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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 010

“Six thousand forty-seven thousand nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven!”

“Six thousand forty-seven thousand nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight!”

“Six thousand and forty expectation, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine!”

“Six hundred and forty-eight million!!! Hahahahaha, caretaker grown, I did it, keep smiling for two years! I wish you were in front of me now, so I could see that funny look on your face! ”

That’s right, in the blink of an eye, Pinel has been in this cell for two years!

No one may believe it, but Pinel lay on the ground, motionless for more than a year, except for the various experiments of the system at the beginning, and he never moved the place at all! The body is covered with dirt, and the body is covered with cobwebs!

For two years, a total of seven hundred days, Pinel was smiling like that, counting second by second!

Seven hundred days, sixteen thousand eight hundred hours, one million and eight thousand minutes, six hundred and forty-eight million seconds!

Pinel also does not know when the elves and gold mines in the system reach the upper limit, as long as the gold coins are enough, he will increase the pokemon, only if the wood is enough, he will increase the gold mine, a virtuous circle

In short, now there are a hundred elves on him, and a hundred gold mines! Of course, this is not the end!

Pinel remembers the prompt sound in his head, and after the pokemon reaches the upper limit, the system prompts that gold coins can be used to speed up the efficiency of the pokemon!

Five thousand gold coins can make the elf produce one more wood per day!

An extra 5,000 coins for each boost!

As of this 700th day, Pinel still had seventy-four hundred pieces of wood on him! As well as 1,700 gold coins that are still zero points, of course, the gold coins are left after the efficiency has been increased once!

As for why it’s so neat? That’s because the bits and pieces of wood have been recruited by Pinel, four sergeants, and two colonels!

Of course, Pinel did this not because of obsessive-compulsive disorder, but because they needed to dig holes!

That’s right, it’s digging, as for why digging? That’s because after Pinel summoned the colonel for the first time, he found that the colonel of 240 wood, in addition to the standard saber he was carrying with him, also had a flintlock gun with ten rounds of ammunition, and ten kilograms of explosives, the red tubular kind!

After this new discovery, Pinel immediately thought of a way to leave the cell, no matter how hard the sea floor stone is, it is also embedded in concrete, although the concrete is also mixed with sea floor stone, but as Hiliu said, it is not indestructible, as long as the explosive equivalent is used enough, it is obvious that the cell can be exploded!

Pinel a carp beats straight… Sit up! Touched his chin and chuckled

“It’s good that you don’t grow a beard, otherwise shaving would be a problem!” I don’t know how Superman shaves! Alas? Who is Superman, why do I say him, I have no impression of this person? Well, it’s not important, you’ve almost saved up your things, it’s time to leave! ”

Pinel looked out of the cell, silently thinking

“Summon, one hundred colonels!”

A hundred heads of Qi Brush appeared outside Pinel’s cell!

“Colonel Number Three… One hundred and three reports to the corps commander”

“Don’t talk nonsense, throw half of the explosives in, and then you retreat farther, don’t be affected by the explosion, I still need you to take me out!”

“Obey the Legion Elder!”

Fifty bundles of red explosives were thrown into Pinel’s cell, Pinel’s cell was not originally hit, and five hundred kilograms of explosives directly accounted for one-twentieth of the entire cell!

(A thousand kilograms is equal to a ton, the volume of a ton of TNT is 0.6 cubic, counting some other packaging, it probably accounts for 2 to 3 cubic meters, and the size of the cell is 3X3X3, that is, twenty-seven cubic meters, so five hundred kilograms of explosives account for one-twentieth of the cell!) It’s just that according to TNT, it’s not that Pinel used TNT, just ordinary explosives! )

Pinel was also unambiguous, and after seeing those summoning figures far away, he ignited the explosives without hesitation!




Ahem, of course, the explosive without a countdown is just a fuse, and after ignition, it is estimated that there is a delay of five seconds, and then it explodes!

‘Boom! ’

The previously silent infinite hell, with the sound of this explosion, immediately became lively!

Everyone is speculating about what happened, whether someone robbed the prison or someone escaped from the prison, but it’s just speculation! Of course, it is not only the sixth layer that feels the explosion, the entire Impelton is trembling, the closed environment, the air suddenly expands, Pinel did not directly blow the sea water in, even if Impelton is strong!

“Blah blah! It’s all dirt! ”

Pinel walked out of the cell naked, and without hesitation, said directly to the summoned figure closest to him

“You, take off your clothes, and then you can kill yourself!”

“Obey the Legion Elder!”

I don’t know how many numbers it was the colonel, anyway, it was the order of the unwavering executor Pinel, and after handing his clothes to Pinel with both hands, he immediately committed suicide with a knife!

Pinel picked up the flintlock gun that had fallen from the ground and took the lead to go to the elevator! Followed by 99 adult strong men, neatly uniformed, except for Pinel, the others did not even have expressions, just like robots, walking in a uniform step, closely following Pinel’s footsteps!

Soon, Pinel and his group arrived, at the elevator entrance of the infinite hell, and the people in the surrounding cells were stunned!

It’s not unseen that those who escaped from prison have never seen it, and it’s the first time they want to fight such a big battle!

The ghost knows where these people come from, and the costumes can be uniform, the main thing is that this unified clothing is not a prison uniform! That’s awesome, okay!

Pinel looked at the pair of green-glowing eyes around him! The corners of his mouth twitched, he croaked his teeth, and smiled very happily!

“Hello, everyone, we meet again, the time of two years is up, I will fulfill the agreement made two years ago, and come to send you on your way, little ones, light the explosives at will and throw them into the nearest cell to you, and light this feast!” Why are they so serious one by one! Revel up! ”

For Pinel’s words, no one questioned, let alone refuted, except for those in the cell who shouted hoarsely to stop, only Pinel stood in the middle of the corridor with his hands wide open, looking like he was enjoying the cheers!

In the infinite hell, Pinel is engaged in chaos, but in the upper layers, the pot has already been opened, and no one will think that the shock just now is just an accident, because in this deep-sea prison, there is no accident!

Everyone ran, checking their floors and looking for the source of the explosions! Even Magellan put on his pants and went straight to infinite hell!

But before the person who should be notified was notified, the vibration came again, although it was much smaller than the first vibration, but it could still be clearly felt! It was Impelton’s trembling voice!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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