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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 006

For Pinel’s words, Belcami Saint did not understand the meaning at all, and actually responded stupidly

“Mean slave, I am a Draco, who dares to do anything to me? Of course I didn’t die! ”

Pinel’s whole person was grinning, and the environment that was being tortured produced a sharp contrast!

“As a Draco, how can you feel it without dying, since you haven’t felt it, then I should make up for the shortcomings in your life, otherwise I, a slave, will not be very derelict in my duty!”

Belkami Saint to the point that there is no feeling, has not felt the horror of death, Draco, is not afraid of death at all, because in Belkami Saint’s head, this kind of thing will never happen, he is the master of the world!

However, Hans was irritated by Pinel’s victorious gesture and roared

“Stop being presumptuous, damn slave, here, you who are bound by the sea lou stone, you can’t do anything, this world Draco is the sky, you can’t overthrow this sky, so my approach is right, my behavior is the most correct way to survive!”

Pinel listened to Hans’s hysterical roar, and his expression instantly became cold

“Hans, poor Hans, it’s not your fault that you have the wrong values, but it’s your fault that you want to spread your wrong ideas to everyone! Poor man, knowing that his choice is wrong, but still deceiving himself, oh, I don’t know why a sentence suddenly appeared in my head, describing you is particularly suitable, you can never wake up a person who pretends to sleep, this person who pretends to sleep is you! ”

After roaring, Hans calmed down a lot, and knew that he had behaved a little rude in front of Draco just now, and immediately calmed down, picked up another red soldering iron, and directly printed it on Pinel’s brain!

“If you have the ability, you will break free of the shackles first, you this, Qing!” Awake! Target! Person! ”

Pinel’s mouth is almost cracked to the root of his ear, and his smile has become a little hideous, and it can’t be called a smile at all! Pinel’s eyes looked at the position of the Belcami saint, accompanied by a sinister smile

“Oh! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! As you wish! Dear Hans! Come out, Sergeant II, target Belkami, purpose kill! ”

Everyone present, including Hans, and Belkami Saint, as well as the two jailers standing on either side of Pinel, and the bodyguard of the Belkami Saint who was guarding the door, no one knew how the man with the sun hat and the knife pinned to him appeared, and suddenly appeared behind the Belkami Saint like that, without making the slightest sound!

Belcami Santo’s bodyguard reacted quickly and disappeared directly at the door, as if by conditioning!

However, Sergeant No. 2 reacted faster, and when he got the order, he would not think about other things at all, and he had already begun to draw his knife the moment he appeared!

Although the strength of the sergeant and the strength of Bercami Saint’s bodyguard are far from it, there is not a very short distance between the two of them after all, so when the bodyguard’s finger is inserted into the heart of the sergeant two! The knife in the second hand of the sergeant had already cut through the neck of Belcami Saint!

Victory and defeat appear in a split second!

The result, of course, is that Sergeant No. 2’s heart is pierced, and the dead can no longer die, but if Belcami Saint’s neck can be connected, then this game is Pinel loses, and it is clear that he can’t catch it!

The neck that lost the skull, blood spurted out from the broken mouth under the guidance of blood pressure, and the blood column sprayed very high, all sprayed to the roof!

Pinel looked at Belcami Saint, who was still seated, and his hearty laughter was deafening!

“Oh, hahahahaha, this fat pig-like head has finally landed, this picture that I have been waiting for for three years has finally appeared, hey, Hans, have you seen it?” Draco’s blood is also red, he is also mortal, your master, the master you gave all your service, died, everything about you, including your life, your dignity, is gone at this moment! It’s all gone! Hahaha! This damn hell, hahahaha! ”

Except for Pinel’s laughter, there was no movement in the entire prison, and the jailer, bodyguard, Hans, all fell into panic! It is obvious that Belcami is dead, they can’t live, not only can’t live, it’s hard for them to even want to die! To put it bluntly, everything that happened to Pinel, they will feel it, and it will continue until death!

“What did you do, you idiot, what did you do, who gave you such a big boldness! Aren’t you really afraid of death! ”

Hans muttered to Pinel with a dull look, but when it came to you really not afraid of death, even he himself was stunned!

Yes, Pinel is really not afraid of death, if he could, Pinel wanted to die three years ago! But Pinel just couldn’t die, so he suffered for three years!

When Hans thought of everything that was about to befall him, he couldn’t help but sit on the ground and said to Pinel with a wry smile

“You damn fellow, you won, you time bomb finally exploded, think about it, I knew you were a hidden danger three years ago, and suggested to Belcami to send you to Imperton, but he didn’t listen, his arrogance finally killed him and me!” You’re right, maybe I’m really wrong! ”

As soon as the words fell, Hans took out a pistol and shot himself in the head without hesitation, his tone was tortured to die, it is better to understand happily, as the steward of Draco, Hans will not have any expectations for the future, he only has a dead end, similarly, the bodyguard is the same, a finger gun, poked into his heart, without hesitation!

As for the jailer, he didn’t have so much courage and ran out to report the message frantically!

Once again, only Pinel was left in the entire cell!

Looking at the corpses in the surrounding place, Pinel’s smile is gone, the revenge has been revenged, what should he do after that, Pinel is also very confused!

“Oh, poor man, you are all dead, who will punish me after that, and whose pleasure should I find from, in other words, did Hancock succeed in escaping from prison!” It is obviously a relief, why should everyone be so serious! ”

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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