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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 019

It was no one else who was questioned by Steel Bone Sorrow, it was the next marshal, the Warring States of Buddha!

Before Pinel escaped from prison, Sengoku was discussing with Steel Bone Air to take over as the marshal of the navy, because at this time Steel Bone Kong had received the decree of the world government, and Steel Bone Kong still had a month to hand over time to Mary Joa to be promoted to the commander-in-chief of the whole army!

Sengoku listened to Steel Bone Sora and replied with a serious face

“Marshal Kong, I think what Borusalino said is not false, although he is sometimes very unreliable, but in such a big matter is absolutely measured, it is impossible to tell such outrageous lies, so I feel that since he said so, then what he said is true!” He is a smart man, he knows that if he is found to lie in the face of such a big event, the consequences will be very serious, so Borusalino will not do this! ”

Steel bone Kong listened to the analysis of the Warring States and nodded, he also thought so, although it was a little unbelievable, but he still believed more than seventy percent of the words of the yellow ape!

“In that case, what do you think of Heath Piner?”

Sengoku did not answer immediately, but thought for a while before slowly speaking

“Marshal, to be honest, I don’t have the slightest impression of this person, so it’s really hard to say, but I have a feeling! This person will definitely be a hidden danger in the future! I don’t know how he did it, but if you know who he was arrested by, you might know something! But Marshal, the character who was able to escape from Impelton should logically say that I should have some impressions, but I didn’t have the slightest impression, something strange! ”

Steel bone Kong couldn’t help but sigh when he heard this!

“Sengoku, you don’t know something, this person was handed over to us by the Draco, he was transferred from the Holy Land Mary Prison, so we can say that we don’t know anything about him, because the Draco didn’t say anything to us!”

Sengoku immediately stopped talking, and all topics only need to be cautious after involving Draco, even if he is now a naval admiral! But the look of the Warring States that wanted to say and stopped all fell in the eyes of Steel Bone Empty!

After Steel Bone Empty said helplessly, he said to the Warring States in a somewhat weak tone

“I know what you mean, I’ll go to Draco to ask about Pinel, but now we should take Pinel’s bounty and hurry up to remind the world!”

Sengoku thought about it simply, and soon gave an accurate number!

“Three hundred million, right?”

Steel Bone Empty knocked on the table.

“Although I don’t know what strength he has, it won’t be too bad if I think about it, and no matter how he is also the one who successfully escaped from Impelton, although he didn’t escape from prison based on strength, he also deserved this bounty!”

In this era, the world of pirates has not yet experienced inflation, and the bounty of hundreds of millions of dollars in this generation is already a famous pirate in the sea!

In this office at the highest level of the Navy headquarters, Pinel’s bounty was set in the mouths of these two naval bigwigs!

As for what Pinel is doing at this time?

Nonsense, of course, still on the way!

Pinel looked at the surrounding scenery and had to say, it was pretty good!

There are small fish and shrimp around, and through the sea and the blue sunlight reflected by the sea, the surrounding area is beautiful! And the fish with a long mouth and straight to Pinel, the teeth are really white! And the throat is also beautiful!

Alas! Why is it a little dark around!

Am I being eaten?

Pinel was full of excitement and was eaten into his mouth by this unknown fish!

Pinel stood in the belly of the fish, lit a match, looked at the unknown bones around him, and found a fairly clean place to make it! Talking to himself

“Well, it’s okay to take a ride! And the fish belly is somewhat of an adventure! It’s a little exciting to think about! ”

Pinel happily hitchhiked here, but there was already a stir outside!

Impelton’s riot has finally completely subsided, Hiliu has been sent for treatment, and the riot on the second layer does not know how many monsters died, but after Magellan opened the passage of the fourth layer to the second layer, he conveniently quelled the riot here!

The yellow ape is also a successful meeting with Magellan at the door of the prison!

The only gain for the Navy from this riot may be a surviving summon that did not come after being knocked unconscious! Compared to the others, this is the only bonus!

The Navy also did not intercept the news of the Pinel riot, and this news could not be stopped, there are too many organizations on the sea with unique ways of obtaining intelligence, the tone is concealed, it is better to be wanted generously!

However, after the news of Pinell’s escape from Impelton came out, there were still countless frightened bosses!

Of course, there are also those who are not convinced, such as the golden lion!

This pirate giant who barely escaped from prison by giving up his legs, after seeing this news, he scolded his mother angrily!

After all, with his example here, Pinel’s perfect escape is like proving to the world that his golden lion is inferior to this little-known little man! It’s like saying to the whole world

You see, the golden lion actually needs to lose his legs to escape from prison, but for me, it’s as simple as drinking water, and the golden lion is not as good as me at all!

Of course, all this is someone else’s idea, at least not Pinel!

If I had to say what Pinel thought, then he would probably think, you actually compare me to an old guy, don’t I want face?

For Pinel, the golden lion and white beard are no different from ordinary jailers, and they can’t kill him anyway!

For Pinel, the world is divided into two kinds of people, the living and the dead, and that’s it!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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