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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 005

Pinel sat on the corpse that had just committed suicide, studying the operation in this head

“Well, fifty gold coins a little elf, one hundred wood a gold mine, one gold mine two gold coins, I need to have twenty-five gold mines to add a little elf every day, the plan only needs to keep twenty wood, so first add six gold mines, spend two thousand one wood!” Eighty left, that’s enough! I’m looking forward to it, Belcami Saint, I miss you! ”

At this time, Pinel had six gold mines, a little elf, and eighty wooden deposits! However, this number will soon change, six gold mines are equivalent to four to five days to produce a new pokemon, has entered a virtuous circle, although I don’t know how to unlock the more advanced barracks, but as long as you can get out of this place, then everything is good to say!

But Pinel doesn’t want to just go out like this, the appearance of being driven out like a mouse is ugly, very unstandard, Pinel doesn’t want it! Even if you go out, you have to go to the scenery!

Pinel believes that Belcami Saint will not forget that he is such a good toy, he has not been tired of playing for three years, and there is no reason to ignore him after a storm! As for how long does Pinel have to wait to arrive in Belcami Saint? Pinel doesn’t care at all, he has time!

Three days later, the corpse of the Sergeant One that Pinel had summoned before was already stinking, and Belcami Saint finally appeared with his loyal men!

As soon as Belcami saw Pinel, he immediately cursed

“You lowly slave is all because of you, if I hadn’t indulged in punishing you that day, how could someone have let all the slaves go? It also caused me to dare not go out for several days, today I must let you know who is the master of this world! ”

Pinel grinned, a mocking smile on his face

“Come on, let me be so comfortable and comfortable, I haven’t loosened my bones for days, it’s all about to rust.”

Although Draco people are all mentally retarded, but Draco’s butler is not! At a glance, he saw the corpse of the man under Pinel’s ass!

“Pinel, who is under your ass, how could he die in your cell!”

Pinel looked indifferent

“Sa, who knows, I don’t know him, and as for how he died in my cell, do you think I will tell you honestly? Besides, even if I tell you? Will you believe what I say? How? The master of the dignified world, the lackey of the great Draco, was frightened by a corpse? Just like you, you also deserve to be a lackey? Hans, you are really a waste, I heard that in order to become Belkami’s lackey, you gave your own wife away, and as a result, your wife was not strong, and she was played to death by this fat pig after three days, I guess you must still lick your face and say that this fat pig is really powerful! Nest waste, nest waste, hahahaha! ”

Pinel is full of arrogance, as if he is the winner, as if he is the one who makes the game!

Hans has never received insults from civilians since he became the head of Belkami Saint, and in his subjective consciousness, Hans has positioned himself as the first person under Draco, although usually Pinel always insults him that his former city is also very good, basically not angry! But in the past few days, because of the emancipation of the slaves, Belcami Saint has been beating and scolding him for several days, and Hans has long been holding the fire in his stomach and has nowhere to spread it!

Now that he finally found an opportunity, how could he just let Pinel go!

Gritting his teeth and looking at Pinel

“Damn slave, take advantage of the arrogance now, wait for you to feel better, you must endure it, don’t shout, otherwise you will see my proud face!”

Then Hans turned his head, faced Belcami Saint, and directly plopped down on the ground

“Saint Belcami, your humble butler begs you, let me punish this slave today, you saw it just now, he insulted your butler so brazenly, he didn’t care about your face at all, as your most loyal subordinate, I must get back your face!”

Belcami shook his pig’s head-like head and sucked twice on the snot that was about to fall to his chin

“Exactly! But I have to hear his screams today, or I’ll make you scream! ”

Hans could only obey, under Pinel’s contemptuous expression, Hans commanded the jailer to take Pinel into the punishment room, Hans held a burning red soldering iron in his hand, slowly approached Pinel’s lower body, and his hideous face was like a demon in hell!

However, Pinel had a weird smile on his face, did not turn off the soldering iron that was about to be printed on his body, and whispered to Hans

“Oh, dear Hans, I have a question for you!”

Hans’s whole person froze, this is the first time in nearly a year that Pinel has spoken so meekly and at the same time, he also has some expectations, is this ‘tough guy’ Pinel finally going to admit and beg for mercy? So he also whispered to Pinel

“What’s wrong? Now you know it’s afraid? Want to beg for mercy? Isn’t it a little too late! But if you beg me, I might be able to tap it! ”

Pinel shook his head in surprise

“Hans, why do you think so, it is impossible to beg for mercy, only being pumped and beaten can barely make ends meet, how can you beg for mercy, what I want to say is, if Draco dies, what will be your fate?”

Hans’s face changed again in an instant, since it was not a plea for mercy, there was nothing to say for so long! The fiery red soldering iron poked Pinel’s lower body in an instant, that sour, almost made Pinel faint, but this punishment is not the first time, there will be no other problems except pain! So although Pinel was in pain, his expression did not change at all!

Pinel can already do it after three years of exercise, enjoy this feeling of pain, not to mention, pain can be addictive, otherwise how can there be people with masochistic tendencies!

Hans did not answer Pinel’s question, but the answer Pinel knew in his heart that if Belkami hanged, then Hans would definitely have only the only end of martyrdom! So Pinel shouted loudly to Bercami Saint, who was sitting next to him drinking and quietly watching all this

“Belkami, ask you a question! Have you ever died? ”


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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