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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 202

Uchiha had a disdainful expression on his face, “Is it? This is the so-called reincarnation, have you lived to this age or can’t figure it out? It’s really pitiful, you have also experienced a lot of pain, always have to learn something from it, right? ”

“Hehe ”

“Is it? But what I saw was the fourth Shinobi War. Obito said with Hataka’s body, “Is this the path you chose?” It’s still war, he…”

“This war is different!” Onoki roared, “War is indeed not just, because both sides are righteous, it will be called war, and if one side is evil, it is a crusade!” This time we fought for our own justice, and you were for your own ideals, but this time is the first time that the five great ninja villages have stood together, and we are fighting not for our own interests, but for the interests of the entire ninja world! Perhaps in the past, I thought that this ninja world might be like this, and it would collapse in the infinite cycle of reincarnation. But…” Onoki glanced at Naruto, “Some people made me understand that time does not stop there, although the dead are gone, but the young people of this world are also growing up little by little, and one day, they will fulfill our ideals.” ”

Uchiha waved with one hand, and a sharp blade flew towards Onoki, “There is no need for that, you guys go to the ideal land in the infinite moon reading!” ”

“Hehe, once you used strong strength to make me doubt the path I took, now in order to defeat you, I can only use all my strength, I’m sorry, once the most powerful person in the world, trouble you to sleep forever.!” Saying that, there was a hand deep in front of Onoki, but it was Tang Yuan who directly grabbed the sword, and at this time he said with a smile on his face, “Hey, isn’t it a little too arrogant for Uchiha to kill in front of me?” ”

Tang Yuan glanced at Onoki and said, “I haven’t been in the war, so you guys won’t consider me an ally, right?” ”

Onoki smiled bitterly, they didn’t regard Tang Yuan as an ally, and even in their expectation, Tang Yuan would even insert a kick after the war, but they didn’t expect him to do it at this time.

Tang Yuan, on the other hand, smiled and said, “Go and fight.” ”

“What?” Onoki was directly stunned, “You are…”

Tang Yuan put his hand on Onoki’s shoulder, and in an instant, Onoki felt that his body became extremely energetic, and even his height became taller step by step, “This… This is…”

Onoki’s eyes widened, his surprised body actually returned to the appearance of thirty years old, no, this is not just the appearance, he felt that at this time the activity of his body had reached the appearance of thirty years old, this kind of self… That’s right, my heyday!

“It’s only two hours…” said Tang Yuan lightly, “Go on.” ”

“It’s annoying enough to listen to the old man talk so much.” Lei Yingai walked out slowly, and Zi Lai also stepped out step by step, in the battle just now, they had some injuries, while Terumi was better, and there were no injuries on their bodies.

“Huh, Five Shadows? During the first generation meeting, the pillars didn’t do anything to those four guys, and now it seems that they want to hit the five of you, it doesn’t matter! ”

“Let’s go first!” At this time, Lei Ying roared, and then Terumi followed closely.

In an instant, the powerful dissolving ninjutsu swept directly towards Uchiha Ban, and at this time, Uchiha Ban’s face showed a sneer, and the ground under his feet suddenly rose, sending it into the sky, “Such a technique does not need to be absorbed at all.” ”

And at this time, his eyes flowered, but Lei Ying Ai had appeared in front of him, a punch towards his face, and Madara’s brows couldn’t help but frown, and then his body suddenly disappeared, appearing a hundred meters away, but at the same time, the water shadow Zhaomei’s escape technique had arrived, that is, in an instant, Madara’s body stiffened.

Madara didn’t seem willing to put his body to bear Terumi’s technique at will, and in an instant, Susano’s armor appeared around his body, but at this time Thunder Shadow had also caught up, “Thunder Abuse Level Chiyoma!” ”

With a fierce blow, he actually blasted a gap in Susano’s armor.

At this time, Uchiha’s face showed a bit of fighting intent, “Not bad, not bad, Lei Dun’s instantaneous body technique plus the dissolved blood succession limit, it looks like it’s good.” ”

Terumi moved her neck, “Although I feel that the man who will not melt by my dissolution is very good, but you are still exempt… I dreamed of you dying.” ”

“Is it? Then I’ll play too! Saying that, the Susanoo around Uchiha’s body instantly formed, and in an instant, countless shurikens formed by Susanoo flew towards everyone in the audience.

Onoki glanced at Ai Luo, and the two of them took a step at the same time, their hands sealed, “Tudun Stone Man Golem Galun!” “Sand Shield!” The two people used their strongest defensive tricks at the same time, and the huge defense actually followed the opponent’s attack abruptly.

Tang Yuan glanced at everyone, “At this time (Nonuo is good) I seem to be very obstructive here, I won’t make a move, but you must speak when you can’t hold on.” ”

“Hehe, I’m sure we’ll last long enough!” Onoki instantly appeared next to Thunder Shadow, as Onoki put his hand on Thunder Shadow’s body, in an instant, the speed of Thunder Shadow increased dozens of times, and he rushed towards Madara quickly, and Madara had a disapproving expression on his face, it was not the first time he had seen this trick, he had also faced this trick when facing Onoki and Wu before.

Making the person’s body lighter will indeed increase the speed a lot, but at the same time, the attack power will also be greatly reduced, so the fastest fist is also the lightest fist.

But when the thunder shadow appeared in front of Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Ba couldn’t help frowning, it seemed that something was wrong……_

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Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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