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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 014

For Magellan’s shout, no one retorted it, of course, some of the jailers were intuitive, and they started the moment they received Magellan’s order! That’s three stopped!

But unfortunately, the actions of the summons were all targeted, and the stairs behind them sent ten people because there were few obstacles, and the elevator side was behind Magellan, so twenty people were sent!

In theory, a position is enough to drive past five people! Even the elevator entrance may only need two people!

Magellan could only stop seven people in an instant, and three were entangled by jailers, which was already exaggerated, and it was already quite difficult to stop half of them under the condition that there was no reaction time and reaction space!

But unfortunately, even if you stop it, you usually lose!

As for the staircase, there was no one to stop the ten people from coming to the staircase smoothly!

There was no hesitation at all, and after arriving at the location, these ten people immediately detonated explosives! Because the elevator entrance occupies a very small area, ten explosives directly smashed the elevator, and it is estimated that the elevator has fallen directly to the sixth floor!

However, the staircase entrance is still a little reluctant, because the staircase is relatively large, so it just blows up the door pillars on both sides of the gate, and the gravel blocks the exit, not completely sealed, as long as there are enough people to move the rubble, it will not take too long, but it can be delayed a little longer!

Magellan exploded in an instant

“It’s so arrogant, you guys are so arrogant, in front of me, how dare you do this! I see you are really not afraid of death! Poisonous pufferfish, poisonous dragon! ”

Magellan’s mentality exploded, if before he just felt that these people in front of him were a little terrifying, then now he really wanted to kill these people quickly! Playing him like a fool, Magellan is really angry now, if it weren’t for the other jailers on this floor, he would now want to immediately turn into a giant soldier and solve the battle as quickly as possible!

Magellan is not talking nonsense, and the summons you come and go, although the summons are constantly decreasing, but Magellan is not very good, because there is not a single living mouth left, as long as it is stained with his poison, then the poisoned person will immediately rush to him to detonate the explosive!

Really, such behavior makes death very ridiculous, you must know that death is a very terrible thing, but in the eyes of these people, it seems to be insignificant, as if eating, drinking, dressing and sleeping is a daily behavior! Magellan really wanted to shout at this time

‘Brother, is it okay for you to show a little scared expression? There are my subordinates all around, and I also want face! You’re like I lost! ’

Of course, Magellan will not shout out, and even if he shouts out, it is estimated that no one will answer him! Even if someone answers, he is definitely not the answer he wants!

Magellan’s side is not a battle that can be solved in a moment, and even if the battle is solved, it does not mean that it can be rushed to the top to help immediately!

As for Pinel’s side, he has finally reached the first layer! The first layer mentioned here is not the Red Lotus Hell, but the ground layer, and after coming out of the gate, there is the sea, the ground floor!

When Pinel passed through the Red Lotus Hell on the underground floor, he did not release any prisoners, for two reasons, the strength of the prisoners on this layer was too low and there was no value to use! And this layer is already the top, out of the gate to grab a boat and leave, too easy, unfair to the people on the lower floors, in order to pursue fairness, Pinel did not liberate them!

Pinel didn’t see a jailer on this ground floor, not even one!

Pinel had already guessed this, instead of scattering the jailers and being broken one by one, it was better to gather the remaining jailers to the position at the gate to fight to the death! However, Pinel probably did not guess that on this floor, except for a rainy hillyu, there were no jailers at all! All the jailers have already rushed to the second level to quell the riot on the second level!

This is also what Yu no Hiru insisted on, originally he didn’t want to bring the jailer’s help, Yu no Hiru is very conceited, in his consciousness, if he loses, then the jailer will use more, and in his opinion, the existence of the jailer is to add chaos to him!

Pinel bounced and staggered to the position at the gate!

The weird smiling face is in stark contrast to the angular seriousness! Pinel was the first to speak!

“Hiliu, I’m coming, I’m coming to the appointment, two years! Two whole years oh, I did it! Shall you not praise me? But then again, are you the only one here? What about your companions? They don’t want you anymore? Do they hate you because of your expression? I really hate your expression! Can you help me turn him into a smiley face! ”

Hiliu took a cigar

“It’s actually you, it seems that I really underestimated you two years ago, but yes, how can someone who can be specially taken care of by Draco be a nobody, your hidden kung fu is really powerful, but today I won’t let you out!” You’re not the one I’m waiting for! I can’t wait for a crazy person! Pinel right, I’m sorry, you can’t go back to your cell today! To be under my knife, it is not considered to have insulted you! ”

Pinel said again and again as he walked forward, his eyes fixed on Hiryu

“Hee-hee-hee, trying to hack me to death? Then I have to thank you very much! This world is really boring, hurry up and send me away, don’t be restrained, cut here, neck, brain, heart, these places that can kill with one blow, I will not defend! As long as you can do it! Come on! Hee hee hee! ”

Pinel’s smile is so weird! The frustrated tone made people chill!

However, although Pinel did not make any defensive gestures as he said, he walked forward with no one in sight!

But Hiryu was unable to attack him, because Hiryu’s real enemy appeared!

A figure suddenly appeared behind Hiliu, and the moment he appeared, he slashed with a sword, without any dullness!

As the chief warden, Xiliu’s strength is undoubted, of course, he will not be easily attacked, but when he avoided this sudden blade, jumped to the side and prepared to counterattack, before the knife was chopped out, the piercing feeling behind him appeared again!

That’s right, a person suddenly appeared behind Hiliu’s back, the same posture, the same way of wielding the knife, the same without hesitation, swinging the knife and chopping! And it is exactly like the person who appeared before!

Hiliu can be sure that he can kill one of them in an instant, but whether he can dodge the other person’s knife is not certain!

So Hiliu can only secretly curse a damn one, and then continue to dodge laterally! Then prepare to fight back!

Hiliu is not like an injury for an injury, after all, he is only one person, and the injury for injury style of play is too much of a loss, but can Pinel give him a chance to breathe?

Sorry, it won’t! Unless Pinel is a fool!

One after another, people kept appearing, and Xi Liuzhi was able to constantly dodge blades from all directions, and the scene became very embarrassing for a while!

Pinel walked towards the door without anyone in sight, and Hiliu jumped up and down like a mouse!

But this is not to blame Shiryu’s weak strength, it can only be said that Pinel is too insidious, if it is a head-to-head confrontation, Hiliu can say very confidently that in the face of the pairing at this time, he can play at least fifty!

But in the face of a melee sneak attack, there is really no more effective way for him to dodge, he is not elementalized, and the armed color domineering is not very skilled at this time, and the only knife technique he is good at cannot be used!

In a word, Hiliu is now holding back to death!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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