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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 018

The yellow ape threw all of Pinel’s summoned objects to the ground just like that! But there was no hint of joy on the yellow ape’s face!

The reason is simple, Pinel has been sinking into the sea for several minutes, but not a single bubble has appeared! The yellow ape can be very sure that Pinel is not swimming, because if Pinel swims, he should be able to feel the abnormal flow of the seawater!

But Pinel seemed to die the moment he entered the sea, and kept sinking, constantly sinking, until he sank to the bottom of the sea motionless!

This makes it difficult for the yellow ape to understand!

He didn’t understand what Pinel was doing this for!

After entering the bottom of the sea, you don’t swim! And don’t float up, is it really playing to hold your breath?

In fact, Pinel was also confused after falling to the bottom of the sea, although the sea could not drown him, and he could endure the pain of suffocation! But he didn’t know where to go!

Pinel didn’t have a map, so how could he know where the nearest land was? He really didn’t want to prevent the yellow ape’s domineering positioning, because Pinel didn’t know what the functions of seeing and hearing domineering were! It can even be said that Pinel can’t even recognize the domineering tricolor! After all, he has been either in the prison of Mary Joa in the Holy Land or in Impelton’s cell in recent years! How could he know so much!

After pondering for a long time, Pinel used the most primitive way of finding the way to find people!

Throw shoes!

Pinel dragged his shoes off his feet and threw them in the direction of the sea!

Pinel’s standard military leather shoes, after rotating a few times under the action of the current, pointed in one direction!

Pinel decisively went in the opposite direction!

That’s right, in the opposite direction, and it’s going!

Against the feeling of suffocation, looking at the sea not far above his head, Pinel shrugged his shoulders and slowly walked on the bottom of the sea!

The yellow ape, who had been observing the sea, also felt that Pinel was moving, and just wanted to call the warship to follow! I heard the sound of brushing behind him!

“Everything for the Legionnaire!”

After the sound fell, the harsh sound of gunpowder burning continued to echo in the ears of the yellow ape!

‘Whoops~Phew! ’

The yellow ape looked back helplessly, the summoner who had just been knocked to the ground by him but did not die immediately, was struggling to climb to his position in various ways, some people used arms, some people used feet, some people used chins, and some even used squirming! Just to get closer to him! And with that damn dynamite in the corners of his mouth!

“Damn it, these crazy people!”

The yellow ape, like Magellan, was full of awe for such a warrior who did not hesitate to die!

‘Boom! ’

The yellow ape did not stop those burning explosives, because the explosives are not two, dozens, dozens, it is impossible to eliminate them all in an instant, even if there is only one explosion, all other explosives will be connected to detonate! After all, this is explosives, not cannons! Instability and scope can lead to chain reactions!

After a loud bang, the yellow ape’s ears felt as if they had been raped! Although it will not cause him harm, the noisy environment makes the yellow ape immediately lose the trace of Pinel!

The strongest skill of the yellow ape is the fruit ability, and the armed color domineering is a little better, but the color is really not strong, and those ‘monsters’ who can meet the future and even observe an island, can only qualify!

What’s more, Pinel himself is in the water, as long as the yellow ape is lost for a moment, Pinel’s trace, then in the yellow ape’s domineering, Pinel and those fish and shrimp are no different!

Looking at the devastation at Impelton’s door, the yellow ape took the lead in taking out the phone worm to contact the warships that had left port!

“Hey, I’m a yellow ape, I order you to scatter immediately and set off towards the surrounding islands, there is a person who is about one meter seven eight to one meter eighty-three, black hair to the eyes, and a strange smile fled Imperton, if you find the target, report it immediately, try not to clash with it, the strength of the enemy is not clear!”

After explaining the chase, Yellow Ape sowed the phone worm to Marshal Steel Bone Kong!

“Marshal, the character has failed, Heath Pinel has fled!”

Steel Bone Kong froze for a moment, took a deep breath and tried his best to stay calm

“What’s the situation? Didn’t you arrive in time? ”

“No, I arrived and watched him escape!”

“Very strong? You are not an opponent either? How are you? Are there any injuries? ”

Listening to Steelbone’s concern, Borusalino said with a wry smile

“I’m sorry Marshal, seriously, until now I haven’t figured out what happened, I saw him, but I didn’t fight him! This man seemed to be able to summon his subordinates remotely, and after I met him, he summoned more than a hundred people with the strength of about the captain to fight me, and he jumped into the sea to escape! ”

Steel bone empty listened to the words of the yellow ape is also a little blinded!

“Yellow Ape, you mean, you suspect that he is an ability and has spatial abilities such as teleportation? And then finally he jumped into the sea to escape? ”

The yellow ape also heard the distrust in the steel bone empty words! But there is nothing he can do, after all, all this is really happening!

“Yes Marshal, I don’t know how to explain everything I see, because something is so unreasonable, I just watched him slip away from my eyes without even touching him! The riot in Impelton doesn’t seem to have stopped, I can still vaguely feel movement under my feet, do you need me to go down and help? ”

Although Steel Bone Kong really didn’t trust what the yellow ape said, he even preferred that the yellow ape let Pinel go because of carelessness, which was easier to believe than eating the devil fruit but not being afraid of the seawater! But as a marshal, he can no longer deny all the words of the yellow ape in the phone worm, he must force himself to believe in all possible results!

“No, don’t enter Impelton, you stay at the door, I believe Magellan can handle his affairs, you take care of the gate and don’t let anyone leave, including the jailer, no one can go!” As for the Heath Pinel thing, we’ll be talking about it when you get back! Hold your ground! ”

The yellow ape nodded silently and said in a deep voice to the phone worm

“I see, Marshal.”

Steel Bone Sora hung up the call, but his heart was not far as calm as it appeared to him, because Impelton ran away again! And this person actually left Imperton unscathed! It’s more excessive than the golden lion, at least the golden lion also threw two legs, which can be regarded as giving Impelton enough respect, but Pinel’s behavior is completely Impelton’s face lost at his feet, and rubbed it fiercely! Simply excessive!

Steel Bone Sora looked at the man sitting on the couch in his office

“You heard, Warring States, what do you think of the words of the yellow ape?”


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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