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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 003

The two Draco who have no other way are not in the ink, even if they lose, they have to lose gracefully, right!

Without waiting for the sun to set, he turned directly to Belcami and said

“Belcami Saint, you won, a billion Bailey tomorrow I will let my butler send it to you, today I am a little tired, so I will leave first, another day looking for you to play this slave!”

Belcami Saint also did not care, his face was full of pride, and he flicked his snot bubbles

“Okay, since you admit defeat, then you don’t have to wait for the sun to set, since Los Carl Saint, Geermis Saint are tired, so slow walking is not sent, today just look, I haven’t moved my hands, my doctor told me, recently I have eaten a lot of meat, let me usually exercise more, so I will also exercise a little longer!”

Listening to the tone of the villain in Belcami Saint, Los Cari Saint, Germis Saint did not want to stay for a minute! Directly snorted coldly and left!

As for Pinel?

Sorry, it’s not time for him to leave work!

A basin of boiling hot water was poured from head to foot, and Pinel, who had originally fainted, immediately let out a refreshing scream! Such a shout made everyone in the prison excited, including the jailer and bodyguard!

At this time, I have some sympathy for Pinel!

Originally, Pinel who was ‘undead’ was still a little envious, after all, the ability to die is what everyone wants, but now, Pinel might as well die directly, the screams can be heard, although it will not hurt, but the feeling of pain is real!

One word to describe it, it hurts!

But God still has eyes, at least when Pinel suffers, there is also a gentle Han Cook who accompanies Pinel every night to heal!

Maybe it’s a common illness, or maybe there is no one else around to accompany them, in short, Pinel and Hancock have become each other’s only choice!

After a long time, Pinel also learned that Hancock also had two younger sisters, locked up in the cell on the other side of the corner, not necessarily when, Draco would summon them to perform the show, of course, the content of the show Pinel did not ask!

He can see from Han Cook, who trembles every time he says this, that this so-called show will definitely not be idle, and it is probably just another layer of hell!

Little by little, Pinel learned the common sense of this world from Hancock, but he still always felt that he had forgotten something!

And Hancock got some spiritual solace from Pinel, and the tragic life can also be said to be a blessing in misfortune to have someone with him!

But in such a place, in such a hellish place, for a long time, no one will be normal! Just like the later Hancock, can such a personality be said to be a normal person?

Not to mention Pinel, who is tortured almost every day!

Fortunately for the first three months, Pinel will still scream normally, there is fear in his eyes, and his body will tremble!

But after three months, Pinel’s screams were gone, because he figured out that even if the screams were loud, even if the tears were miserable, what was the use? The punishment that should come will still come to him, but the fear in his eyes is difficult to hide! The thin body still can’t help but tremble!

Until a year later, Pinel not only will not scream, but his eyes have become lifeless, and his body is like a corpse, and the whole person is basically no different from dead except that he is still alive!

Two years later, Pinel changed again, and slowly, he was no longer like a corpse, but seemed to accept all this and figured out a truth! He can’t die anyway, and if he can die, he would prefer to die immediately, so he began to face it with a smile, as if mocking the Draco who had been destroying him, not only laughing and mocking, but later he also began to curse, provoke, and the most vicious language Pinel dared to say, so that later Pinel was gagged!

The time goes on until the third year!

That fire came suddenly! Caught everyone off guard! The Draco were caught off guard, the navy was caught off guard, the slaves were caught off guard, including Pinel of course!

When the fire started, Pinel was working the night shift, lying comfortably on a table like the operating table, limbs were fixed, the whole body was naked, the upper body was pressed by ice, and the lower body was burned by carbon fire, so that an ice and fire two days to wash Pinel comfortably, of course, the mouth was plugged!

Everyone who understands should know that this is Tiger coming to free the slaves!

But it’s a pity that Mary Joa is big, Tiger is only one person, he can’t save them all, at least he didn’t save Pinel!

Pinel stayed in the punishment room until dawn, the fire was extinguished, and the chaotic sounds outside stopped, Pinel didn’t know how many people died outside, but the smell of gunsmoke mixed with blood had already spread into the cell, choking people’s hearts and lungs!

The action of the navy is still very fast, and the action of the Draco is even faster!

In one night, the noise outside disappeared, and although the smell of blood in the air still did not dissipate, the Draco with the glass cover could not smell it!

The riots outside seemed to have stopped, and Pinel was dragged back to the cell, but this time it did not give Pinel freedom, even in the cell, it was tightly fixed!

None of this seems to have anything to do with Pinel, his world doesn’t seem to have changed!

But is it really irrelevant? Of course it matters!

Because Hancock is gone!

Say that she will be with her forever, she escaped from prison alone! Although Pinel doesn’t know if Hancock managed to get out of hell!

But this gives Pinel another option! Hancock’s disappearance told Pinel!

It turns out that this place, this hell, this place full of sin!

It’s okay to leave!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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