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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 011

Pinel seems to have no idea what he is doing, the whole person is bouncing happily along the stairs network, the elevator is impossible to sit, this life will not do the elevator, after all, the elevator is run by electricity, if people stop the electricity is not a turtle in the urn!

Besides, Pinel has a plan, since the plan has been made, then it is necessary to go according to the plan, otherwise, what is the use of planning!

The plan is very simple, first of all, start from the fourth layer, release the prisoners, create chaos, as for why start from the fourth layer, it is because the fifth layer is too cold, Pinel does not want to go, the people of the sixth layer are very strong and not easy to control! So it’s most appropriate to start with the fourth layer!

It can make the jailer busy, and not many people will really escape! Pinel doesn’t want too many people to escape from prison through his manipulation, there is no such thing as unearned action in this world, and if you want to get out, you have to put in enough effort, so it’s fair!

Here I want to say that the colonel is not a miscellaneous soldier, to be able to become a colonel is already the backbone, to be able to become a colonel, in addition to a very few and certain specialties, at least two or three naval six styles must be mastered, and armed color domineering is a power that can only be mastered by rear admirals!

Although the character summoned by Pinel does not know the Navy Six Style, since the system classifies it to the scope of the colonel, it means that he must have the strength of a colonel!

Inpelton’s stairs are transparent, so Pinel didn’t stop at all on the fifth floor and went straight to the fourth floor!

When Pinel pushed open the door of the fourth floor, a heat wave came in! Pinelton’s face changed, and his expression was very exaggerated!

“Oh, it’s a nightmare, fortunately I’m on the bottom floor, if I stay on this floor, I won’t necessarily be cooked many times in two years!” What are you doing stunned? Let’s get to work, right? I don’t care what method you use, whether you use a knife to chop ah, or bite with your teeth, or blow up with explosives, in short, I will go to the third floor and wait for you, if I encounter the jailer, I will kill him happily, if I encounter a burly man with long horns on his head, don’t be restrained, hold the explosive and kill me to blow him up! Block for a minute! Do you understand? ”

“Obey, Legion Leader!”

Pinel turned around and walked into the stairs with a disgusted face, and continued to bounce up, no matter what the ninety or so people did, anyway, they only existed for two purposes, one was to blow up Pinel’s cell, and the other was to lead everyone to the fourth floor!

Although these ninety-nine people at the level of colonel are absolutely unable to kill the director, even Hiryu may not be able to kill him! But as long as they are scattered, it is enough for the people of Impelton to be busy for a while!

Now that their meaning has been achieved, Pinel’s steps to the upper level are even more jumpy!

A long and joyful sound rises and falls in this spiral staircase!

“Today is a good day, everything you want can be done, alas, strange, where did I hear this song? Why is there no impression in the head! Sa, leave it alone, today is a good day! Yo roar, roar, roar! ”

What Pinel said about the third layer waiting for those people, of course, is a lie, the fourth floor did not go in, why go to the third floor, as if the third layer is not hot, since you want to escape from prison, of course, you have to go straight to the first floor!

Just as Pinel was getting closer and closer to the gate of victory, the fourth floor had already opened the pot chaotically!

Just like Pinel’s order, these summoned people began to scatter, and the remaining explosives were evenly distributed, and basically everyone could get two!

(Ten kilograms of explosives, that is, a bundle, the quantity of a bundle is ten, a hundred bundles is a thousand, it took five hundred to blow up Pinel’s cell, three hundred for the people in other cells on the sixth floor, and the remaining two hundred averaged two for one person!) )

There is some difference between a four-story cell and a six-story cell, even if the navy is rich, but he does not have the money to make all of Impelton’s cells into sea lou stones, which is ridiculously expensive! On the fourth floor, it is basically an iron cell, just handcuffs for individual abilities! So the door to the cell was blown open!

Of course, the people in the cell will also be affected, life and death are rich, although there will be some embarrassment and even injury and death, but this is not the choice of those prisoners! After all, the explosives are in the hands of Pinel’s men!

Impelton today is like the New Year, the sound of ping-pong can be heard everywhere in the prison, the explosions are one after another, and soon the act of escaping from prison is like a drop of ink dripping into the water, spreading rapidly! According to the standard of ten people in a cell, ninety-nine people can release nine hundred and ninety-nine people by blowing up ninety-nine cells, and the act of escaping from prison instantly becomes a riot, because the number of prisoners in the prison is definitely much greater than the number of jailers!

Magellan had already come out of the toilet, and his office was on the fourth floor, so he didn’t go there, and directly began to preside over the siege on the fourth floor! This is also inseparable from him, no matter what, there must be a strong person in the town, right!

Magellan himself didn’t know that this was the first person he had killed, a dozen or dozens? But the enemy is still innumerable, the number of escaped prisoners has not decreased at all, and some prisoners have already wrestled with the jailer, he simply cannot do it, otherwise he will hurt his own people!

Stepping on the head of a prisoner who had fallen to the ground poisoned, Magellan pressed viciously

“Damn, who the hell released you? Why is the speed back so fast? Is there an undercover officer among the jailers? How many of you are left? Say, otherwise you won’t have to go back to the cell, I still carry ten or eight prisoners who disappear a year! ”

Of course, these prisoners do not have the so-called righteousness, they followed the escape only because they succeeded, and if they were unsuccessful, they were locked up at most! No one escaped from prison with the determination to die, if they die, no one wants to, as long as they live, there is hope, right?

“I… I also don’t know where they came from, wearing standard clothes, but not jailers, and they don’t communicate, they just blast the cell door with explosives when they meet, and then we come out! I also don’t know how many of them there are, anyway, a lot, you can tell by listening to the explosions! Everything I know has been said, give me the antidote, ah! Yes! Yes! It’s so uncomfortable! Give it to me… To give… I! ”

Magellan certainly wouldn’t stop and specifically ask people to give him an antidote! Theoretically, anyone who escapes from prison can be executed! Instead of wasting time, it’s better to tackle the next one! When everything is over, if you are still alive, you are saved! ”


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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