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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 008

It doesn’t take too long to get from Mary Joa to Impelton, one day is enough, from Mary Joa to the headquarters of the Navy, and then through the Gate of Justice, from the headquarters of the Navy to Impelton!

Pinel was laid flat on the deck, his eyes looking at the sky, doing nothing!

“Hey, is there anyone there, come out and talk, where are the people?” Are they all dead? If not, I haven’t done anything wrong, why do this to me! ”

Pinel seems to be crying out as he speaks, and Pinel’s mouth ah, keep nagging, even if you ignore him, otherwise who knows if Pinel will ink all the way, annoying to death!

Or Karp, because no one else on this ship has permission to talk to Pinel privately!

Karp sat on top of Pinel’s head

“Hey, what’s wrong? Want to go to the bathroom? If you want to go to the toilet, then I’m sorry to need you to pull on your pants, we can’t unshackle you, although I don’t know where you’re terrible, but rules are rules! ”

Pinel waited to look at Karp with big eyes

“You old guy is really strange, obviously I hate the guys with the glass cover just now, why don’t you just do it? I think your strength should be enough to take them all! Since you hate it, kill it directly, are you fair to yourself by restraining yourself so much? ”

Pinel said what he took for granted, but to the people around him, it was simply a big contrarian!

That’s right, there are many people around who are listening to the conversation between Karp and Pinel, and although they are not allowed to talk to Pinel, it is always nothing to listen!

A terrible punch smashed into Pinel’s face, and the entire deck trembled three times

“You bastard, who told you that if you hate it, you have to kill each other? No one in this world has the right to easily take the lives of others, those people are indeed scum, but if they are killed, I don’t know how many people will be buried with them, if I do it, maybe people related to me will be implicated! This is the real world, everyone cares about something, so behave carefully! ”

Karp didn’t know why he said these things to Pinel, but he just said it, as if to convince Pinel!

Pinel didn’t think so, although Karp’s fist really landed on Pinel’s face, but when Karp’s fist left Pinel’s face, Pinel didn’t react at all, as if he had just been slapped by cotton!

After rolling his eyes twice, he said to Karp with a sincere face

“My name is Heath Pinel, what do you call this old man?”

“Vice Admiral, Monchi D. Karp! ”

“Lieutenant General Karp, you said that you have a lot of important people, so you dare not act rashly, but I don’t have it! I’m alone, careless, and not afraid of anything, so how about you let me go? You let me go and kill those guys? I only need five years, no, three years! What do you think? ”

The green tendons on Karp’s forehead immediately collapsed

“Boy, I don’t know what skills you have, but being able to withstand my punch without anything is enough to witness your extraordinary, but if you’re playing with my patience like this, don’t blame me for using you as a sandbag to practice boxing!”

Pinel pouted

“What, it turns out that those stupid pigs didn’t tell you about me, I have no other skills, that is, resist beating, as a sandbag? Okay, okay, do you want us to gamble, three thousand punches as a limit, you can’t kill me and let me go? ”

When did Karp encounter such a provocation, even Whitebeard, Roger, Golden Lion and others, did not dare to say that he resisted him head-on with three thousand punches, you must know that he was an iron fist Karp who had broken several mountains in several circles!

“Little bunny, you… That’s nice! Hahahaha, I haven’t met someone as interesting as you for a long time, and if it weren’t for Draco’s explicit order to lock you up, I really want you to join the Navy! Or boy, how did you not provoke Draco? ”

Karp didn’t know which tendon was wrong, and his originally angry face was swollen, and suddenly laughed!

But Pinel didn’t do anything else, as if nothing could surprise him, maybe we don’t understand the world of madmen!

“Why must I have messed with that gang of miscellaneous? To be honest, I don’t know why, maybe because I’m too handsome and jealous! But it’s good, those guys also taught me a lot of things! Just like they told me that if you want to live safely in this world, the most basic truth! ”

Karp is like an old friend, sitting on the side and chatting with Pinel easily, not that Karp is careless, but Karp really does not feel threatened in Pinel, even if he punched Pinel in the face just now, Pinel did not leak out at all! That’s why Karp is so casual at this time!

“What’s the truth?”

As if he had been touched by Karp to some switch, Pinel was full of excitement and high emotions

“What they tell me is that it doesn’t make sense! This world is not a reasonable world at all, he is strong, you have to let him bully, you are weak, you deserve to be killed, as long as you can achieve the goal, there is no right or wrong at all! What pirates, the naval world government, are all raccoon raccoons, there are no redeemers in this world, there are no innocents! Why are those idiots born high? Why should I torture at will? It’s not because I’m weak yet! Old man Karp, believe me, Impelton can’t shut me up, you can’t kill me, I will make the world fair! I will bring fairness, and chaos will bring fairness! The world is yours, but I have to set the rules! Hahahahaha! Aha! ”

Karp listened to Pinel’s words and was a little shocked, seriously, he really wanted to kill Pinel now!

Karp also understood why he couldn’t feel Pinel’s malice towards him! It’s not that Pinel doesn’t want to kill him and escape, but Pinel is targeting the whole world!


Karp just wanted to speak, but was directly interrupted by Pinel!

“Old man Karp! Even you can’t deny that the world is wrong! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! ”

Karp’s face was heavy

“You’re a lunatic, Pinel, you’re really a lunatic!”

Pinel smiled wickedly

“Maniac? Me? Are you really sure? Am I crazy? Or are you crazy? ”


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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