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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 195

“What are you going to do!” At this time, everyone shouted in unison, and Tang Yuan shook his head lightly and said, “Isn’t it obvious what I do?” Of course, let him stop talking! ”

Tang Yuan said this and looked at Tuan Zang, “Master Tuan Zang, can you unlock the illusion?” ”

“What?” Tuan Zang froze for a moment, then asked with a blank look, “What are you talking about?” I don’t understand. ”

“Yes?” Tang Yuan tilted his head and said, “Your eyes should be the eyes that stop the water instantly, right? ”

“What?” At this time, Qing couldn’t help but shout, he was a person who had personally fought with Uchiha Shuishui, and naturally knew how terrifying Uchiha’s pupil power was.

Tang Yuan said slowly at this time, “As Uchiha Water Stop, I know Oh, Uchiha Water Stop’s pupil technique can directly enter the other party’s trouble, so that the other party can personally experience everything you want the other party to feel, but as a manipulated person, there is no resistance ability at all, or as long as the other party does not lift, then you will never find yourself in the illusion.” ”

“Danzo! 17 You guy won’t give Mifune to…”

“Hey! How are you guys? At this time, in the center of the venue, a person rushed out directly from the ground, it was a white figure, it was Bai Jue, at this time he glanced at the people around him, and exclaimed with excitement on his face, “What about Uchiha Sasuke?” Since he is here, where will he appear? ”

“What are you talking about?” Lei Ying’s eyes widened, “You said that guy came here? ”

And Shui Ying Terumi frowned, “Is that the one who killed and didn’t kill Hebai?” ”

“Go find it!” Bai Jue shouted at this time, and at the same time began to laugh maniacally, “Hahahaha! ”

“Bang!” Lei Ying rushed out in an instant, strangled Bai Jue’s throat, only listened to the click, Bai Jue was directly broken by Lei Ying’s cervical vertebrae, and he definitely couldn’t live.

At this time, Tang Yuan also withdrew his sword and said slowly, “It seems to have become interesting.” ”

Mifune’s eyes were confused for a moment, and then he said slowly, “Now is not the time to say this,” he commanded to the people behind him. Conduct a level 1 combat readiness. ”

At this time, Lei Ying walked directly outside, raised his hand and smashed the wall with a punch, “Let’s go!” Go catch Sasuke! ”

Then also followed Lei Ying quickly left, and when Lei Ying and Tang Yuan arrived there, the scene was already a mess, countless samurai had died tragically here, the whole was blood, it can be seen that Sasuke’s strength at this time has improved more and more, but Tang Yuan wants to laugh, this Sasuke will always be the real Sasuke’s.

“Boy! Let you taste the horror of my offering! Lei Ying dropped his clothes, and a strong thunder light erupted from his body, and he began to stride towards Zuo.

And Sasuke at this time is mentally immature after all, after all, compared to Sasuke in the manga, he is three years younger than he was at that time, killing so many people at this time, his mood is extremely excited, and his eyes turned bloody the moment he saw the thunder shadow, and this guy can’t even have the desire to kill.

Tang Yuan sighed, in fact, the reason why many excellent ninjas have to become rebels is this, at the beginning of killing people will feel guilty and afraid, but after killing they begin to feel that killing is pleasure, so, they can’t control their desires, can only keep killing and killing, and ninjas who can only kill, maybe a little useful, but can’t control themselves to kill whose ninja, is a monster.

Sasuke swept the knife and rushed towards Thunder Shadow, and at this time Darui blocked in front of Thunder Shadow, “Water Formation!” With the opponent’s ninjutsu, Sasuke was directly blocked by this move, and his body was shot backwards, and at the same time, the opponent inserted his hands into the water array wall, “Lei Dun Lei Ji!” ”

However, this move did not have any special effect on Sasuke, and Darui said, “It seems that there is no problem with intelligence, the other party’s body has similar attributes, if this is the case, it is normal to have fire attributes, it seems that it is necessary to control the other party all the time.” ”

“Hey, get ready.” Lei Ying tilted his head and said.

This time, Lei Ying brought down his two most powerful men.

Darui is the upper Shinobi of Yunyin Village, and it is quite rare to become an upper Shinobi at this age, and he is also the guardian of Thunder Shadow. At the same time, it may be related to the three generations of Thunder Shadow, so it is the only successor of Black Thunder Dun and has the Blood Succession Limit Lan Duan. This guy is very loyal to the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow, and was once said by the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow as his “second right hand”. When it comes to strength, this guy is probably no less than Kakashi.

As for Nozomi, he is an all-round elite Kami-nin who is good at using illusions, medical ninjutsu and has the ability to sentiently, his positive strength is not considered strong, but Yunyin Village is not like the owner of Konoha, Hinata 1250 clan, among them, a perceptual ninja like Nozomi is already a strategic-level talent.

Xi Qiang was above his comprehensiveness and obedience, and at the moment Lei Ying finished speaking, Xi directly next to him directly sealed his hands and shouted, “Lei Dun Lei Guangzhu!” ”

Lei Dun Lei Light Pillar can turn the spellcaster into light in an instant, and then let the other party immediately fall into illusion, but the other party is Sasuke after all, even if he is a waste, he also has the Sharingan, so he can see through the other party’s illusion in an instant.

However, the illusion was only the first wave, and then the thunder shadow rushed directly in front of Sasuke, and Darui appeared behind Sasuke, and the two people bombarded Sasuke at the same time, “But do you think that if you see through the illusion, there will be nothing to do?” ”

At this time, Shigego appeared behind Sasuke to block Darui’s attack, while Ghost Lamp Mizuki appeared before Sasuke to block Thunder Shadow’s attack.

Although Shigego is fine at this time, the gap in strength on Shuiyue’s side is a little disparity, but in an instant, the decapitation knife in his hand was beaten into two sections and flew out directly, and his hands also turned into a liquid state, it seems that he can’t continue to fight in a short time.

Shigego directly put his hand on the neck position at this time, “Immortal mode…” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive


Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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