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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 015

“La! La la! La! La! Hiryuyo, aren’t you going to hack me to death, come, come! What to hide, how long can you hide? To such people, I still have more than a hundred! Are you really going to hide? ”

Pinel didn’t lie, he could summon about three hundred colonels when he came out of prison, and when he came out, he summoned, a hundred, and then to the second level and summoned ten more, and then just now facing Hiliu, he summoned ten more, so now the rest can probably summon one hundred and seventy or eighty!

Some fine sweat has appeared on Hiliu’s forehead, he doesn’t know how much credibility Pinel said, objectively he doesn’t want to believe that Pinel is telling the truth, after all, if there are more than a hundred such people, then how did these nearly three hundred people blend into Impelton, this is simply impossible!

But Pinel’s confident expression made Hiliu not dare to be so sure! However, Hiliu is not the kind of silent person, although he usually does not like to talk much, but he is not a person who is willing to accept defeat!

“Hmph, such a guy, even if there are more, what can he do? You still can’t escape! The warships in the outer ports have already left the port, even if you can walk out of this gate, but unless you can swim out and swim faster than the warships, you will die! ”

Pinel shrugged

“That’s my business, I’ll leave, you take care of yourself first!” Be careful, I might be going to play tricks next! Little ones, detonate the explosives on you, I don’t want to see him safe and sound! ”

“Obey your orders! Legion Commander is everything! ”

For Pinel’s words, Hiliu did not understand at all! Perhaps in his impression that there is no concept of suicide attacks! But he’ll figure it out soon!

From the moment Pinel said this, those summons, which were originally sneak attacks but had a normal attack method, immediately changed their attack mode!

The standard saber is directly into the scabbard!

This Qi brushing action is also watching Xi Liu’s stunned!

Immediately afterwards, these summoners took out a bundle of explosives from their arms, and ten red explosives were firmly tied together, even if Heiliu was a little sluggish, he probably understood something at this time!

“Hey, hey, just kidding, why are you doing this for this crazy guy! What charm does he have! ”

Hiliu is about to cut with a sword, there is no doubt that for Hiliu at this time, only explosives that do not explode are good explosives, how to make these explosives not explode, and quickly hacking these people with explosives in their hands is the only way!

But just as Hiliu was swinging his knife to slash, that sharp and piercing feeling appeared behind him again!

But this time, Hiliu couldn’t choose to dodge, because three people with explosives on the opposite side had already run towards him! It is clear if Hiryu decides again to dodge the attack from behind!

Then the three sprinting people in front of him will not hesitate to run in front of him and detonate explosives and die with him!

So Hiliu has no choice again!

He could only choose to hard-connect the knife behind his back and kill the three self-detonators in front of him first!

The not very skillful armed color domineering, scribbled back protection, gritted his teeth and swung a knife at the three people holding explosives, and the green slash flew out from Hiliu’s knife and went straight to the three colonels!

The three colonels also paused and rolled to the side, barely dodging the slash! Although Hiliu’s slash did not cause any substantial damage, it also prevented the three people from moving forward!

However, the attack behind it, Hiliu was really beaten!

The navy cloak was cut out of a hole, but the armed color domineering also made Hiryu not suffer any serious injuries because of this, and a shallow wound loomed, and not even a drop of blood flowed!

But the situation is that Hiryu is at an impasse!

He can’t always be so passive defense, then sooner or later he will be consumed to death!

And Pinel can already walk to the door at this time! Heeryu’s heart is also a little messed up!

Pinel looked at Hiliu gritting his teeth and feeling a little sorry that his attack was not effective, and his expression was slightly surprised!

“Hey, Hey, what is that expression on your face? Do you think that a simple attack can take out three of my men? Isn’t it a little too contemptuous? Or do you think too highly of yourself? Enjoy it, I’m going to get some fresh air! ”

Of course, Pinel also saw that Hiliu was a little anxious, and he didn’t spend money or pay taxes when he spoke, if he could rely on a few words to make Hiliu more anxious and more flustered, then why not!

Pinel did not expect that Hiliu would be easily deceived, but Hiliu was really deceived!

Because of the different circumstances, perhaps in Pinel’s opinion, if the two switched perspectives, he would rather let Hiliu leave than put himself in danger!

But in Hiliu’s opinion, he must not let Pinel leave, not because he is the chief caretaker, where his duty lies, but for face! Hiliu didn’t want to see Pinel’s arrogant expression, not once!

“Damn, don’t think about leaving so easily!”

Hiliu gritted his teeth and stomped his foot, not thinking about which summons, directly facing Pinel and rushed over, the thief captured the king first, Hillyu did not think that Pinel would be very strong, otherwise, Pinel would have already left, even if he was injured, but as long as he could hold Pinel hostage, then he would win!

Pinel looked at Hiliu’s angry and corrupted appearance, and a strange smile secretly appeared at the corner of his mouth! Pinel knew that when Hiliu made this choice, when he was desperate to deal with himself, he would win!


Suddenly, an explosion appeared first, and the floor shook again, and today was really the day when Pelton shook the most!

A summon behind Hiliu directly detonated the explosives, and the fire and shockwaves mercilessly impacted Hiliu’s back!

However, Hiliu is also a tough guy, his expression is unmoved, and he also remembers the power of this shockwave, and gets closer to Pinel faster!

Pinel did not dodge, just stood quietly in place and waited for Hiliu, as if stunned because of fear!

Everything was as expected by Hiliu, his knife naturally rested on Pinel’s neck, and the sharp blade pressed tightly to Pinel’s skin, as if it could separate Pinel’s head in the next moment!

“I won, Pinel, let all your men stand down, or I’ll cut off your head!”

At this time, Hiliu can be described as a little miserable, the front is unscathed, but the back has been exploded, the skin of the explosion is open, and the blood is dripping! Hiliu’s domineering is not enough to arm the entire back, and can only protect the main part, such as the back heart!

“Do you really think so? It seems that you and Draco are not the same heart, and Draco has not revealed anything to you about my information! But it’s my fault, actually make you mistakenly think that I am short? Don’t be too presumptuous, Hiliu, you really are too conceited! ”

Between words, Pinel took a step forward, not caring at all that Hiliu’s knife was scratching on his neck, Pinel directly hugged Hiliu, and directly ignited the bundle of explosives that had just been hidden on his body, placed it in the position between him and Hiliu, and pressed the explosives on Hiliu’s chest with his chest, and put his hands together on Hiliu’s back!

“This time, it’s the slap you pushed me two years ago! Enjoy it! This wonderful pain! ”


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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