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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 021

Pinel stood in place, waiting for the owner of that footstep to appear himself!

There is no doubt that a person who can step on a wooden board creaks will never weigh a slim person! Sure enough, what appeared was a fat man with a swollen body that made people afraid that if this person fell, he would smash the ship’s plank!

However, Pinel had a different opinion at that time, why the hungry stomach of the man with the knife just now was shriveled, but the person in front of him had a big belly! And it seems that this person in front of him has no combat power ah, even this person who has fallen to the ground and has turned into a corpse, God knows how this person became a captain!

After this big fat man came out of the cabin, he immediately saw the middle-aged man who had fallen at Pinel’s feet, his eyes suddenly turned big, the corners of his mouth trembled, and his face was full of incredulity

“What did you do? What did you do with this person? Why are you hurting him? Why don’t you feel scared after seeing our pirate flag? How dare you fight back? ”

Pinel rubbed his cheek with his bloody hand!

“Suck it! Suck! ”

Two sniffing movements!

Then Pinel slowly walked towards the meat ball! Teeth bite their lower lips! The degree of force is as if you will be bitten and bleed immediately! He said in a very unkind tone

“Hey, hey, are you questioning me? What’s there to ask about this? Isn’t the law of the jungle the most basic law of this world? It’s you! Why are you two in the same boat, how fat are you, and he is hungry and his belly is deflated! ”

While speaking, Pinel had already stretched out the nagging in front of the face of this meat ball, eye to eye, very close!

This fat man, looking at the pistol in front of his belly, trembled with fear, sweating like rain! He wanted to escape, but there was no way on this sea that allowed him to stay away from Pinel!

Suddenly, this fat man’s legs went limp, and he knelt on the ground and cried!

“Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! Dad, get up quickly, I’m not playing, I don’t want to play the game of being a pirate anymore, you get up and take me home! Didn’t you say you were willing to do anything for me, woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! Hurry up and kill this man, hurry up and let him take care of me!” ”

Pinel did not show impatience because of this person, or because of the child’s cry, let alone any sympathy!

Instead, he squatted down in a serious way, tried his best to stay parallel to the fat man, licked his lips, and patted the fat man’s shoulder!

“So, that person just now is your father? Play the game of being a pirate with you again? Are you a captain? Is he a crew member? If you say this, you can explain the pain, why he is so hungry and thin, and you are so fat, why his strength can obviously be seen stronger than you, a crying fat man, but only your crew! It’s all because of the father’s love! Thank you for explaining this confusion for me! But I still have to say to you, your crying makes me very tired, goodbye! ”

‘Bang! ’

Without any hesitation, Pinel aimed the flintlock gun at which fat man and directly pulled the trigger! The round bullet took away most of the fat man’s braincase and directly harvested the life of this fat child, looking at the fat man who kept crying even after he died, Pinel thought silently

‘I am so merciful to leave without any pain!’ ’

Instead of collecting the corpse, Pinel went directly to the bow, held the rudder, chose a direction and turned! Perhaps this corpse is no different from ordinary garbage and debris in Pinel’s eyes, so it will be directly ignored by Pinel!

After Pinel found a direction, he directly fixed the rudder! Then he sat in the bow of the boat and looked into the distance!

Perseverance and never easily changing the plans that have already been made may be one of Pinel’s few advantages! Of course, this is a good saying, and a bad saying is probably the shaft, or stubborn stupidity or something!

Fourteen days and nights later, Pinel finally came to a piece of land, of course, the corpses on the ship were already decomposed, and the stench on the ship was estimated to be Pinel would not dislike!

Pinel hummed an unknown ditty and jumped sharply from the ship onto land! Pinel doesn’t care where it is, as long as there are people on this island, that’s enough!

Because someone can provide him with a certain amount of fun, as long as Pinel has fun, as long as he can not lack fun in his trip before killing the fools who call themselves ‘gods’, Pinel is very satisfied!

Pinel came to a small island, there was no one on the side where he landed, but on the other side of the island there was a piece of cooking smoke, and Pinel dared to swear with his head that it was definitely a gas that could only come out of the smoke pipe!

Pinel bounced in the direction of the rising cooking smoke, snapping his fingers and singing that crappy rap as he walked!

“The world says I’m a madman, but I’m certainly not a fool! The madman goes crazy and cuts off the alpine pine, and the fool is not stupid to kill the desert chameleon…”

It’s just bullshit, but Pinel sings very vigorously!

The island is not very big, but Pinel is very slow, and by the time Piner arrives at the place where the smoke is steaming, it is already getting late!

Pinel may be tired of singing, or after walking this way, he doesn’t like rapping, anyway, the damn voice is gone!

Pinel saw from a distance from the forest, and the people sitting on a pile of wooden boxes roasting the fire did not look like good people!

“Stains! Stains! Stains! Not coming home late at night, gathering in this crowd to bake the fire, there must be a secret, and not a good person! Such people lack education! Forget it, education is too troublesome, or send it back to the furnace to rebuild quickly! ”

I don’t know where Pinel’s theory came from! Lying behind the tree, he showed half of his head, and he was talking to himself seriously, as if he had said it right!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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