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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 001

Pinel woke up from the darkness, opened his eyes with difficulty, used all his strength to support himself from the ground, and slumped in the corner!

Just such a simple action to support himself has already begun to make Pinel gasp!

Pinel closed his eyes tightly, searching for the last remaining useful information in his sleepy brain, but unfortunately, he couldn’t think of anything except the name Heath Pinel, the kind of brain that seemed to open his eyes on the first day and go blank, made Pinel feel tormented in his heart!

The dim environment allows Pinel to not see the situation on his body, but just by feeling, Pinel can also know that he is basically running out of oil now, and his blank brain without any distractions makes Pinel understand very calmly and clearly, if nothing else, he may not be able to last for even twelve hours!

The mouth is dry to the cracked lips like a riverbed in the drought for three years, the pain of being kissed by a soldering iron on the chest, the swollen left eye that cannot be opened, the right leg that is unconscious, in Pinel’s right rib, he can still feel the slow and continuous flow of heat marks, even if he has amnesia, Pinel who has not lost his basic sense understands that the heat marks are bleeding!

God knows what environment Pinel is in, but it doesn’t matter, the important thing is that in a few hours it all has nothing to do with Pinel!

“Hey, is the brother next door still alive?” A crisp and childish voice sounded in Pinel’s ears!

If it were normal, Pinel would definitely talk, but now in this scene, Pinel can’t do anything!

Of course, the voice next door did not continue to come, probably thinking that Pinel had died, in fact, Pinel was also quietly waiting for the arrival of liberation, the injuries on his body really hurt, and the pain made people want to die!

In pain and exhaustion, Pinel fainted, yes, passed out, not slept!

I don’t know how long it took, I don’t know how much blood Pinel shed, and even estimated that when others saw Pinel, they probably didn’t know if Pinel was still alive, it was at this time that a voice sounded in Pinel’s mind

‘Detecting that the host’s life function is about to terminate, the system is urgently turned on, the initial capital is deducted from 400 gold coins, and 100 wood, the initial elf is retained, the summoner basic setting is open, the barracks are opened, and the opening conditions of the advanced barracks and epic barracks Please ask separately! Notification complete! ’

If Pinel were awake at this time, it would definitely feel amazing and familiar, but for now, these are all nonsense, after all, Pinel is in a coma and can’t hear it at all!


The next day, harsh sunlight fell on Pinel’s face through the gap in the prison window, and Pinel opened his eyes with difficulty, his face full of confusion!

The scars on the body are still there, but the wounds are all healed, leaving only scars, and there is no feeling of lack of water, although I am a little hungry, but it does not affect physical fitness! All this is simply impossible!

After the injuries on the body healed, some fragments of memory slowly emerged! Not quite, of course, just a few fragments!

But there is already a lot of information that these fragments can provide, first of all, his location is the master of this world, the prison of Draco, and he Pinel is a slave, a slave responsible for letting Draco vent his anger, before Pinel, at least two hundred people have died in this prison where Pinel is! And yesterday was his first day in Pinel! The Tianxiang Dragon’s hooves on the chest were also just printed yesterday, and they should have been new injuries, but they only left an old mark first!

Although Pinel felt that something was wrong, he did not immediately have any thoughts of resistance, this is a deep-rooted idea in the world of ordinary people in this world! It’s just that inexplicably Pinel has a very strange feeling in his heart, well, that is, the world is very awkward!

Pinel stood up and moved his muscles, there was nothing wrong, but yesterday’s nightmare scene Pinel was pretty sure that it really happened!

Pinel, who does not understand what all this is all about, can only attribute everything to God’s mercy! However, he never thought about how he could appear in prison if God really had mercy, and how could there be a criminal and dirty race like Draco in this world!

Just as Pinel was researching himself, the childish trilling voice next door came again!

“Is the brother next door still alive?”

Pinel heard this and looked at his body, although there is no mirror to see his face, but looking at the figure should be a young man about twenty years old, this brother is not wronged!

“I’m still alive, last night it wasn’t good, it’s much better now! What did you get caught for? How long has it been? ”

While talking, Pinel sat down against this corner, although he is now detained, although the injuries on his body are gone, but after all, life goes on, there is hope if he is still alive, and communication is good!

“My name is Hancock, Boya Hancock, I was caught by slave traders and sold here for a week, and before you, every day with different people, I would be put in your cell, and then I would be dragged away the next morning, and you were the first person I saw this week who insisted on surviving a day!”

Pinel doesn’t know why, but listening to Hancock’s voice will feel a little relaxed, maybe because of the same disease, or because the opposite sex attracts, in short, it is a very mysterious thing!

“My name is Heath Pinel, nice to meet you, Hancock!”

In this dark, damp, and dirty prison, a feeling that I don’t know what to call it slowly begins to spread!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: June 3rd to June 5th)


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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