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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 020

Pinel doesn’t know how long he stayed in the belly of the fish, anyway, it is estimated that it has been a while, after all, the fish is about to be tossed to death by Pinel! Who has a fire in his stomach every day is estimated to be unbearable, and this fish belonging to the sea king class is also considered tenacious, as far as Pinel estimates, in the small area where he made the fire, the fish meat has been scorched, and even Pinel has secretly tasted a little before, and the taste is not bad!

However, Pinel does not have the overlord-colored domineering color, nor does he eat any fruits of special abilities, so he has no way to talk to fish, and sea kings like fish will not swim to the shore by themselves!

So, Pinel waited until he ate his piece completely dead and completely immobile, and then he was ready to go out! As for why Pinel had to wait until the fish died! That’s because of Pinell’s life principle, life is short, timely pleasure, can be comfortable day is a day, although the fish belly is not very comfortable, but it is much better than when he squatted in prison before!

But Pinel just waited until the fish was completely immobile, and he hadn’t figured out how to get out of the fish’s belly! A long knife tore the fish flesh from the outside and slashed directly at Pinel’s face!

Pinel was stunned on the spot!

Fell into the stomach of the fish, his eyes were blank, and one hand gently touched his smooth brain, and he couldn’t hold back a long sigh

“Alas! There is still not even a trace, scared Lao Tzu to death, or is it really going to die this time! ”

After speaking, Pinel silently did it, followed the crack that came in with the slash, squeezed left and right, and walked out from the fish stomach with a lot of effort!!

The moment I went out, the sunlight was dazzling, and the air was still full of the smell of blood!

“Hey, what are you? Why did it come out of the belly of the fish? Boss, there is a living person in the belly of this sea king! ”

After hearing the voice, Pinel also lowered his head, did not look at the sky, looked at the past, and saw a gray-faced middle-aged man with a large knife in his hand calling at him!

It has been said that Pinel is a very polite person, people have already asked, Pinel has no reason not to answer!

“My name is Heath Pinel and this fish is my hitchhiker! I’ve always lived in a fish belly! So now I’m out of the belly of the fish! Is there something wrong? ”

For Pinel’s words, the middle-aged man froze, mainly because Pinel’s innocent expression completely took him off! As if it really wasn’t a big deal!

No matter how soon he will come back to his senses!

“Neuropathy! Who would use a fish belly as a hitchhiker! You’re definitely lying to me! But it doesn’t matter, the important thing is that now you wear it with us, leave the road money! Since you have made the fish belly home! Then there must be something to eat or drink in this belly! ”

After hearing this, Pinel also saw the dry and chapped lips of this middle-aged man! And that shriveled belly, and that hand that held the knife until it trembled! Raise your eyebrows!

“Brother, are you not eating or drinking anymore? May I ask, where is this? How far is it from the nearest town? ”

That middle-aged man obviously didn’t have a good temper!

Directly put the knife on Pinel’s neck!

“Less nonsense for Lao Tzu, quickly take out the food and water!” Otherwise, Lao Tzu will chop you now! ”

Pinel looked incredulous

“Hey, are you mentally retarded? The fish is here, you ask for food? Even if I hide something in the belly of the fish, won’t you find it yourself? Why do you have to ask me for it? And friend, do you know that you are unwise to do this? First of all, you don’t know who I am, and you may get you in a lot of trouble like this! And you obviously saw me come out of the fish’s belly, which means that this sea king class has not killed me, why do you think you can kill me? ”

Pinel is seriously educating this anonymous man with a knife around his neck! Seriously, Pinel didn’t even have the desire to ask his name!

After Pinel finished speaking, he looked at the person in front of him without reacting at all, and shrugged helplessly!

“Well, when I didn’t say, let me ask you one last question? Why are you so serious? Is it bad to have a smile? ”

After speaking, he took out the flintlock gun on his waist and pointed it at the person’s head, shooting directly, without the slightest hesitation! Even if the blood mixed with yellow and white things splashed on Pinel’s face, it did not make any change in Pinel’s expression!

Looking at the lifeless corpse slowly coming to the end, Pinel was not satisfied, but picked up the knife that had just been placed on his neck and slashed the corner of the corpse’s mouth hard to his ear! After two cuts, a big smiling face immediately appeared on this corpse!

Looking at his masterpiece, Pinel was very satisfied and admired it for a long time!

“Well, it’s much more comfortable to look at now! People who love to laugh will not have bad luck, let you be serious, now it’s unlucky! ”

Pinel was educating the corpse seriously, not realizing that this unfortunate thing was artificial!

Just at this moment, a heavy sound of stepping on the planks came from a distance!

It’s very rhythmic, and it’s clear that this plank is not so light!

Pinel looked thoughtful, and the corners of his mouth muttered casually

“Oh, what about the heavyweights!”


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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