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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 203

What the! Uchiha felt that his body was torn apart in an instant, his armor was directly torn, yes, at this time, Thunder Kage’s fist not only did not become lighter, but became extremely heavy, and even Susano’s armor was directly penetrated by such a punch!

How can it be! Uchiha looked at Thunder Shadow’s expression, and suddenly understood that heavy rock art is not only lighter, but also overweight, if you make it lighter when you shoot, your speed will increase, and when you are about to cause damage, becoming heavier will increase your destructive power… That’s how it looks…

Uchiha’s face suddenly showed a satisfied expression, “That’s right, it’s interesting!” ”

At this time, Lei Ying’s face showed a disdainful expression, “So, ah, the myth of the past is not something that cannot be broken, is it?” At this time, the electric light on Lei Ying’s body slowly turned black, “Hmph, although it is my father’s ability, but I have never obtained it, and it doesn’t seem to be a nightfall now.” ”

“Your body is not suitable for this blood succession limit at all.” Uchiha said softly, “It seems that someone else forcibly transferred it to you. ”

Lei Ying glanced at Tang Yuan, he didn’t know why this happened, it stands to reason that Lan Duan’s power is very large, if used properly, it is not even less than the so-called Mu 233 Duan, but he did not directly inherit his father’s Lan Duan, but Kalui inherited, but it didn’t matter.

He turned to research a powerful ninja technique that suited him in the battle, and although Arashi was more powerful when combined with his own physical skills, it was also more consuming Chakra.

But anyway, the point is that Lan Dun is a blood succession limit that is very strong in their vein, and it is also difficult to awaken, and he was actually directly awakened by this little girl, what is going on.

But think about it, Tuying was also photographed, and he recovered to his thirty-year-old body, even if it was only temporary, and the improvement in combat effectiveness was not a little bit! It may win, although this time with the help of someone else’s ability, “we will not lose here.” Lei Ying said slowly, with a resolute expression on his face.

At this time, Naruto also showed an expression of eagerness, but as soon as he was about to make a move, Tang Yuan blocked in front of him, “Now is not the time for you to do it.” ”

“What?” Naruto’s face showed a puzzled expression.

And Onoki also nodded, “That’s right, we only participated in the war at that time because Xiao was so strong that there was no way to sit idly by and even a single ninja village could not be easily solved, and finally I had to organize a ninja alliance, but then in the battle with you, my state of mind changed, I wanted to fight as a member of the ninja world instead of the earth shadow of the Iwa ninja village!” ”

“Tsuchikage-sama is right.” I Ai Luo’s face smiled, “Once like a plate of scattered sand, the various ninja villages have gradually gathered together, and if this continues, maybe the disorderly ninja world that has been bred with hatred will also change!” ”

“So, how can we admit defeat here, we will definitely win, if we lose here like this, then all our efforts will be in vain!” Jiraiya’s face also showed a tough expression, this wandering man was once again pushed to the forefront of the times, because of the war, no one can let him shirk his responsibility anymore, and now he can only become the Hokage.

“We who used to breed hatred like Madara must now shoulder this responsibility! Leave this place to us! Onoki patted his chest and said, “Now that I’m familiar with this body, I’ll ask you for another Madara to give it to you, this member of the Dusk Brigade should know what the other party is going to do.” ”

At this time, Tang Yuanwei (CHCA) smiled slightly, “Of course, he wants to summon the Ten Tails, but in fact, Madara is just delaying time here.” ”

“I see.” Naruto nodded, it was not enough to solve one on both sides, but it was enough to decide everything, “I will go to the battlefield over there to guard you, and this place will be rid of you.” ”

Saying that, Naruto quickly left here, because at this time a coordinate automatically appeared in his mind, obviously Tang Yuan did this thing.

After Tang Yuan watched Naruto leave, he directly controlled Michael to stop Naruto in the past.

At this time, Tang Yuan said directly to Naruto, “When will you be able to arrive if you go like this?” ”

Naruto was directly stunned, Tang Yuan was right, that place was at least two hours away from here, if he went over like this, I am afraid that he would have to overturn the sky before he arrived here.

Michael shook his head and said, “Come out, Orochimaru.” ”

“What?” Naruto was directly stunned, only to see that at this time, the big snake pill Shiran turned out from behind a tree next to him, at this time he had a common smile on his face, but Naruto was a little disgusted with the other party, but disgust is disgust, in fact, the big snake pill has long been an ally of the Ninja World Alliance.

They were able to survive Xiao’s offensive for so long, largely relying on the weapons provided by the Great Snake Pill.

“Lord Michael, did you make me wait here for so long just to prove the relationship between the two of us?” Orochimaru licked his lips with his tongue and said, “I really didn’t expect you to have grown to this point Naruto-kun. ”

“Lord Michael, you let him out is… Could it be…” Naruto’s eyes widened suddenly, “Could it be that Orochimaru is actually your person!?” Naruto was completely stunned, and suddenly he seemed to understand why Orochimaru suddenly came to the aid of the Ninja Realm Alliance before.

Tang Yuan smiled and said, “Actually, it’s that simple, I didn’t want to watch Xiao kill you directly.” ”

“Do it, Orochimaru.” Tang Yuan waved his hand, and the big snake pill then nodded, and directly escaped a huge scroll from his side, spreading it on the ground, and the big snake pill directly bit his finger, “Psychic Art Snake Dao!” ”

In an instant, a huge snake appeared in front of Naruto, but although this snake was very large, half of its body was still in the scroll.

After the giant snake appeared, it directly pounced quietly there, opened its huge mouth and then remained motionless. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive


Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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