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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 007

Pinel didn’t escape, he couldn’t escape, he didn’t have any strength, just the same as ordinary people, how could he escape from this strong Mary Joya!

In the next three days, Pinel accepted the harshest evil deed ever, this time was different from the past, in the past he wanted to torture Pinel, but this time because of the death of Draco, these guys in the Holy Land set out with the purpose of wanting to kill Pinel! However, after all the conceivable methods have been tried, and even after not giving food and drink for three days, Pinel is still full of energy, and the mouth full of dirty words can still greet the eighteenth generation of the ancestors of the Draco, and the Draco has no way!

Pinel is alone, there are no closer people, kill and kill, even if it is torture, you can’t see a trace of pain! What can Draco do? They’re desperate, too!

In desperation, Pinel could only be handed over to the Navy and locked up in Impelton! Otherwise, it has been locked up in the holy place, after all, it is a time bomb, this time it was blown up once, and I don’t know how many people will die if it is bombed next time!

So Pinel was packed and fixed on a cross and parked in the port, waiting for the naval ship to pick it up, at this time the scientific force had not yet been established, otherwise it is estimated that Pinel’s place may not be Impelton!

Pinel turned his back to the sea like that, listening to the roar of the ship entering the port, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore, facing the Holy Land of Mary Joa, and looking at the Draco standing in a circle watching him! White teeth exposed! Take a big breath of air with the sea breeze!

“Inhale, breathe, breathe, exhale, how long has it been, warm sunshine, salty air, the sound of the waves, this is the outside world, the taste of freedom!”

Pinel whispered to himself, but the voice could be heard by all the onlookers!

The purple-haired Gellmis, who had bet with Belcami before, said viciously to Pinel with a big belly

“Arrogant, you will not have freedom in this life, you will spend the rest of your life in an undersea prison, you will never see the sun in this life, you will never feel the sea breeze again, not even a grain of rice, not a sip of water, we have already explained, we will detain you alone, you can’t even see anyone, no one will talk to you, your life after this life is only, darkness, loneliness, despair!” Damn slave, we will surely make you understand what kind of punishment you will be for hurting your creator! ”

Pinel widened his eyes, opened his mouth wide, saliva kept leaving from the corners of his mouth, the whole person was pushing forward, the iron chain that bound him was dragged and creaked, as if Pinel was going to rush over and bite them to death!

“Hey, hey, hey, Creator? O Creators, Creators! Ha… Ha… Ha… You who stand at the top of this world, who have not felt despair and death, who have not experienced pain and hurt, look at me! Look at me! Look at me with your eyes wide open! I, Heath Pinel! Will come back one day! Right in this location, re-stepping into the land! When the time comes, I will bring you despair and make you feel pain! Just like you brought me! Don’t rush to thank me! I swear, I swear like you with my lowly soul, immortal body, and painful memory! I will be your nightmare! ”

At this time, the corners of Pinel’s eyes were almost torn, and if it weren’t for the special physique of the summoner protecting the eye sockets, Pinel’s eyeballs might have fallen out!

Wanton squirting of saliva! Hoarsely, he roared at the group of Draco with glass covers, a proud face, and a disdainful expression that was not concealed at all!

However, Pinel’s oath did not make those Draco have any change in expression, their pride is from the heart, from the bones of arrogance, except for themselves, everyone else is ants in the eyes of Draco! So they don’t think that what Pinel said can be realized! Many people have said similar things before Pinel, but the result is either killed or submitted!

So Pinel is really not taken seriously, after all, Pinel really has no strength! But is that really the case?

It was Iron Fist Karp who received the task of escorting Pinel, because he was the only one who was idle at the naval headquarters now, and the rest were busy to death! Of course, Karp also heard Pinel’s voice, Karp didn’t want Draco to be so calm!

Karp has been well-informed for so many years, he heard the paranoia in Pinel’s voice, and paranoid people will not be ordinary people after all, and paranoid people are terrifying, Karp has seen two paranoid people, one is a golden lion, one is Sakaski, and Pinel is the third!

Karp walked off the boat with a solemn face, came to Pinel, and looked at Pinel quietly!

Pinel also responded without fear!

“I don’t know what kind of character you are, but I know that in the future, if you can sail on the sea, you will definitely be a terrible character!” So I won’t give you this chance, Impelton is your home in the future! ”

Of course, Pinel will not be angry because of Karp’s words, and he can’t control what others say!

“I don’t know who you are, but it looks like a powerful look! But why are you so serious? ”

Karp also didn’t ink, Mary Joa this place he didn’t want to stay for more than a minute

“Come, pull him, set sail and go!”

Karp is such a personality, the Draco who stood in a circle did not hang it, turned his head and took the person and left! Although Draco is very angry, but in the end he is not angry, others may be angry, but against such a naval hero who hunts down One Piece, Draco has to converge even if he has a temper, no way, although individual Draco do not want to take Karp seriously, but the top level of Draco does not want to fight too stiffly with the navy!

No one stopped and no one spoke, and under the gaze of hundreds of pairs of eyes, Pinel was taken away!

Pinel has only finally left, the place where he has lived for three years, this place that is like a nightmare!

Pinel came with fear on his face and left with an arrogant smile on his face!

The world may not have any perception, but a terrifying madman has gone to sea for the first time, albeit as a prisoner!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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