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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 016

Hiliu looked at the explosive on his chest that was burning and the fuse was rapidly shortening, and his eyes widened!

His strength is not weak, but after all, it is still flesh and blood, such a close distance, and the space is still very small, this time, even if he protects his chest with armed color domineering, it is estimated that it will be enough! Approaching Hiryu still has some knowledge of himself, and the armed color is not so strong!

So Hiliu was crazy, slashing wildly at Pinel, neck, head, arms, as long as he could go, there was nothing that Hiliu did not cut!

But unfortunately, not even a trace was left! At this time, Hiliu finally understood what Pinel meant when he said that Draco did not share intelligence!

After all, such an obvious feature, it is impossible for Draco not to know! It’s just that these self-proclaimed noble people do not want to communicate with these lowly navies!

“Damn it, it’s over!”

Shiliu bit off the cigar in his mouth, his face was full of grief and indignation, and he struggled to protect his key position with armed colors! Immediately after, the explosives exploded!


The deafening sound accompanied by the soaring smoke wrapped Pinel and Hiryu in a group!

But before the smoke cleared, Pinel walked out of the smoke naked, coughing as he went!

“Ahem, this explosive is indeed a good thing, but this smoke and dust are a little too big, so choking people say!”

Pinel not only walked out of the smoke by himself, but also dragged the unconscious Hiliu in his hands!

Ten kilograms of explosives, almost exploding against the body, Hiliu can do not die and do not lack arms and legs, it is already a very rare result!

Pinel casually threw Hiryu to the ground, and then pointed to one of the summoners standing not far away!

The man who was pointed out very consciously took off his clothes and handed them to Pinel!

After Pinel put on his clothes, he kicked Shiryu two feet hard!

“Hmph, let you usually always have a face, this time it’s unlucky, haven’t you heard a word? People who love to laugh are not too lucky! So serious, you deserve to be beaten! Come on, come on, tell me, what should I do with this person? Cut off limbs? Or just kill it? Or did you release him? ”

“It’s all up to the Legion Commander!”

Pinel looked at these people in front of him who obeyed him, then his order was wrong, and he would persistently complete it, and his smile became more and more strange!

“You guys really… So cute, love you guys! Since this is the case, then I decided, let him go! The world is already very boring, isn’t it interesting to have one more person who resents himself and wants to kill me all the time? I think this silly big man should be able to add a lot of fun to me in the future! Let’s kill him next time we meet! You have to give people a chance, don’t you! What if he can really get stronger! Hee hee hee! ”

For Pinel’s words, those summoners did not respond, what the Legion Commander said was the truth, and there was no need for any doubt!

Pinel is used to these people’s words! After kicking Hiliu twice before leaving, Pinel walked out of the prison gate!

That’s right, just swagger out there!

As soon as he reached the gate, Pinel stretched out his arms, made a hug motion, and took a deep breath, as if he was embracing the world!

“Suck it! Ha! The world is still full of that disgusting smell, and the stench emitted by those stupid pigs has spread throughout the world! To take down those stupid pigs, I need a plan, a perfect plan! Hey, hey! ”

While Pinel was pondering a plan that saw no hope at all, the voice of the phone bug came out of the door

‘Brubru, Brubru! ’

Pinel is a polite gentleman, and in the face of a phone that has already ringed, he has no reason to let it go, although he is in prison break at this time and time is urgent!

Bouncing back, inside the prison gate, just next to the door, an inconspicuous telephone bug was screaming happily!

Pinel immediately got that earpiece!

“Moxi Moxie! I’m Heath Pinel, may I ask who are you looking for! ”

The phone bug was silent for a moment! Then said in a deep voice

“Who are you? Where is Hiryu? Let Hiliu answer the phone! ”

Pinel really took the phone worm to Hiliu’s side, and slapped Hiliu’s face twice!

“Snap… Well, this Mr. Nameless, Hiliu may not be able to answer your call, he is already unconscious, I just slapped him twice and failed to wake him up! ”

“Bastard, something really happened, since Hiryu fell, then who are you?”

“Me? My name is Heath Pinel and I just told you! ”

“Bastard, I’m talking about your identity, I’m Commissioner Magellan, I need you to report to me, what level do you work on? What is the position? Has anyone left this prison? Immediately! ”

Pinel pouted

“Why is it so serious? If you have to ask me which floor I am, I can only say that I have always been on the sixth floor, and my position should be a prisoner, has anyone left this prison? I just went out because your phone came back, I don’t know if anyone has left! ”

The phone bug is completely quiet! It is estimated that Magellan never expected such an answer!

“What is your purpose? What happened to Hillius? ”

“How could you be? Isn’t it sick? It’s obviously you calling, why do you ask me what I want to do? If there is nothing wrong, I will hang up the phone, do you know that I am very short on time! As for Hiliu, he is still alive, how can such a useful toy be thrown away after playing for the first time! ”

Magellan was breathed by Pinel’s words, and his entire chest was like bellows, and he kept panting!

“Pinel right, don’t be proud, your partners have been arrested by me, if you want to save them, you better come down!” Otherwise, I wouldn’t have guaranteed their lives!” They are willing to do so desperately for you, I think there must be a deep relationship between you! ”

As if hearing some joke, Pinel suddenly burst out laughing!

“Poof, hahahaha, my director, you are really so interesting, I finally came out from below, now you want me to go back? I see you’re really crazy! As for those people? I’m sorry, I don’t think you can really catch a live mouth! After all, I should know more about them than you do! Okay, that’s it, I’m leaving, and the next time we see each other, it’s probably that I’m idle and bored to blow up this prison! Hahahahahaha! Life is so much fun! ”

After Pinel finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly and walked out the door without looking back!

On the fourth floor, Magellan, who was directing the prisoners and jailers to move the rubble to clear the obstacles, his face was like black iron!

“Speed up the cleanup, immediately! In ten minutes I will see a complete passage! ”

In the face of Magellan in the rage, neither prisoners nor jailers dared to say a word at this time!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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