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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 012

Magellan was already in a hurry, because Pelton was such a sacred place, no prisoner other than the golden lion could walk out of this place, even the golden lion sacrificed two legs to walk out!

But now if it is not handled well, many people, many, many people will slip out! In that case, this place will no longer be a place to deter pirates, it will be a laughing stock, a laughing stock on the sea! The investment of the Navy and the World Government has come to naught!

Magellan couldn’t have been in a hurry!

At this moment, a jailer ran from behind Magellan!

“Sir, I asked the Navy for help on your orders, but Marshal Air asked you to report to him personally!”

Magellan’s face was covered with purple sweat, and he reached out and took the phone worm

“Hey, Air Marshal, I’m Magellan!”

“Director Magellan, how is the situation now? Who jailbroke? ”

“Air Marshal, I can’t tell you who escaped from prison now, the fourth floor of Impelton suddenly rioted, a large number of unknown characters suddenly appeared, a large number of prisoners were released on the fourth floor, the main culprit is currently unknown, the number of riot prisoners is unknown, the sudden appearance of the characters belongs to which organization is also unknown, the situation is a little chaotic, the jailer has limited manpower, although there have not been any strong figures so far, and I have asked Xi to stay at the position of the gate on the first floor, but to be on the safe side, I ask for support, I don’t want the slightest chance of a prisoner escaping! ”

Magellan accurately and quickly recounted the matter, and the steel bone was also very clear, and he also understood what Magellan meant, now there is a prisoner riot in Pelton, but the number of prisoners who can escape from prison is basically zero, but Magellan is afraid of the existence of fishing in troubled waters, so he asked for support!

“I understand, I will let Borusalino rush over, and I also bother you to suppress the riot as soon as possible, and we can’t have a second scandal with the Golden Lion!”

Magellan looked at the growing number of prisoners in front of him, his face gloomy

“I understand, Air Marshal, I will solve these people as soon as possible, and ask who the mastermind is, and please send support as soon as possible, at least hold the gate!” I still have things to do, I’ll explain it to you as a whole when it’s over! ”

The two sides have reached an agreement, and Magellan didn’t say anything more, and hung up the phone directly!

(Imperton is an independent department, and in theory the Admiral cannot control the prison director, but in a way, Impelton is indeed subject to the Navy!) )

After hanging up the phone, Magellan immediately began to move, as a poisonous fruit ability, it could not be neat to deal with these defenseless prisoners, especially the prisoners were all from the fourth layer, and they didn’t even have a combined enemy!

Helpless, can’t stand a lot of people, even if one only needs to move once, it has to be hundreds of times, counting the distance, it is estimated that every quarter of an hour and a half will not end at all!

Just when the riot on the fourth floor was in full swing, Pinel had already staggered to the second layer!

Pinel thinks very comprehensively, unless the director of this prison is a fool, otherwise, the position of the gate must be guarded, and it is not stupidly bumping into it, otherwise it is creating some chaos, no matter how many people there are at the door, they will score out a part of the second layer, it doesn’t matter if they come more or less, Pinel just wants to try it, even if he doesn’t come, it’s okay, after all, Pinel just pays a little wood, it doesn’t matter if he can’t attract people, if he attracts people, then Pinel will earn some!

The method is still the same as before, standing at the door of the second floor, Pinel happily summoned ten colonel-level figures! At this time, people with low strength do not have much meaning, so they can only summon the strongest person that Pinel can summon at present!

“Yo roar, no matter how many times, there is always some surprise to see you appear like this, what is the principle of this, I am really curious, where did you come from!” But forget it, this is not the time to think about this, leave me a bundle of explosives on your body, and then go, release the prisoners on this floor, let this layer move me, such a serious atmosphere really makes me sick! Isn’t it good for everyone to sing and dance together? What a weird bunch of guys! ”

If any prisoner or anyone saw Pinel at this time, they would probably retort helplessly, ‘It’s strange that it’s you! ’

But it’s a pity that there is no one else, only these summoners from the system!

“Do your bidding, Legionnaire!”

As if it had been negotiated, there was no communication at all, one of them gave his explosives to Pinel, and then the ten people scattered and disappeared into this layer of prison!

Pinel froze, pouted, shrugged, turned and disappeared again at the entrance of the stairs! As for what you said, why doesn’t this staircase have any jailer handles? Nonsense, of course, there is, but only some ordinary jailers patrol, the main ones have already gone to the fourth floor! As for these ordinary jailers, none of them can cope with the knives that suddenly appear behind them! So Pinel was still calm along the way!

While Pinel’s side was methodically planning step by step, Hiliu sat quietly at the gate of Impelton! And on the way from Marin Fandor to Imperton, there is also a Vice Admiral Borusali who is rushing to this side! Overall, no matter how you look at it, the possibility of Pinel escaping from prison is pitiful!

But Pinier can’t manage this, the smile on his face is unchanged, and he looks like he is visiting his own back garden!

“Today is a good day!”

The singing voice is long, the voice is delicate, you can clearly hear it, the singing person is really in a good mood!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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