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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 002

After getting to know each other for a while, Pinel talked a lot with Hancock, I don’t know if it was a mistake, Pinel with confused memories seemed to have heard the name Hancock somewhere, but if he thought about it, he couldn’t think of anything!

But time did not give Pinel many opportunities, and before Pinel could continue to want Hancock to learn more about the world, a few people in black suits walked in from outside the prison, not caring about Pinell’s struggle, dragging Pinel away! Although Pinel’s screams of fear were so heartbreaking!

Pinel was not taken far away, but was taken to the interrogation room, and there is no interrogation in this prison, so it should be a punishment room!

This small room has only one function, and that is to let Draco vent his mood!

Pinel also gradually understood the value of his existence as a ‘slave’… Beaten!

A whole day of destruction, unimaginable destruction, Draco, who thinks he is superior, has an amazing talent for torture! What kind of thing knocks on the kneecap will make the kneecap break more perfectly, and what position to cut with a knife will not kill immediately, but it makes people cry painfully! How much water is blanched on the skin will make it easier to take off a layer of skin! Wait, endless tricks so that slaves before Pinel could not even last a day! So much so that the prison where Pinel is located has another name, the twenty-four-hour hotel!

The simple meaning is that no one can stay in that room for twenty-four hours, not anyone!

However, this spell is broken from today!

Pinel’s name spread throughout the prison in one day!

Although the screams resounded in the sky, despite the fear in the eyes and the trembling body were real, the whole day of torture did not leave any scars on Pinel’s body!

Even later, the blue-haired snotty Draco tried to chop off Pinel’s limbs with an axe, leaving only an axe with a broken axe handle!

But in this day’s torture experience, Pinel was unconscious twenty times in pain!

No one else knew Pinel’s name, and no one cared about the name of a mortal slave, but after this day, the jailers began calling Pinel ‘weird slave’!

At night, Draco is finally tired!

That’s right, just tired!

When Draco got tired, he ordered Pinel to remain in prison!

After Pinel returned to prison, his whole spirit was groggy, he didn’t know why he didn’t have anything to do, and he didn’t even eat or drink for a whole day without hunger or thirst!

But he really felt so tired and exhausted!

“Pinel? Are you still alive? ”

Hearing movement in the cell on Pinel’s side, Hancock, who lived next door, asked Pinel after waiting for the jailer to leave!

Despite Pinel’s exhaustion, he still has the strength to speak!

“Of course I’m still alive, how could I die! I will live until the end! Han Cook, you must accompany me! ”

Pinel didn’t know what expression Han Cook, who lived next door to him, was on his face at this time, and he didn’t even have the strength to guess! It took a while before Hancock’s voice came!

“Of course, we can’t leave here, can’t we!”

Pinel doesn’t know when he fell asleep, or when he passed out! But he knows when he woke up! Before dawn, he was taken to yesterday’s punishment room, tied to a shelf, and fixed very firmly!

Pinel waited on the shelf until almost noon, and yesterday the blue-haired Draco walked in leisurely, but today he was not alone, followed by two guys with the same glass cover!

As soon as the blue-haired Draco came in, he began to say to the people behind him

“Los Carl Saint, Galmis Saint, this is what I mean as a slave, now that you see, there should be no problem with our bet, if you can kill him before dark, then I will give you both a billion Bailey each, if you can’t die, you two will give me one billion Bailey each!” This little bit of money should not be thought about! ”

How could one yellow-haired, one purple-haired, and two equally pot-bellied Draco be stimulated!

“Of course it’s no problem, but when it’s time to give money, I hope you don’t hurt your flesh in Belcami Saint!”

After speaking, no one shouted to start, and in Pinel’s terrified eyes, the yellow-haired Los Carl Saint directly copied an axe and slashed it directly at Pinel’s neck! The action is clean and neat, so don’t hesitate!

Of course, this will not lead to anything, the blue-haired Belkami Saint, just standing proudly on the sidelines watching the two Draco who bet with him doing useless work on Pinel, except for his tired and smelly sweat, there was nothing to achieve, not even a drop of blood!

Time passed little by little, Pinel’s screams became hoarse, the sun was about to set, and for Piner, the day of reading seconds like years was about to pass!

But the other two Draco don’t want to lose the gamble just like that, losing money is a small thing, and losing face is a big thing.

“Come on, put this slave in the shackles of Hailou Stone, I suspect that he is a Devil Fruit ability, how can a normal person’s body be so hard!” I don’t believe that he can still be so hard after putting on the shackles of Shanghai Lou Stone! ”

Belcami Saint’s face was a little ugly, but it was still graceful and did not stop it! Since you agreed, you can use any means, then you can’t break your word, or that sentence, face is greater than everything!

It was useless for a minute, and the bodyguard in a suit didn’t know where to take out the Hailou stone neck sleeve and put it on Pinel’s neck!

The two Draco who had been busy all afternoon, panting, holding a knife with a hideous face and not talking nonsense, directly chopping like crazy! It seems that you can’t relieve the gas without chopping Pinel into meat sauce!

While! While! While! While!

After a complete set of ‘beautiful’ combos, the knife broke! Pinel also fainted for the tenth time today! But there are no wounds on the body, and the chest that is constantly rising and falling, all of which show that Pinel is still not dead!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: June 3rd to June 5th)


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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