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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 004

Pinel doesn’t know how long it took, maybe three days, maybe a week!

In short, he lay in the cell for a long time! No one paid attention to him, and the usual daily task-like torture was like being late, and he didn’t appear for a long time!

During this time, there was no Hancock and Pinel talking, the whole cell was silent, and even Pinel couldn’t talk to himself! Because his mouth is still gagged!

To put it bluntly, in the past few days without being tortured, Pinel did not close his eyes at all! The whole person’s spirit is in a tense state! As for why, Pinel himself does not know, the world of a madman is simply not something that normal people can understand!

Maybe it’s because he didn’t scold people in the past few days, didn’t mock Draco, which made Pinel a little unaccustomed, or maybe Pinel was punishing himself!

Pinel didn’t know that this situation lasted for the first few days, but a voice sounded from Pinel’s head and made Pinel feel as if he had found a new toy!

“The Legion War system prompts, you have not operated for three years, whether to disconnect!”

Pinel didn’t know what was going on with the voice in his head

“Maybe I’m really crazy, I have actually hallucinated, and what is even more strange is that I actually believe that this hallucination is real!” Whoever is in my head, tell me what you can do for me! If nothing can be done, you get out of here for me! ”

“This system is a clan war system, which is an auxiliary tool to help the host win the war and reach the peak of life! The host has been transformed by the summoner, cannot become stronger, the armor is invincible, it will not be harmed, and can only rely on summons to fight back! ”

“Don’t ink, how to summon summons! Grinding, chirping Lao Zijue, you are like a girl! ”

“Due to different reasons in the world, the summons contained in this system have been adjusted from monster form to human form, and for the sake of ease of operation, some special classes have been reduced to reduce the difficulty of host operation! Summons require wood collected by elves to summon, initially provide a pokemon, each pokemon provides you with a little wood for 12 hours, spend the corresponding wood to summon different levels of troops, the lowest level is non-commissioned officer, the highest level is general! Now the system opens the ordinary barracks, and there are three types of troops, a sergeant with 20 woods, a captain with 100 woods, and a colonel with 240 woods! The opening conditions of the Premium Barracks and the Epic Barracks are insufficient! ”

Pinel was tightly tied on all fours, and after hearing the words in his head, he waited for his bloodshot eyes! Have a dialogue with the system in your mind!

“Hahahaha, so it is, you made me experience so many interesting things, you made my life so interesting, it seems that I really should thank you, do you have a substance?” Can’t always stay in my head! Come out and meet you! I want to thank you in person! ”

“We are one, the system only serves the host, the system has no entity, and there is no self-awareness, but the system can sense the host’s thoughts, of course, the host can turn off the function of the system to automatically get ideas, but the host does not need to deceive the system now, and the idea that you want to unload the system is very naïve, because you can’t do it!”

Pinel roared angrily, and although his mouth was blocked, he roared like crazy! After a while, it may be that Pinel has calmed down, or it may have been pretending! Suddenly, I calmed down like a normal person!

“Turn off automatic idea acquisition, turn it off immediately!”

After speaking, Pinel did not pause and immediately continued

“Something is wrong, according to your words, I only have one so-called elf, two o’clock a day, so it will take ten days to summon a garbage sergeant? Does it take 120 days to summon a Colonel level? You’re useless! Why did you help me win the war? What brought me to the top of my life? I can’t make up two hundred people for decades, there is a fart! Can’t even get out here! Not to mention what advanced epics to turn on! ”

“Host please rest assured, the system is of course not only that, every fifty gold coins can create a new pokemon to serve the host, the upper limit is one hundred pokemon, the source of gold coins is gold ore, it takes one hundred wood to build the first gold mine, two hundred for the second gold mine, three hundred for the third gold mine, and so on, each gold mine can produce two gold coins per day!” After three years, the host now has 2,200 pieces of wood! That’s all the system has at present! ”

Pinel was silent for a moment

“Then now that I know the function of the system, do you still have any role?”

“…… Nothing else! Whether to turn off beginner guidance! ”

“Get out!”

“Okay, nice luck to the host!”

The voice in his head disappeared, and Pinel also returned to which crazy state! But the angry expression is gone, replaced by a smile on the face! Silently thought in my heart,

“Hehe, the world is starting to get interesting, let me test if this damn system is really that amazing!” Summon a sergeant! ”

As Pinel thought, a figure suddenly appeared in the air next to him, so suddenly, there was no light, and no strange door appeared, as if there was such a person next to Pinel, but it had always been in a stealth state before, and now it is just now!

“Sergeant One has seen the Legionnaire!”


“Okay, help you untie right away!”

Staff Sergeant No. 1 didn’t know how to understand Pinel’s whine, anyway, after getting the order, he directly pulled out the standard saber and untied Pinel in a few strokes, but fortunately Pinel’s own strength is not strong, so the jailer just tied Pinel with a rope!

“It’s still more comfortable to be free, thank them, if they hadn’t never given me food and drink, I would have peed my pants for so long!”

After Sergeant One untied Pinel, he knelt directly on the ground

“Legionnaire, are we going to escape now? As long as you give the order, even the subordinates of the Daoshan Fire Sea will break in for you! ”

Pinel glanced at Staff Sergeant One!

“The strength is not good, the tone is not small, what can the two of us do? But I’m curious, will you obey my orders? ”

“Of course, Master Sergeant, your orders will be completed desperately!”

Pinel gave an evil smile

“Well, now I order you to kill yourself!”

After hearing the order, Sergeant No. 1 did not hesitate at all, did not even ask why, raised his hand and wiped his neck! In an instant, blood spurted out, splashing Pinel’s body, and then Sergeant No. 1 fell to the ground and died!

Pinel didn’t have a trace of regret, and it was not his person who wanted to die, but an ant, squatted down and patted Sergeant One’s face


“Hey, is it really dead? Suddenly! It’s not simple, say death is death, obey the order, it’s really irritable, you can, I like it! The world is finally a little more interesting, and I suddenly came up with a great idea, give it a try! Hey, hey, hahahaha! ”

A chilling smile spread throughout the prison from Pinel’s cell! If it weren’t for the fact that the prison was empty, it is estimated that many people would have nightmares at night!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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