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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 025

Although Brother Ming has begun to retreat in his heart after listening to BABY5’s words, because no matter whether Pinel’s is better than him, even if he and Pinel start a war and win the final victory, what benefits can he leave behind? Can you get money, or can you get territory? There is nothing, so from a rational point of view, it is very irrational to start with Pinel, after all, Mingge and Pinel do not have any particularly significant deep hatred!

“Heath Pinel yes, I don’t have any problem with you, and I don’t know those stupid pigs in your mouth, but I know that there are a large number of navies outside the island, that is, outside this birdcage, and vice admirals, if we carry out here, the last cheap must be the navy!” You said that this person is your toy, but he is my younger brother, and I am now dealing with family affairs, so how about giving me face! And leave here, and I will divide you a third of that pile of treasure! ”

Brother Ming’s words are reasonable, and not humble and unassuming, it is estimated that ordinary people will carefully ponder it after hearing this, after all, you can still have treasures to take without fighting, and it will not be cheap navy, why not!

But it’s a pity that Brother Ming is facing the strange Pinel guy!

“No, no, no, stupid little turkey, you didn’t get my point! Now there are only three options in front of you, one, give me that black turkey, two, give me that guy with a face full of oil, three, kill me, only these three options, the treasure you said is of no use to me, shouldn’t I grab something I like? Still spending money on it? Why spend money on what you rob by your own skills? As for the navy you said? I hoped they would catch me again, and the jailbreak was exciting! I actually really want to play it again! ”

As Pinel spoke, he walked towards Mingo and them.

Looking at Pinel’s casual movements, although his body is full of flaws, but Mingge’s side is extremely nervous, not everyone wants Pinel to be so big, even the whitebeard, who is known as the strongest man in the world, is full of vigilance in the face of enemies.

In this sea, it is not the stronger people who live longer, but the more careful people live, the longer they live, and under the ravages of time, no one dares to say that they have always been the strongest!

Pinel is probably the only exception in this world!

Brother Ming looked at Pinel, who was full of frivolity, then at the family members around him who were like great enemies, and finally looked at Corazon, who looked sluggish and could not even lift the hand holding the gun! Lots and lots of thoughts in the head! Keep weighing the pros and cons!

First of all, the final surgical fruit is gone! Secondly, the Navy Corazon who notified the notice has already been notified, so ah, in theory, Corazon has no other effect for Mingo except to vent his anger! So, if it weren’t for the face of not being able to get by, Brother Ming really wanted to hand Corazon over to Piner so that the two sides could stop there!

There is not much time left for Brother Minel to entangle, looking at the gun in Pinel’s hand, Brother Ming can be very sure that when Pinel gets close to a certain extent, he will definitely do it without hesitation, because he is such a crazy person!

Brother Ming gritted his teeth fiercely

“Very good, you madman, Heath Pinel right, this time even if you win, I don’t know what benefits this waste man has given you, actually made you so determined to save him, but this waste man I will hand over to you, but don’t think I’m afraid of you, I just don’t want the navy to sit and enjoy it, the next time we meet, I will already remove your head from your neck!” Also, don’t call others nicknames, it’s very dead! ”

“Hey, hey, stupid little apple, who told you I was here to save him? And don’t provoke anymore, although you look sweet, but very young with you, I want to wait for you to mature before going to you, don’t force me to bite you now! Hey, hey! ”

Brother Min’s is not talking nonsense, the sea is very big, today is different, it is still difficult to meet Pinel, so he did not pay attention to Pinel’s words! Commanding the members of his family, he left with the treasure, leaving Corazon alone breathless on the cold snow!

Pinel squatted in front of Corazon and looked at Corazon covered in pity with pity!

“Poor little apple, you have lost your value to me, but I like the tattoo on the corner of your mouth, although I always say that people who love to laugh are not too bad luck, but I have to say that your luck is already extremely bad, what are your last words?” If not, I’m going to put you to sleep! ”

Corazon knows his fate very well, Pinel he doesn’t know at all, so he didn’t have the luxury of expecting Pinel to save him, just heard the words of Mingo’s subordinates, knowing that Pinel is a wanted criminal in the navy, Corazon knew that he was dead, just transferred from the wolf’s mouth to the tiger’s mouth!

“Can I wait a little longer, I have to live a little longer, otherwise that child will be exposed!” Please! ”

Pinel raised his eyebrows slightly, pointed the pistol at Corazon’s head, and pulled the trigger without hesitation!

“Sorry, no, I’m in a hurry!”

A gunshot on the empty snow spread far away, and Brother Ming’s group did not go far, after hearing the gunshot, Brother Ming stopped, looked back at the direction where the gunshot came from, and his face became even more ugly!

“Damn maniac, what the hell is he thinking? Is there any difference between my killing and his killing! I really don’t want to deal with such people again! ”

A-for-tat confrontation dissipated under Brother Min’s retreat!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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