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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 201

With Uchiha’s words, a huge meteorite suddenly fell from the sky again, and as this meteorite fell, Onoki and Aira could no longer support the two people being pressed down at the same time, only listening to a loud bang, as if it was a crazy earthquake, most of Konoha’s buildings collapsed under such fluctuations.

The Ninja Alliance outside suffered heavy losses, and Naruto was also included in the shockwave, and by the time he reacted, the scene was already a mess, and Onoki fell not far away, and when he ran over, several medical ninjas were already examining him.

When Naruto passed, one of the Konoha ninjas said, “Although he is not dead, he is seriously injured, and there is no way to continue the fight next.” ”

This is also a matter of no way, after all, Onoki was in the most central position of the trick just now, and it was basically quite difficult to survive.

As for the other Ninja United 26th Army, most of them were protected by my Airo with defensive ninjutsu in the edge position, but looking at his current exhausted appearance, it seems that the ninjutsu just now is already the limit for him.

Uchiha looked at the surviving people below at this time with a sigh on their faces, “If you guys were already dead, maybe it wouldn’t be so much trouble…” suddenly he frowned and looked at Naruto, “Oh? It seems that something interesting has happened?! ”

Saying that, he slapped his hand on the ground, and in an instant Naruto fell directly to the ground, and at this time the voice of the Nine Tails sounded, “Damn, this guy actually channeled me.” ”

“Oh roar?” Uchiha looked at Hataka a little angrily, “Didn’t you guy get the Nine Tails in your hands?” ”

“The Chakra of the Nine Tails has been obtained, but it is not complete, if you use those Chakras to awaken directly, the power of the Ten Tails may not be able to directly achieve the expected effect.” Obito continued.

“Is that so? Then just kill, anyway, so many bugs. Saying that, Uchiha once again pointed his finger to the sky, this time nine huge meteorites appeared directly above the sky, and directly fell towards the ground.

At this moment, the people below completely collapsed, how could so many meteorites be stopped?!

And at this moment, a sky-rushing fire flashed, “Chapter 4 – Cause and Effect Remodeling!” ”

With this sound, the meteorites above the sky were actually all engulfed by a cloud of flames, and after the flames disappeared, Tang Yuan controlled Altair’s body and fell, “It seems that it has arrived.” ”

Uchiha frowned and looked at Tang Yuan in front of him, “What are you?” ”

“Members of the hostel at dusk, Altai.” Yuan waved the saber in his hand and said.

At this time, he glanced at the people on the ground who were killed and injured, and directly lowered his eyes. The Fourteenth Movement… Causal transformation! ”

With her voice, everyone’s injuries actually recovered quickly, their faces showed a surprised expression, and even the injuries on the body of the earth shadow who had been seriously injured to a few points also recovered quickly, and at the same time, Uchiha’s face changed greatly, his body was shattered in an instant, and when he was about to recover, it was shattered again, and after thousands of times, Uchiha’s body finally recovered.

But at this time, the Ninja World Alliance Army basically stood up again, and at this time, if you look closely, some of them are even people who have just died!

Uchiha’s face finally showed a somewhat serious expression, “Oh roar? It seems that I really underestimated the world…”

Saying that, he raised one hand and swung down at the ground in front of him, with his movements, everyone felt a surge under their feet, and then countless ground thorns poured out from under the ground, but this was not a problem for elite ninjas, but in this moment, Uchiha Madara sealed his hands, “The tree realm has come!” ”

“Cut!” Tang Yuan snorted coldly, “It’s really not a long memory,” Senluo Vientiane Ninth Movement… Causal reduction! ”

In an instant, a cyan light appeared above the saber in Tang Yuan’s hand, and then Tang Yuan quickly rushed towards the huge tree, but in an instant these trees disappeared, not chopped, but directly made it disappear, such an ability made everyone present stunned.

For a moment, no one spoke, and Tang Yuan directly suspended in the air and said, “Then what are the next tricks?” Take it all out, although it is very interesting to have an opponent, but if the opponent is too weak, I’m afraid I can’t raise my interest, after all, it was Xiaojiar who asked me to help, you should have some special ability. ”

“Hey, though, I’m grateful that you can help.” At this time, Tsuchikage slowly stood up, “But, you are outsiders after all.” ”

Tsuchikage’s face had a resolute expression, and Uchiha took his gaze back from Altair’s body to look at Onoki, “Oh, boy, what kind of rotten expression are you, haven’t you already learned the gap between us?” ”

Onoki slowly closed his eyes, at this time he and Uchiha were opposite each other, but he felt as if he had returned to that time, when he was still ignorant, when he and Wu went to Konoha to meet the first Hokage.

At that time, in front of the Hokage’s office, he and Wu were blocked by the man in front of him.

The other party directly tore up the contract that had already been signed.

“What? This is different from the previous agreement! At that time, Onoki said to Uchiha, “Pillar-sama, he…” At that time, he tried to distinguish but was pulled by nothing.

But then he didn’t hold back, and actually challenged Uchiha, and the final result was… Fiasco, and even almost died at the hands of the other party.

Onoki slowly shook his head and returned to reality.

At this time, there was a bit of a sigh on his face, “We ninjas, who have dedicated our lives to war since birth, fought non-stop for our country and village, and never cared about the interests of other villages and people, we are a group of marauders.” What we take is taken back, and then we go to snatch it back, and finally we are caught in an endless cycle, hating each other until we want to kill each other. “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive


Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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