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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 026

Pinel learned about Corazon’s tragic life with a decisive shot! However, Pinel did not leave directly, but sat next to Corazon with one butt, and fell to the ground in the same pose as Corazon! Looking at the sky with his eyes closed, he smiled rarely.

“What does it feel like to die, I guess it’s a relief, I really want to try it!” But forget it, it is estimated that this is an impossible thing, and those stupid pigs have not been killed, the world has not been purified more fairly, how can I die! ”

Pinel did not hesitate for long, but after lying down for a while, he immediately got up and left in the direction of the sea, not because Pinel had rested enough, but because the taste of lying down to rest was too comfortable, Pinel was a little afraid, afraid that he would fall in love with this feeling!

“Hmph! Comfort is indeed the most addictive thing! ”

Pinel’s feet on the snow moved very solidly, as if it was not he who had just laid down and felt comfortable, as if he had been so decisive and persistent from beginning to end, as if he had never hesitated!

Han Mosheng naturally walked to the beach, looked at the naval warship docked on the shore, waved his hand, and shouted loudly!

“Alas, dock, come here, there is a man here, let me take a ride with the wind!”

Standing on the warship is an old woman, that is, the general staff officer of the headquarters of the Navy, Tsuru!

The crane looked at Pinel, who was waving on the shore, expressionless. The young female soldier standing next to her asked Tsuru

“Lord Lieutenant General, what should we do? Do you want to lean on the past? This man is the same Heath Pinel who recently escaped from prison, and we have very little information about him, and I suspect that he is so blatant that there is a conspiracy! ”

The crane didn’t look at the female soldier standing next to him, and looked straight at Pinir with a big smile!

“I’m not blind, I know who he is, order the troops to lean over!” Preparing for battle, we, as the navy, see that the pirate has a reason to go around, and we can just explore his intelligence! ”

The words of the crane on this ship are the holy decree, no one will question the crane’s instructions, as the great staff officer of the navy, a fool will guess whether her order is correct, as long as it is carried out seriously!

Pinel stood by the sea, looking at the approaching ships, his face full of relief

“Ah, finally I don’t have to sail my own boat, and I don’t know where this naval warship is going, so where am I going?” I really don’t know how to open the high-level barracks and epic barracks in the system! Forget it, the system will find a colonel to come out first, I will change into new clothes! ”

Just as Pinel was talking to himself into the air, a figure suddenly appeared from the air, and at the same time Pinel remembered a voice in his mind

“Congratulations to the sergeant major for summoning two hundred colonel soldiers, prompting the opening conditions of the senior barracks, and asking the sergeant major to summon a thousand colonel soldiers as soon as possible to open the senior barracks!” Senior barracks arms brigadier general, major general, lieutenant general!

The prices are 500 wood for a major general, 1500 wood for a major general, and 5000 wood for a lieutenant general

Summoning a brigadier general, some members have a domineering appearance ratio of about thirty to one

Summon major generals, some of them have seen and heard domineering and have armed color domineering, the proportion of appearance is respectively, one in ten, and one in fifteen!

Summon lieutenant generals, each of them has domineering, the singular number is the color of sight, the even number is the color of armament, and the whole number is the domineering color of the two-color!

The system is a sergeant major who can operate simply to divide the domineering level into four levels, the brigadier and major general can have the domineering level as the first level, the lieutenant general can have the second level, the subsequent level please open the epic barracks to know! ”

(PS: Every time the brigadier general summons, the thirtieth is a soldier with a domineering color, the major general has a sight, and the fifteenth has an armed color!) )

Pinel’s hand in the system notification message has changed into neat clothes, and has already given the order for the colonel who provided the clothes weapon to commit suicide!

After listening to the system message, Pinel clapped his hands

“Beautiful! A thousand majors open a high-level barracks? Let me see how much wood I have now! Summon the lieutenant general, hehe, think about it and get excited, if I can summon the lieutenant general, I guess I can go and destroy those stupid pigs! I can’t wait! ”

Just as Crane’s warship was approaching Pinel, Pinel was standing on the shore and glowing!

Pinel looked at the data in his head and calculated how long it would take him to open the high-level barracks!

‘The balance of twenty-four thousand two hundred and forty wood, that is, one hundred and one colonels can be summoned, and according to the current daily income of three hundred, the remaining six hundred and ninety-nine colonels is almost six hundred days, that is, it takes two years younger! ’

Pinel silently calculated the data, and when he calculated this, his smile suddenly stiffened!

It will take nearly two years to open the high-level military camp, and then after opening it, he will save the resources to summon the lieutenant general, and I don’t know how long it will take to save enough capital to kill all sides! It’s hard to think about, it’s like just getting the news that you’re going to win the lottery, but then suddenly find that you have to wait ten years to win, that hope is tinged with a feeling of despair, Pinel said very comfortable!

But Pinel is not a desperate person, turned his head and shrugged his shoulders and forgot about this matter, anyway, it will always come, and there is no point in tangling!

And I don’t know when, the crane is already standing in front of him, looking at Pinel with a serious face!

“Heath Pinel, I have already stood in front of you, if there is any conspiracy, hurry up and come out!”

Pinel wanted to buy a step forward, just moved his foot, and before he stepped out, four bullets hit Pinel’s body, and Pinel just changed his clothes and broke four more holes!

Pinel raised his hands at the sides of his ears!

“Hey, hey, this… Forehead… Lord Lieutenant General, I just want to take a ride with the wind, I don’t need this, I just changed my clothes, you have to pay for this! ”


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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