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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 221

He looked at these tailed beasts in front of him, and his eyes were full of contempt, “Okay, I’ll prepare the shackles for you next.” ”

As he said this, Shouzuru looked at the Nine Tails, and at this time he sensed that something seemed wrong with the other party, “What’s wrong stinky fox?” Aren’t you not afraid of heaven and earth? ”

The Nine Tails sneered, “You don’t understand at all. ”

“No matter how strong the other party is, he is just a mortal, what are you afraid of?” Shouhe didn’t care~ said.

The Nine Tails, on the other hand, took a deep breath and said, “If you treat the other party as a human, you are really very wrong. His blood reminded me of that extremely nasty feeling, the blood that had been summoned to me with psychic, extremely disgusting! -”

“It’s not like you at all, it’s very unpleasant!”

“Giggle…” Madara showed some unpleasant expression on his face, “I said, it seems that you didn’t make any progress when I wasn’t there, will it take another effort to retrieve the left eye?” ”

“That’s right, it seems that the other party is not all waste, and Hei Jue has been dragged down. But it looks like it will take a while here, right? Bai Jue said on the side, at this time, most of his body was directly pierced by Tang Yuan, looking extremely embarrassed, at least there should be no way to participate in the next battle.

“Hmph, don’t compare me to that little imp who took years to get his pet back!” The injuries on Madara quickly recovered, “I have to say, if it comes to this point, if there is no Chakra between the pillars, maybe I will lose, but even if he has his ability, the way of fighting is still a little inelegant, so let you see my real way of fighting!” As long as you can return to the original power of the eye of reincarnation, then you are just idiots who can be solved at will. ”

Saying this, Madara directly slapped his hand on the ground, and with his movements, the huge outer path golem was directly summoned by him, at this time he stood on the top of the outer path golem, suddenly opened his eyes, and with his movement, the tailed beasts were directly shot out.

No one realized what was happening, the tailed beasts in their eyes were all shot out like puppets, and they couldn’t even see the traces of the spell!

Finally appeared, Tang Yuan took a deep breath, if this is said to be a bug-like existence for the vast majority of ninjas, then the skill that Madara uses now is an almost incomprehensible existence, “Wheel Tomb Border Hell.” ”

Wheel Tomb Bian Hell is a skill that is only possible for those with the eye of reincarnation, and he involves another world in which the user can create powerful shadows that can neither be seen nor perceived by people without the six powers.

And physical attacks are completely ineffective, but they can harm people in the real world.

This shadow has almost the same abilities as the caster, and the body itself is harder. Shadows can also use the techniques that the body is good at, if there is only one reincarnation, then only one shadow can be used, but if both eyes are reincarnation eyes, then four shadows can be used.

And shadows do not consume ontology things, whether it is chakra or pupil power or physical strength, as if they are part of the body that should have existed, the time to get out of the body is limited, every once in a while must return to the body, after a cooldown period can be used again. There are only two ways to do this, one is a person with the eye of reincarnation, who can see the existence of shadows, and the six chakras, who can sense shadows and hurt each other with six chakras. Another way is to far exceed the strength of the other party and directly kill the other party!

Madara at this time used the wheel tomb side hell to knock down the tailed beasts, with a wave of one hand, the outer path golem opened its huge mouth, and in an instant, nine chains erupted directly in its mouth, directly shooting at those tailed beasts, for a while, all the tailed beasts were controlled, if it was usual, they could still dodge, but at this point in time, it was exactly when they were knocked down, so in an instant, they were all controlled.

Madara shook his hand violently, and all the tailed beasts pulled uncontrollably towards the outer path golem.

·0 Ask for flowers…

“It’s useless, idiots, even if you resist, it’s useless, this comes from the chains above the rules, not the strength can be solved.” A maniacal smile appeared on Madara’s face.

I have to say that the gap between Madara and Obito is not simply above strength, first of all, Madara is a shocking genius, and he obtained the eye of reincarnation much earlier, far more than the time that Obito mastered, so Madara is skilled in the use of the eye of reincarnation I don’t know how many times.

Obito’s use of the eye of reincarnation is basically just like Nagato, a copy of the power of the six gods.

And at this time, Madara directly used the trick of the wheel tomb and the side hell as soon as he made a move, it can be said that the gap between the two people can be seen at once, and Madara in front of him directly controls all the tailed beasts in an instant, and it is not with soil that can be compared!


At this time, the tailed beasts have been controlled, their struggle is of no use at all, Madara sneered and said directly, “Let’s absorb from the first tail…” Saying that, Shouzuru was forcibly dragged towards the position of the outer path golem, and my Ai Luo’s face also showed a fierce look, he began to use the sand to delay the speed at which Shouzuru was dragged over, but this is just drinking doves to quench thirst, at this time, the more Chakra he consumes, then the more Shouzuru’s power will be consumed.

“I won’t hand over Shouzuru to you!” I Iroh yelled.

And Bai Jue sneered even if his body was already broken, “Sha Ren’s little ghost head, the former pet has returned, does it make you so happy?” Give it up! Even if he leaves you, you who are not human strength will not die because of this, and you will only let you die if you hinder us! Isn’t it good to obediently survive in Madara-sama’s new world?! ”

“Forget it, it’s really not interesting…” Madara snapped his hands together, and in an instant, the nine-tailed beast was pulled towards the outer path golem by his colleagues.

At this time, I love Luo and realize how horribly wrong I was…

Since the other party can directly absorb all the nine tailed beasts, it means that his resistance is just like a child. _

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Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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