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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 190

That’s right, just now Tang Yuan did seem to be simply using the sword in his hand to carry out continuous stabbing attacks, but at the same time, he used all the power of the crane guard he absorbed into the opponent’s body with dark force, no matter whether the other party blocked his attack or not, as long as he couldn’t dodge, he would definitely lose.

Tang Yuan gently patted his shoulder and walked towards the place where the big snake pill and the three generations dueled, but at this time Junmaru roared violently, “It’s not over yet!” ”

Tang Yuan sighed, the blood succession limit that Junmaru possessed was actually three different powers, the first two were osteoclasts and bone bud cells, bone bud cells can make the bones in his body change qualitatively and quantitatively, so he can easily use the bones in his body as weapons to fight. The other is to regenerate cells, which allow him to quickly recover from physical damage.

So just in an instant, the other party had already rushed towards him again, and Tang Yuan immediately held the knife, but when Tang Yuan turned around, Junmaru had disappeared, Tang Yuan jumped directly high, and saw that at this time, a large number of bone spurs were quickly pierced upwards, and these huge tree-like things suddenly covered all of Tang Yuan’s footholds.

Tang Yuan, on the other hand, sneered, suddenly pulled out his knife, and in an instant, all the bone spurs within a radius of a hundred meters were all cut off by him, but even so, what appeared in front of Tang Yuan’s eyes was a tragic picture.

Because of the opponent’s attack, at this time, whether it is Konoha’s ninja and spectators, or the attackers of Sand Shinobi, all of them are killed and injured, and only a few guys with good strength can dodge such an attack, Tang Yuan turned back sharply, at this time, Junmaru used his morning dance to appear huge bone spurs have rushed towards Tang Yuan, at this time a huge spiral cone-shaped bone substance appeared above the opponent’s right arm, and it was stabbing towards Tang Yuan.

And Tang Yuan sighed slightly and said, “Even if you know that you will die, you must come.” ”

Saying that he gently swung his sword, the opponent’s eyebrows appeared a little red, the other party does have a strong recovery ability, this recovery ability may only be able to easily take the other party’s life from illness.

But there is another, that is, the blow is fatal, after all, the Hokage is the Hokage, not those worlds that have exceeded the limits of normal people, there may be the kind of existence in this world that can survive if it is cut in half, but obviously, Junmaru does not belong to that type, Tang Yuan walked towards the big snake pill with confidence this time.

At this time, Junmaru had been cut in half by it, and there was no reason to survive again.

Tang Yuan has reached the place where Ape Fei and the big snake pill are fighting, at this time, Ape Fei is being frantically entangled by the first and second generation Hokage, and on the other side, there are five or six people at the feet of the big snake pill, these people are naturally the dark part that has just arrived to send their lives, they don’t want to think about it, can they really intervene in the shadow-level battle with their strength?

As for Duo Yuye, the four of them have already fallen to the ground, these four guys have just been swallowed by the broken formation, and it is estimated that they will not be able to stand up in a short time.

“Hello Orochimaru.” Tang Yuan walked towards the big snake pill step by step, as for Ape Fei’s side, he didn’t want to care, although Ape Fei had injuries on his body, but if he really couldn’t survive the group fight of two Hokage, he could only be considered unlucky.

“Dusk Brigade?” Orochimaru’s face showed an interested expression, “Where are you in it?” ”

Tang Yuan said with a smile, “It’s just an ordinary member.” Saying that he held the sword in his hand, he had rushed towards the big snake pill quickly, he didn’t know what the big snake pill wanted to do, but this was his playing ground, and what he wanted to do was his final say!

And the big snake pill flashed towards the rear gently, at the same time his clothes moved violently, and wings were actually born directly behind him, and the big snake pill flew sharply into the air, “Don’t be so anxious, to be honest, the strength of your Dusk Hotel is still very strong, and being able to find such a good thing has improved my strength a lot!” ”

At this time, the wings behind the big snake pill were the wings of the doomsday messenger, and Tang Yuan frowned and said, “This is not your style, add this indifferent thing to yourself.” ”

“No, there is such a thing.” The corners of Orochimaru’s mouth raised slightly, “Your strength is really too strong, yes, there have been many strong people above this world, such as characters like Senjukuma and Uchiha Madara, but it is the first time that strong people like you who can directly challenge the entire ninja world appear in batches, the key is that you are not a group like Xiao, Xiao is indeed very dangerous, they always do things contrary to the interests of this world, but on the contrary, they are actually cautious, and they don’t even dare to come out in public.” , But you are powerful, and your style is very wild, I like it, and what is even more terrifying is that your group actually …” Orochimaru was silent for a moment, “It’s not a small group. ”

“How did you figure it out?” Tang Yuan couldn’t help but laugh.

“Strength, to be honest, these people who have appeared now have uneven strength, and even a lot of difference in ability, if you tell me, you are a few like-minded characters who come together, I will never believe it.” Speaking of this, the big snake pill laughed slightly, and at this time, Ape Fei was kicked and flew three teeth between the thousand hand pillars, which seemed to make the big snake pill feel in a good mood.

And Tang Yuan continued, “So what do you want to do? ”

Tang Yuan put his hand on the hilt of the knife again at this time, he wanted to hear the answer of the big snake pill, but the big snake pill was silent for a moment and then said, “Of course it helped you.” ”

“What?” Tang Yuan was stunned, he didn’t expect that the big snake pill would actually say this, yes, he has the ability far beyond the world of Hokage, he thought that the big snake pill would want to cooperate with himself and so on, but he was too afraid of the big snake pill, yes, he was afraid, now the big snake pill can cure Junmaru’s body with the body of the doomsday messenger alone, and he can also add wings to himself, what kind of scientific research level is this?

The problem is time, in just a few months, the big snake pill can actually analyze a corpse and start applying, if he really got his own help, Tang Yuan really doubted that he would not be able to control the “ally” of the big snake pill in the future.


Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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