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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 022

Pinel quietly hid behind the tree, watching the gang of people wantonly roasting the fire, bursting out of laughter, very comfortable!

Pinel not only stood and waited, but directly sat cross-legged on the ground, half of his face blocked behind the tree, leaving only half of his face to monitor the helper, one eye, half a smile, in the middle of the night, in the dark, it looks extremely terrifying!

“Little lazy bugs, hurry up and sleep, daddy will send you home!”

Like a predator, Pinel hides in the dark, quietly waiting for his prey to let his guard down!

But just as Pinel hummed a silent tune, in front of his eyes, he watched a man, a man in a feathered cape, from behind the crowd of roasters into the manor-like building not far away!

Pinel’s eyes widened, watching the figure appear from his eyes, and then gradually disappear, Pinel even forgot to hum, and his eyes did not leave the figure!

Of course, it’s not that this person Pinel knows, or because this person is particularly good-looking and attracts Pinel!

It’s because this person stepped on the snow and didn’t make a sound at all, yes, there was no sound at all!

If it weren’t for Pinel’s fear that the sound of stepping on the snow would startle the grass, he would have gone to kill the fire-roasters, but this person, this person did not hesitate at all, ran directly from the snow, and then was not discovered? Pinel is not the one who just woke up from Draco prison who doesn’t understand anything! He already has this world, and the Devil Fruit and the Mighty One exist!

So he was very envious of the ability of that person just now!

“How nice it would be if I had this ability, it would be much more convenient!” Just like now I don’t have to freeze in this ice and snow for half a day! ”

Soon, before Pinel could sigh more, the fire appeared, but there was no explosion that matched the firelight! The noise came from a distance, and Pinel probably knew what the noise was doing without listening carefully! It must be asking each other what happened!

Pinel pouted, not hiding, stood up and walked in the direction of the firelight, of course, before going to the location where the fire was emitted, Pinel had to face the fire roaster he had been observing!

Of course, the people who roasted the fire all looked in the direction of the firelight, and their backs were exactly facing Pinel!

Pinel walked not far from them, stretched his neck and began to count one by one!

“One, two, three… Six, seven! Seven people, okay, exactly within range of my pistol bullets! Hey guys, can I see me? No matter what happens over there, it is far away from you, you should pay attention to the crisis nearby, that is, me! ”

Hearing Pinel’s voice, the seven people also turned their heads and looked at Pinel.

But before they could ask Pinel, Pinel pulled the trigger directly!

The guns of this world are so strange, obviously they are flintlock guns, but they can do bursts.

‘Bang, bang! ’

Seven gunshots rang out in a row, seven small minions were shot and fell to the ground, and blood began to flow out of their chests non-stop!

However, the gun damage in this world is really small, basically if it does not hit the point, it will not kill people, but after the gang of minions in front of Pinel was shot, it is difficult to do anything! After all, guns are also for face!

Of course, Pinel is not so kind, what to knock down can be, as long as the enemy loses its combat effectiveness, you can stop, with love to touch the enemy ah such behavior, and Pinel has nothing to do with it!

Pinel is completely following the heart!

Since he said before he came out that he would send these guys back to the furnace to rebuild, then he didn’t want to let anyone go! It’s a simple thing, isn’t it? Just one more shot in the head of the person who fell to the ground, how much can it cost!

Pinel has already deduced the number of pirates on this island based on the number of smoke rising, calculated according to seven to ten people in one smoke! Then at most, it is about seventy to a hundred! Not a big problem! Even Pinel doesn’t need to summon a new summon, you must know that Pinel’s target is a pirate, since it is a pirate, how can there be no weapon! Whether it’s a knife or a stick, or a gun, Pinel is not short of weapons anyway!

The only thing Pinel is worried about is whether the gang will escape, the place where Pinel landed is on the other side of the island, so the ship that these pirates are riding on is not seen, there is no way to destroy, if these unlucky pirates want to escape, Pinel has no way to pursue!

Pinel picked up a knife beside him and looked at the seven people who were moaning in pain on the ground, and the corners of his mouth grew even bigger

“Well, these things are going to be done while going, there will always be a way, now let me free you guys first, little cuties!”

Soon Pinel wiped the blood from his face while walking in the direction where the shouting was dense, with five guns pinned to his waist, a white cloth that he didn’t know where to find in one hand to wipe his face, and a knife dripping blood in the other! Slender figure, seductive smile, full of charm!

Piner’s action is still very fast, perhaps after several killings, Pinel has become familiar with the road, in short, Piner’s time on the road has not been delayed for too long!

When Pinel appeared at the gate of the manor, a black figure just jumped out of the window and ran past Pinel without looking back, leaving a string of footprints on the snow!

Pinel looked at the footprints left on the snow, and then looked at the pursuers who wanted to chase the black figure, and without the slightest hesitation, he took the white and red cloth into his arms, and plunged the blood-dripping knife into the ground! After freeing his hands, he immediately pulled out two guns pinned to his waist and started shooting at the crowd in front of him!

“Little cuties, you can’t pass here, that guy is my next toy!” It’s time for you to sleep! Don’t move, just for a moment, like an injection, it won’t hurt very much, please trust me! I’m not going to lie to you! ”

Although Pinel is very relaxed in his mouth, the gun in his hand is not fired at random, except for the first two shots to attract attention, the remaining bullets will only shoot when they are very close, ensuring that the chance of hitting exceeds 80% or more! After all, the number of bullets is limited, and Pinel enjoys the visual enjoyment of bullets entering his body and bringing out pieces of blood! Very comfortable!

As for the bullet fired at him, Pinel said that it is no different from being bitten by a mosquito!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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