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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 017

Pinel stood at the entrance of the prison, looking at the warship that had left the port not far away!

“Ahhh I really ran a long way, I want to take a comfortable warship to leave the plan may be in vain, from the moment I escaped from prison, two hours and thirty-two minutes have passed, the naval headquarters should have sent support, I don’t have much time to grab the warship, it seems that I can only go according to plan B! ”

Pinel made a distant expression and said to himself!

But just as Pinel was talking to himself, a somewhat lewd, somewhat lazy, but not relaxed tone came from Pinel’s back!

“This little brother, may I ask, are you the one who escaped from prison? If so, can you tell me what you think your plan B is? Of course, it’s best if you can walk back to the prison on your own, so we can all save a lot of effort, although it is unlikely, but if you are willing to do so, I will thank you! ”

Pinel froze for a moment, he didn’t feel when someone appeared behind him at all!

Including Pinell, those summoners with the strength of a colonel are the same!

These Pinel knew what it was like to feel like Hiliu just now, so that a person suddenly appeared from behind, if he was timid, it would really scare people to death!

But who is Pinel? Is he a timid man? I’m sorry, Pinel didn’t have the guts at all, his guts had long been scared in Mary Joa’s prison, and now Pinel doesn’t know what it’s like to be afraid!

Pinel naturally turned around and looked at the man in front of him in a yellow suit that showed a sullen atmosphere.

“Well, of course, my plan B is to wander! After all, if there are no warships, only this one road remains, right? As for going back to prison, I may not really satisfy you! That tiny cell I brought with me didn’t provide me with any fun at all! If I don’t break through the prison, I’ll be bored to death! I really have to react to your Navy on this! Can’t you just add more entertainment to the prison? Such as chess, playing ball, singing and so on! If you guys do that, believe me that the number of people who want to jailbreak will be reduced by at least half! ”

The person who came was the yellow ape, the future admiral Borusalino, of course, now he is still a vice admiral, although the strength has reached the range of the general, but the military industry is not enough!

At this time, the yellow ape’s face was less frivolous, less lazy, and more dignified!

In the eyes of the yellow ape, escaping from Impelton to this position, and when facing him, he can still maintain this crazy appearance, either he is really a madman, or he is very strong and does not take him seriously at all!

It’s fine if it’s the first one! But if it’s the second one, it’s a little bit of a problem! Moreover, the yellow ape had just received a call from the marshal and determined that the escaped prisoner came from the sixth floor! So the second one is a little more likely!

“This little brother, if I convey your proposal to the Navy, can you honestly walk back to prison? And then ask again, what happened to the director of this prison and the jailers? Why didn’t a single person come out during the time we spoke? ”

When Pinel heard this, he immediately patted himself on the head

“Oh, if it weren’t for your reminder, I almost forgot, I’m pressed for time, most of the commissioner and jailers are trapped by me on the fourth floor, and should catch up soon, so this… Forehead… Mr. Lieutenant General, I am in a hurry, it was a pleasant conversation with you this time, but I am leaving! ”

No matter how good the yellow ape’s temper is, it is difficult to control it at this time!

“Hey, hey, are you really crazy? Or are you pretending to be crazy and selling stupidity? Do you really think I can let you go without a fight between us? I’m here to get you!” ”

Pinel showed a shocked expression!

“What? I thought we were already friends? You’re trying to arrest me! You broke my heart! But Mr. Lieutenant General, if you want to capture me, you may have to defeat these talents between us!” ”

The yellow ape shrugged

“Please, I’m also a vice admiral, if these dozen people are your hole card, I don’t think you can leave!”

Pinel showed an intriguing expression!

“Lord Lieutenant General, please see it clearly before speaking? Come out, my little brothers! ”

With Pinel’s soft snort, one person after another appeared from the yellow ape’s side, and in just a moment, a hundred summoners with uniform clothing were immediately added! The yellow ape who looked at it also had his eyelids jump

“Eurasia, it seems that the hole card of the little brother is still very heavy!”

Pinel shrugged his shoulders and raised his right hand to wave gently

“Little ones, do whatever it takes, kill him!”

“Obey the Legion Elder!”

As soon as the words fell, four sharp blades penetrated the yellow ape’s body! The part where the blade and the yellow ape’s body met suddenly appeared a little light!

“Heath Pinel, there is a problem with what I just said, I should say this, for these powerful people, even if there are more, you can’t win! Wouldn’t it be good to go with me obediently and suffer less? Also, can you stop moving, even if you fall into the sea, you can’t walk, there are no other islands in a radius of fifty miles, and I don’t think you can swim a warship, right? The most important question, have you ever been kicked at the speed of light? ”

Between Pinel speaking, he has slowly arrived, the position of the seaside, only one foot away from falling into the sea!

After the yellow ape finished speaking, he immediately turned into a little golden light and suddenly appeared in front of Pinel, and one foot had been arranged horizontally, about to kick Pinel’s face! However, there was not a trace of fear on Pinel’s face, and there was even some excitement in his eyes!

“Although I would love to feel the power of your lightspeed kick, I’m a little tired and don’t want to play with you! Let’s keep playing again in the future! Goodbye, dear Vice Admiral! ”

Pinel spoke over and over again, plunged into the sea all over and over again, and the yellow ape’s light-speed kick naturally swept over Pinel’s scalp, but he didn’t even bring down a hair! Immediately after that, a yellow light shot out from the yellow ape’s feet and landed in the sea next to it, sending out a dazzling explosion!

The yellow ape quietly looked at Pinel who fell into the sea, frowning

“Do you want to listen to people well, you should fart everything I just said? I said, even if you fall into the sea, you can’t run, why do such useless work! What an annoying idiot! ”

The yellow ape’s hand that did not turn his head kept pointing out behind him, and one after another laser light dreams knocked Pinel’s summons to the ground one after another, but the yellow ape’s expression did not improve at all, still frowning and staring at the location where Pinel fell, quietly waiting for Pinel to float up by himself!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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