snake pill, I already knew.” Ape Fei took off his hat and revealed the Rong uniform underneath, but at this time, it can be seen that there is a lot of gauze under the Rong suit, and it seems that the injuries on his previous body have not disappeared, but they are quite serious.

“Hehe, teacher, are you going to use such a body to fight me? Isn’t that a bit excessive? The big snake pill also took off his clothes, and then the two people fought together, at this time a large number of dark parts also appeared around the arena, they also noticed the things on this side, ready to move at any time, and I Ai Luo patted his own gourd seemed to be ready to move, and at this time Tang Yuan appeared in his back and knocked him unconscious with a blow of the hand knife.

0····· Ask for flowers…

Kankuro and Temari wanted to make a move, but where was Tang Yuan’s opponent, they fell to the ground one after another in an instant, while Tang Yuan said with a smile, “Then I’ll take Shouhe.” ”

Saying that, he directly bit on the neck of my Ai Luo, and then the yellow liquid permeated into his body, a few seconds later, Tang Yuan stood up, but soon he couldn’t help shaking his body, is the damn tailed beast actually so strong? In fact, it is not that Tang Yuan is too weak, but the body of Michael he used at this time is too weak, and there is no way to adapt to such a powerful force as the tailed beast, and at this time, he does not inject the tailed beast into the body like other people’s pillar force, and then seal it, at this time, he directly swallowed the tailed beast into the body.


At this time, he felt that the blood in his body seemed to be boiling, but Tang Yuan immediately closed his eyes, and then his body and mind sank, and soon he felt that his consciousness sank into a darkness, there was nothing in this darkness, no, at least now there was nothing, this was the depth of consciousness.

However, Tang Yuan knew that it was not so simple here, he had just absorbed Shouhe into his body, and the other party would not only confront his own body, but also eat away at his own spirit, constantly invade his own spirit, and when he couldn’t bear it, he would occupy his own body, and then gain freedom.

A smile appeared on Tang Yuan’s face, “What’s wrong?” I’m coming in now to face you head-on, but you can’t shrink out, this is the most brutal tailed beast Shouhe? I heard that you are extremely cruel to your host, and you are the first among all the tailed beasts! It is said that you claim to be as strong as the existence of the Nine Tails, oh oh, it seems that you really call yourself a beggary. “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive


Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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