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Pirate Transformation Invincible — Chapter 224

“I’m sorry, but I got another part of the Nine-Tailed Chakra from these guys.” Kuro definitely didn’t care, and Madara showed a surprised expression on his face, “Well done, give it to me along with your left eye, in this case, it will be the real ten-tailed human pillar force!” ”

“Does your presence here mean that Michael has failed?” Tang Yuan controlled Meliodas to appear here.

Madara’s face changed a little when he looked at Meliodas, he couldn’t see through how powerful the man in front of him was, although Meliodas’s appearance looked like just a fourteen or fifteen-year-old child, but he understood that the other party’s combat power was not so simple!

“Don’t worry, I didn’t kill him, and he also found out that he was not my opponent at all.” Madara looked at the man in front of him, and then said to Hei Jue, “Do it” he understood that now was not the time to fight with Tang Yuan, he was not sure of victory against Meliodas, unless he got all the tailed beast Chakra and another reincarnation eye, he could have the confidence to defeat Meliodas!

“Hehe, as long as Madara-sama is here, it doesn’t matter if he leaves Obito’s body.” Hei Jue said and wanted to peel off Obito’s body.

Hei Jue’s words were not finished, and the body that had already left half returned to Obito’s body, “I said, did you make a mistake…” Obito’s voice sounded, “You are tied to me, but you can leave if you want, I also have the initiative!” Come on! ”

“Oh? It seems that I still underestimate you, take the soil. Madara looked at the man in front of him and said.

“Madara, what am I to you?” Obito said slowly.

Madara looked at Obito and then at Meliodas, he was very annoyed, Obito was actually disrupting his plans at this time, but Madara took a deep breath, “Don’t ask such boring questions at this time, you are to me, it is… Myself! You are Madara! Remember what I said to you? ‘You were Madara before I was resurrected!’ ‘Deny the world, then take this thought to heart, and use infinite monthly reading to change the world… This is the path I opened, and in order to achieve your goal, you should exist as the savior who saves this world! ”

“That’s right, this world opened by the Six Dao Immortals… is a failure. A voice sounded, Madara and Obito looked over at the same time, and the person who walked over at this time was Michael controlled by Tang Yuan, “Although the time spent in this world is not very long, I probably also understand that the Chakra of the six widely taught is actually ” The power of ‘connection’, which can connect the spiritual energy of people and people, so that people can understand each other’s hearts even without communicating, so as to achieve the desire for stability, and these two are widely preached as ninja sects, and the people who convey it to everyone and guide them are the six immortals. ”

“But it’s not that simple.” Madara looked at it, there was already a killing intent in his heart, if it was at the beginning, he really didn’t kill the rice because he was a little jealous of Meliodas, if the other party went against him three or four times, then he would not show mercy to his subordinates

“Yes, the people of this world do not stop there, people’s hearts will no longer be so connected in the future, but they use chakra to connect their spiritual energy and physical energy, in which case they convert it into force, that is, ninjutsu. The actions of the Six Dao Immortals only encourage conflicts with people, and… Even if heart and heart are connected, understanding is understanding, but identity is identity, connection is one, on the contrary, this will only make people more convinced that it is absolutely impossible to understand each other! In any case, Chakra urged nothing more than strife and unbelievable hope, and the end result was only endless pain, right, Madara. ”

Madara looked at the person in front of him, and then took a deep breath, “What exactly are you trying to say?” You’re not going to come to cheer me up, are you? ”

“With strength you want to fight, without strength you lose everything, Madara I understand your thoughts, you want to surpass the six immortals and create a new world in which all people are equal, because there is no need to fight so they will not fight, because there is no need to compete so there is no need to compete, because there is no need to have hope so there is no need to fight for hope.” Obito do you understand now… You are the spot, the spot is you, and the spot gives everything to you to make you a second spot. Tang Yuan said this, and Madara had already walked towards Obito.

But at the same time, Obito’s body suddenly burst out, and he inserted his hand into Madara’s chest, “.. yes, I understand too, thank you…”

Madara narrowed his eyes and asked, “Obito, what are you doing?” ”

“A long time ago, I also thought that you were the one who really understood me, but then I understood that it is different to let others give everything to others in their own name, so that they can entrust everything to their companions… I’m not Madara, I’m not you, I’m Uchiha Obito…” Obito said slowly.

“Do you want to betray me? With soil? Madara showed disdain on his face.

Obito, on the other hand, said word by word, “I’m just fulfilling my promise, Michael, right?” ”

What the! Everyone set their eyes on Tang Yuan’s body in an instant, and Tang Yuan said, “Oh roar, it seems that you are ready to fulfill the agreement…”

Obito nodded, and suddenly applied force on his hand, Madara’s face changed suddenly, although Obito itself did not fuse with the Ten Tails, but he had been a Ten-Tailed Human Pillar Force for a while before, and he also had the eye of reincarnation, and at this time he actually pulled out a part of the Chakra of the tailed beast from his body.

Madara immediately retreated to the rear, so that he did not let the tailed beast be completely pumped out.

“Wait, this is not in line with your strength!” Madara said in shock.

That’s right, according to his normal estimates, Obito at this time could extract the meager strength of the two tailed beasts at most, but in an instant he felt that the Chakra of each tailed beast was partially sucked away! Why does Obito have such an ability?! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive


Pirate Transformation Invincible

Pirate Transformation Invincible



After obtaining the Tinder of Myriad Realms, Tang Yuan gained the ability to transform into various anime and game characters!

* Lu’s demonization! Red A’s Unlimited Sword System! Illidan’s Demon Transformation! The Queen of Blades’ Zerg Army!

Infinite worlds to be conquered one by one!

As an enemy, you can be strong, you can be dick, you can jump… The premise is that you can survive under Saitama’s fist.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, you can be smart and command countless troops… The premise is that you can find a foothold under the iron hooves of the Burning Legion!

A powerful organization with the word “invincible” on its head, king of all worlds!


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