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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 009

When Pinel arrived at Impelton, the sun had already set, and Karp did not personally send Pinel to the cell, but only explained that the jailer took Pinel in!

It is undeniable that Pinel is definitely going to be locked up in the sixth layer, although Pinel does not meet the strength of the sixth layer, but he provokes the Draco, if it is not unkillable, Pinel is not even qualified to go to prison!

Moreover, the Draco has already given a special explanation, so Yu Qing Gangkong should give this face! So, what interrogation, get off the horse, even the director didn’t see it, he was sent directly to the sixth layer, and the Draco was also enough, said and done, really put Pinel in a separate area!

The director at this time is already Magellan, just took office, for the order can be described as the only priority, and at this time there are not too many prisoners in the infinite hell, you know, the area of each floor of Impelton is incremental, the first time is the smallest, the sixth layer is the largest, as for whether there is a seventh layer, no one knows!

Pinel is led by the chief caretaker Hiryu, and Pinel is on the way to the sixth floor!

“Hey, the cigar smoker, you look like you’re strong! Do you dare to kill me? ”

Hiryu’s face was expressionless, he was a thirst for killing, but it didn’t mean that he was stupid, the prisoner appointed by the Draco, he didn’t dare to do it yet, at this time, Hiryu was not as crazy as a few years later!

“I am the warden of this prison, you are a prisoner, as long as you don’t break out of prison, I have no reason to attack you!” If you want to be hacked to death by me, then you should try to escape from this prison first! ”

Pinel gently arched Hiliu with his shoulder

“Oh, the guy is quite arrogant, the body is really strong, I really don’t know how you practice, I don’t know how much explosives can kill you?”

Hiliu took a step back and moved away from Pinel

“I’ve sent many prisoners, some cursing and some escaping, but there has never been a smile like you! I don’t care if what you say is true or not, anyway, I tell you, you can’t leave this place, even if you can leave the cell, but I will definitely send you in again!” ”

Pinel didn’t care about Hiliu’s cold tone

“Hey, why are you so serious, Caretaker, you know? No matter how tightly defended, no matter how strictly guarded, you will definitely not be able to lock up a soul that yearns for freedom and longs for revenge! Although no one believes me, I will go out, I will! Those fat pigs are still waiting for me! I’m going to stick detonators into their asses/eyes! Send them to heaven! Stains, it’s exciting to think about! ”

In between words, the elevator stopped!

“I don’t want to disturb your imagination, but it’s time for you to go home!”

Hiliu slammed Pinel with his hand, almost pushing Pinel to the head, Pinel stood firm, smiled and turned to look at Pirau and said

“I remember this slap, I will return it to you, and besides, I don’t have a home, at least not until I die!” Hahahaha! ”

Pinel smiled as he walked forward

Hiliu also does not refute either, it is a waste to say one more word to a person who has no future!

“Oh, there’s a new guy here!”

“Isn’t this Hiliu, long time no see, I thought you were killed by your own sword!”

“Let me out, I’m going to bite you to death!”

“Another sad soul into hell, I welcome you only on my own behalf!”

“Fine-skinned and tender meat, put him in my cell, I haven’t been late for meat in a long time!”

Impelton Deep Sea Great Prison, the sixth layer, infinite hell, really bulls, ghosts, snakes, gods and all kinds of people have!

Pinel is not a shy person

“Hehe, hello everyone, my name is Heath Pinell, I don’t have any code names, I also want to communicate with you well, but unfortunately, the stupid pigs in the Holy Land have to say that they want to let me taste solitude alone, today may be the penultimate meeting we meet, the next time we meet I will kill you!” Stay tuned! ”

It didn’t take long to speak to Pinel, and soon he was pressed into a corner of the prison by Hiliu, in a small single room, just like the Draco said, Pinel was in this cell, even if he shouted through his throat, he couldn’t communicate with anyone, quiet to death!

Hiliu kicked Pinel into the cell, and then locked the cell door, which is a preferential treatment for Pinel, because Pinel’s entire cell is made of sea lou stone, so there is no need to fix Pinel to the wall!

“If you want to escape from prison in two years, then you have to start digging quickly, the wall of this cell is about sixteen meters thick, and there is a sea tower stone mixed in the middle, although it is not indestructible, but I think it is enough for you to dig for a lifetime!” Good luck, Pinel, me and my knife are waiting for you on it! Don’t make me wait too long! ”

Hiliu rarely showed a mocking expression, which was the only change in his expression since he and Pinel walked all the way!

Pinel suddenly knelt on the ground, grabbed the railing and began to cry!

“Woo-woo, please, don’t leave me here alone, let me go to other cells, I’m afraid of the dark, I’m even more afraid of loneliness, please, woo-woo, I can’t be here, I can’t take a second in this room, I’ll go crazy!” Guard grown, as long as you are willing to transfer the cell for me, I am willing to do everything for you, add ass / eye! ”

Pinel burst into tears, his face was full of pain, and the pleading in his eyes was clear, but before Hiliu could respond, Pinel put everything away again, as if everything that had just happened was an illusion!

“Hee-hee, how’s it going? Caretaker Elder, am I okay with acting? Did I lie to you? Hahaha, you are stupid/forced, how can I beg for mercy like you, I am a man who wants every day, hahaha! ”

Hiliu took a deep breath of the cigar on his mouth, his face gloomy

“You crazy person, you actually fooled me, I really hope that you can still laugh in a month!”

Hiliu turned around and left after speaking, he didn’t want to see Pinel for a minute, he would have a nervous breakdown!

Pinel pressed his face against the railing, looked at the ever-moving Hiliu, and shouted loudly

“Captain Guard, remember that you still owe me a slap! Don’t forget! I’ll go find you to pay it back! ”

Hiliu’s departure is faster!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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