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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 215

“Boy, aren’t you too arrogant! How many days have you only been a Legion Commander? Dare to point fingers?! Archimonde’s face showed anger, and at this time Boruto Uzumaki said the same, “Is it? Even if the regiment leader is the regiment leader for a day, you don’t dare to bark like this, right? Not to mention the regiment leader, even if any of the seven deputy regiment leaders stand in front of you, I am afraid you can only kneel there and tremble! ”

Archimund did not give Uzumaki Boruto time to continue speaking, and he was not ready to refute Uzumaki Boruto, at this time he directly started, his one-handed finger of death burst from the fingertip, and Vortex Boruto also let Tang Yuan control pretend that he did not expect that the other party actually changed the way he did it, and rushed towards Archimund with his backhand, at this time the two people staggered in the air, and then a violent explosion sounded.

The Ninja World Alliance Army was messy in the air, and Tang Yuan looked at them a little proudly, and he had to make the Dusk Brigade look like he was not monolithic inside to be able to give these guys hope…

Soon, Tang Yuan controlled Archimonde to make a look that was already unbearable, his body suddenly skyrocketed several times, and for a moment a ten-meter-tall giant appeared in front of everyone’s eyes, at this time he raised his hands high, and a huge hellfire had formed in his hands, “Since you broke the rules, then let me punish you!” ”

With his roar, the hellfire meteor had already flown out of his hand and flew towards Uzumaki Boruto, and Uzumaki Boruto also raised his hand at this time, and at this time the white aura condensed in his hand, “Reincarnation wave…”

In an instant, both of them used killing moves, and at this moment, a short figure appeared, “Hey, I said, fighting between legion leaders is forbidden.” ”

With the sound of this voice, the attack that was originally flying towards the other party all returned the same way at this moment, and in an instant, both Boru Uzumaki and Archimund flew out. And at this time, they all suffered heavy damage, among which Boruto Uzumaki’s injury was much more serious than Archimonde’s, in terms of its fundamentals, just now Archimonde did not use all his strength, and Boruto was doing it with all his strength, so that Boruto was more seriously injured.

At this time, a short figure appeared in the middle of the two people, this person had short blonde hair, judging by his age, it seemed that he was only fifteen or sixteen years old, but the strength he showed just now had stunned everyone here…

This is a powerful existence that Tang Yuan has exchanged for all the prestige he has accumulated in this world, and just let Boruto make a move just to show the strength of the Dusk Brigade, so as to gain more prestige to summon this guy…

Meliodas, the leader of the Knights of the Seven Deadly Sins, has a very strong strength, and under the pouring of so much prestige, Tang Yuan was surprised that he actually did not summon the true form of Meliodas, but a Meliodas who was only in a human state.

Under everyone’s surprised gaze, Tang Yuan tilted his head and said with a smile on his face, “Don’t look at me like that, Boruto, I can’t let you fight here, right?” ”

Boru Uzumaki’s injuries quickly recovered, and after more than ten seconds, he stood up again, “But this world has become like this, because of the intervention of the brigade, this world has been… There is no more savior! ”

“Of course we know.” Meliodas shrugged his shoulders, “But what…” his voice instantly became cold, “Rules are rules, and the rule set by Commander Tang Yuan is that you can’t participate in the redemption of the mirror world of your own world!” ”

Boruto Uzumaki’s body trembled, while Meliodas looked at Archimonde coldly, “And there is absolutely no battle between the legion commanders!” Archimonde, do you want to die? ”

As his voice fell, Archimonde fell directly to his knees, “Deputy Commander Meliodas, I…”

“Forget it, you two go, I will solve it here, your affairs, I will notify the regiment commander later, let him solve it.” With his words, two rays of light shot down from above the sky, and then Archimonde and Boruto Uzumaki disappeared in front of the Ninja Realm coalition.

Then Tang Yuan looked at the Ninja Realm Alliance, “Although it can’t be said that it is a matter, but in Lower Meliodas, the seventh deputy commander of the Dusk Brigade, please advise more!” ”

Naruto froze for a moment, although he was stunned, “Then those two people just now…”

“Don’t care, this is some small dispute within us, just now that Uzumaki Boruto is actually your son, you should know, right? In fact, there are many worlds like yours, but for various reasons, the results of their development are different, your son’s world finally ushered in peace, but it completely collapsed before a new crisis, and our Dusk Brigade saved that world at that time, and he became the new commander. Tang Yuan shrugged his shoulders and said, “That’s it. ”

Everyone looked at Tang Yuan with a confused look on their faces, as if they couldn’t believe what Tang Yuan said, and Tang Yuan continued, “Although it seems that the difficulty of saving this world is no problem in the Dusk Brigade, but in fact, this time, in fact, the other legion leaders have expressed a wait-and-see attitude, yes, the seventeen legion commanders of the Dusk Brigade are not ready to help you except for the thirteenth legion leader Uzumaki Boruto. ”

“Is it because of me?” Tang Yuan controlled Michael and walked out.

“That’s right, this time the matter is actually a trial for you, and they have agreed that even if you ask the headquarters for help, you will not intervene in this matter.”

“Deputy Commander! This is already a violation of the rules, right?! Michael said with a very ugly face.

And Meliodas said, “Yes, violate the rules, but this is an unspoken rule, they are the Legion Leader and you are just an ordinary member, maybe you have become a small leader, but there is a huge gap between you and the Legion Leader in terms of status and strength, we can’t erase a Legion Leader for you, let alone sixteen, they will be punished, but Boruto also needs it, because he has committed much greater mistakes than others, and he intervenes in a world similar to his own original world, This is likely to affect other worlds, so I’m going to rule on that now. ”


Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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