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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 214

Obito didn’t speak, just looked at Tang Yuan in front of him, he knew that Tang Yuan definitely didn’t want to surrender when he said this.

“I was a waste ninja when I was a child, but I learned a lot of things when I followed in the footsteps of my fathers, and the hollowness in my heart can be found by anyone! And companions can help us fill this hole! Tang Yuan waved his hand, “As soon as you encounter something unsatisfactory, just like this connected version of the idea will be erased, the person who gives up this time, there will be no gathering of companions around him, and the hole in the heart will not be filled in any way, like this kind of person who blindly escapes and does nothing, others will not want to do anything for him, as long as he does not give up, then there will definitely be a chance!” This is what I learned in this world! ”

“Fewer high-sounding words! It is precisely because we have given up the first and the idea of our companions in this world that we can achieve true happiness! Obito yelled, with a hideous look on his face, which in fact had sustained him to where he was now.

“Hehe, although those who violate the laws of the ninja world will be called waste, but those who ignore their companions are the worst waste, and now that I see you, I finally know, and people like you who want to erase their companions are even more despicable than those who ignore their companions!”

“The strong are honored…” Madara tilted his head and said, “No matter how much truth is said, only those who win can make the rules…” As Madara said this, the tailed beast jade in the mouth of the Ten Tails had already shot towards Tang Yuan, and at the same time Madara continued, “Although you just mentioned this matter in your world, which makes me feel a little interesting, I won’t give you a chance… After all, if you die, then you don’t really listen to this matter…”

The huge tailed beast jade spun towards Tang Yuan, but Tang Yuan did not move, but still stood there, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared, and at the same time, the tailed beast jade disappeared directly in mid-air.

Tang Yuan said softly, “Did you do it?” Big Snake Pill …….”

“It seems that I haven’t come to the end of the day yet…” It was a golden figure, and behind him was the name of the fourth generation Hokage.

“Old… Dad…” Naruto opened his mouth wide, as if he couldn’t believe it, and the expressions of the others became nervous, in fact, in the competition between the ninja world and Xiao, Xiao did not have an advantage, after all, even if Xiao’s strength is strong, their number is limited, even if the other party can use the powerful individual combat ability to gain an advantage at the beginning, but soon in front of the number of the Ninja World coalition army, the other party will start to suffer losses sooner or later.

And unlike the Ninja World Alliance Army, the Ninja World Alliance Army’s living power far exceeds Xiao, and Xiao is now an enemy of the entire Ninja World, even if he is an arrogant rebel, he will not join Xiao from time to time.

This situation in the future, that is, when the Bai Jue army appeared, Bai Jue has a large number, and the strength is not too bad, at least they can be equal to the strength of the middle ninja, and in addition, they can also change their appearance and sneak into the interior to make a sneak attack, such a trick does make the ninja alliance army painless, but even if it is so, it doesn’t matter.

Until the emergence of a large number of elites reborn from the soil, this balance was completely broken, first the fall of the Mist Hidden Village, and then many small villages were directly and the daimyo of various countries also lost contact, and finally only the daimyo of the Land of Thunder and the Land of Fire survived, as for the high and heavy mistakes of each country, if it were not for the autonomy of the ninja village pockets of various countries, then I am afraid that the entire ninja circle pocket would have been paralyzed now.

At this time, the fourth generation of Hokage actually appeared here, and it also appeared here in the state of rebirth of dirt, which had to make everyone feel some nervousness, yes, it was nervousness, they knew that the fourth generation of Hokage was powerful, and some people even said that the fourth generation of Hokage was actually impossible to defeat, if at that time someone helped the fourth generation of Hokage to deal with the Nine Tails, or the situation of the Nine Tails was not so crisis, then the fourth generation of Hokage would definitely not die, and even the current situation in the ninja world would not be like this, And now this legendary figure actually appeared here …

“Cut… You still came so fast! At this time, a figure fell, this person was the third generation of Hokage Ape Flying Sun, at this time he looked up at everyone, and said with a bit of relief on his face, “I didn’t expect that the ninja world would really unite together…”

And then the Thousand Hands Pillar and the Thousand Hands Pillar also came here, at this time the Ninja World Alliance Army was shocked, it can be said that from one generation of Hokage to four generations of Hokage, in fact, these four people are legendary figures, from the generation of Hokage Senjukuma known as the god of ninjas, to the second generation of Hokage Senjukuma who was called the strongest water escape, to the third generation of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash known as Ninja in the war, and finally even called the fourth generation of Hokage Wave Feng Shuimen by Thunder Shadow.

These four people are completely legendary figures, but now all four of them actually appeared here, which made everyone here stunned.

“Oh? Are you coming? Tang Yuan glanced at them obliquely, “You probably already know what is going on, right?” ”

Tang Yuan’s words were not finished, suddenly a thick arm had appeared out of thin air and grabbed him, Tang Yuan directly dodged, and then a tall figure appeared in front of everyone, some of them were directly stunned when they saw (okay Zhao) this figure, this person is not someone else, it is Archimonde who made a big fuss about the Five Shadows venue before.

Isn’t this guy also from the Dusk Brigade? Why did you suddenly appear at this time to make a move on friendly forces?

“Boruto Uzumaki Legion Leader! What are you doing! Tang Yuan roared with Archimonde, and at the same time attacked towards the body of the Uzumaki Boruto.

Then Tang Yuan dodged the other party’s attack with the Vortex Boruto, “You several legion leaders don’t move one by one, I naturally want to do it!” ”

“Huh… We don’t move naturally for our own reasons! Archimonde’s face showed a sneer, and Boruto Uzumaki’s face also showed a grim look.

“I… Boruto Uzumaki… It’s not someone like you who can sell your hometown for power! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive


Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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