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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 013

Magellan’s eyes were cautious, and he looked solemnly at these equally expressionless people in front of him!

Magellan was full of doubts, because it was obvious that these people who were completely different from the prisoners must be the culprits of all this today, but he did not understand what these people were doing this for, and what was the real purpose of releasing the prisoners to cause a riot, Magellan did not believe that such a big fanfare, and even cost a lot of life, would be doing something meaningless! But if their purpose is to help someone escape from prison, then who is this person preparing to escape? Who is behind this operation, and where is this real escapee hiding now? Too many questions exist in Magellan’s heart, making people unknown!

Magellan looked at the man lying on the ground at his feet, covered in purple liquid, and asked with a straight face to the summoner that surrounded him in a circle

“Hey, who the hell are you? What is your purpose in doing this? Do you really think that you can defeat me by virtue of your numbers? My feet should be your companions, aren’t you going to save them?” ”

Magellan wanted to get something out of these people’s mouths, but unfortunately, it was impossible! For Magellan’s question, all that responded to him were the sound of three sparks ignited!

The sound of this firework coming on is clever, and it’s very close to Magellan, just a stone’s throw away!

Magellan also widened his eyes, and his head looked at his feet with some incredulity!

The three people who originally fell at his feet in a triangle almost simultaneously ignited the explosive hidden in his chest, and the fuse was cut by more than half!

Suicide? Or attack? This is a suicide attack, right?

In an instant, three questions appeared in Magellan’s mind one after another, but only this moment!

The explosives that cut the fuse short, there was almost no delay, and after approaching the sound of the spark burning, in less than a second, three explosives exploded next to Magellan!

Sparks burst into the sky, smoke filled the sky, venom splashed everywhere! Immediately attracted everyone’s attention, whether it was the jailer or the prisoners who were escaping, they all locked their eyes on this corner, perhaps they also understood that the victory or defeat between them could not affect the entire battle situation at all, and everything that happened in this corner was the key to the entire riot! Magellan won, there is no hope of escaping, Magellan failed, and the jailers could not defeat the prisoners with their power!

Of course, just explosives will not cause any harm to Magellan, although his fruit ability is superhuman, but his poisonous fruit can make him carry out the same elementalization as nature!

When the smoke cleared, Magellan appeared intact in front of everyone’s eyes! The jailers were cheering, and the prisoners’ hearts were all sinking!

After Magellan’s figure appeared, he no longer stayed in place, walking step by step towards those summons, his momentum was heavy, and his killing intent leaked!

“You madmen, I probably know your plan, you are a bunch of dead men, your purpose is to drag me here, so that the real prisoners can escape, I think the real one who wants to escape from prison should not be on this floor, maybe he is almost to the first layer!” This is Yang Mou, I can’t avoid you, if I cross you and chase him, then the jailers of this layer will die, you won’t show mercy to your subordinates, and you don’t understand what it means to show mercy to your subordinates, but if I spend it here with you to the end, then I can’t stop the people who really escape, it’s good, you are really good! In that case, I’d rather see how long you can hold me back!” Poisonous dragon! ”

Magellan can become the administrator by virtue of not only strength, if there is no normal person’s mind, even if the strength is strong, he can only be reduced to a thug!

He said out loud that Pinel’s plan was not a chaotic act, first of all, he wanted the jailers to know that the real battle was not here, if he could, quickly get out of the battle to help on the first floor, and second, he also hoped to break the belief of these escaped prisoners, let these prisoners know that they are just cannon fodder, pawns to attract firepower, if they understand something, they will quickly give up resistance, which can save a lot of time!

But what responded to him was not a verbal counterattack, but a real blade!

Magellan’s momentum seemed to be unable to affect these summoned objects at all, the monstrous momentum had no effect at all, just took a few steps, these dead men in his eyes very consciously jumped out of the three people, and slashed from three directions!

“It’s useless, you who don’t know how to be domineering can’t hurt me at all!”

Three poisonous dragons appeared from Magellan’s back and rushed straight towards those three people!

Magellan is telling the truth, his opponent does not know how to be armed and domineering, he is invincible, but the purpose of these summons is never to kill him.

The three poisonous dragons passed through the three summons very accurately, but the speed of the three summoners rushing towards Magellan did not change, Magellan’s poison is terrible, as long as it is stained with a little, if there is no antidote, it is equal to the end, but there are also certain drawbacks, that is, it will not kill immediately! The three dead men didn’t even frown, and after rushing to Magellan’s side, they immediately detonated the explosives without hesitation like the three people!

The same fire appears again!

The people at the scene were stunned, the last three are okay, after all, there are many people who do not want to die in this world!

But if this is the case with these ninety or so people in the same uniform, then the organization that cultivated these people is terrible! As the old saying goes, the soft are afraid of the hard, the hard are afraid of the horizontal, the horizontal is afraid of the flute, and the flute is afraid of death! If your enemy wants to kill you, even if you are much stronger than him, you will still have some heart palpitations!

Magellan came out of the smoke again intact

“You are a terrible group of enemies, simply the work of the devil, I can’t understand, how important people are you who need hundreds of your lives to pave the way for him? Is it really worth it? ”

For the first time, from the beginning of the riot to the present, these characters who suddenly appeared for this prison spoke for the first time, and it was the rest of the people who said together

“The glory of the Legion Commander is supreme! The order of the corps commander must be carried out! Legion Commander is everything! ”

After the three platoon commanders with legion leaders finished speaking, thirty of the remaining about ninety people immediately ran out, ten rushed to the stairs, and twenty rushed to the elevator! The inexplicable behavior puzzled both the prisoners and the jailers!

But Magellan was different, and after a second, he immediately moved his hand, shouting again and again while moving his hand

Stop them, they are going to blow up the passage to the upper level!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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