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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 027

It is said that it is not the first time that she has heard Pinel’s name, and she has heard Sengoku chant the name Pinel several times long before she set off from the headquarters of the Navy!

But when Tsuru saw Pinel with his own eyes, he found that Pinel may not be as unforgivable as Sengoku said, although the smile on his face is a little weird, but the first impression is not so evil! Of course, Tsuru will not arbitrarily define Pinel based on his first impression!

“Don’t talk about clothes, you shouldn’t be a fool looking at you, you should know who I am, and you should also understand who you are, but why did you wave to me when you saw that I didn’t choose to run away?” Is it to think that I am not a threat to you or for some other purpose? I’m already standing here now, and you should be able to say it for whatever purpose! ”

The old and wise crane spoke to Pinel very calmly!

Pinel, however, didn’t buy it.

“What is this and what, I’m like a ride on a boat, as for the threat in your mouth? I can’t think of anyone who can pose a threat to me, and if you can kill me, that’s all I am! But I don’t think you can do it, can people be simple, don’t think of others so complicated! Besides, I didn’t think I did anything wrong, why let me run, who do you think you are! ”

Listening to Pinel’s words, a guard behind the crane frowned and said to the crane

“Lord Lieutenant General, don’t talk nonsense with this criminal, give the order, I have observed, there are no traps around, he just wants to find death!”

Tsuru is a smart person, but also has the common disease of smart people, that is, very persistent to dig things up, the simpler Pinel behaves, the more she wants to find out what this strangest person in the world given by the Warring States thinks, what is Pinel’s purpose!

“There’s no part of you talking here, I’m not dead yet!” Since he did not resist, then the turtle in the urn is in a hurry! ”

Tsuru turned his head to look at the guard and said sternly, Tsuru has never been a kind person, although her appearance looks quite amiable, but in fact, Tsuru can be regarded as a first-class cold-blooded person in the Navy, she only cares about the people she cares about!

This is not to say that she is excessive, on the contrary, this is a compliment to Tsuru, who is not in charge of soldiers and righteousness and does not control wealth, since Tsuru is a naval staff officer, it is her duty to maintain objective thinking at all times!

“Pinel, for the sake of you not doing anything to me or to civilians, to answer a few of my questions, I can consider letting you take a smooth boat!”

Pinel tilted his head and neck almost became a ninety degrees, and said in amazement

“I didn’t expect you to be a good person, it turns out that there are good people in the navy!” I am ready to grab the ship, since you are so enlightened, then you ask, I will try to answer you, anyway, I have no secrets! ”

The crane put his hands around his chest, and his eyes were unusually calm

“Who the hell are you!”

Pinel’s mouth is almost out into the sea!

“That’s it? Don’t you know? I am Cispinel, an inconspicuous little man! ”

Tsuru was not annoyed by Pinel’s disrespectful expression

“I’m not asking for your name, I’m asking about your provenance, where are you from? What have you done! ”

Pinel answered directly without thinking, and spoke extremely fast, as if in a hurry!

“It’s a bit difficult, I don’t know who I am, I lost my previous memory, I was in the prison of the fat pigs when I woke up, and then I was used as a target for punishment fun, and after a few years, I killed a snotty waste, and then I was transferred to Impelton by your Navy!” It was sent to me by an old man with a flat head and a dog’s head hat, you can ask him! After that you should be clear, I came out of Impelton and walked here! This is all I can remember, is my answer satisfactory? Can we go? ”

The crane kept looking into Pinel’s eyes when he spoke, and seeing that the domineering color also locked Pinel, so the crane could be very sure that Pinel was telling the truth!

“No, no, no, this is just the first question, how to say that you also have to answer my three questions! The second question, are you capable? If so, what are your abilities? If not, how did you get out of Impelton! ”

Pinel is like a big fool, without the slightest vigilance and without reservation!

“I should not be considered an able person, as far as I know, an able person should not be able to touch the sea, but I can touch it, but when I woke up from Mary Joa Prison, a voice in my head told me that I would not be harmed, and it was just like that, I guess I lived in the hands of those fat pigs for several years!”

Then I jumped into the sea at the door of Impelton, and although the feeling of suffocation was a little uncomfortable, it was only uncomfortable, or my life! Then I was eaten by a fish that took me out of the sea in Imperton! It’s that simple! ”

Pinel said very simply, but the crane was shocked for the first time after listening to it, and the crane also changed his face for the first time in front of Pinel, and there was even a trace of panic in his surprised expression!

It was precisely because she was sure that what Pinel said was true, and combined with some of the news she heard from Mary Joa, she found that she could not refute Pinel’s words!

But if Pinel really doesn’t get hurt and won’t die, it will always be a bomb, a thorn in the heart of the world government and the navy, the kind of thorn that can’t be pulled out!

But Tsuru is a vice admiral after all, after a short shock, she returned to indifference, smart she quickly found the loophole in Pinel’s mouth, just will not be harmed, and not invincible, since it can’t be killed, then it’s good to be imprisoned, last time he was rescued, this time to lock him up a little tighter, there is more than one Pinel on the sea, one of the newly promoted four emperors, the hundred beasts Kaido can’t be killed, there will always be a way to deal with it.

As for Pinel’s ability to summon, how could Pinel easily say that he was just a little crazy, and he was not a fool!

“Last question, what is your purpose? Your dream! What is the goal to support you floating on the sea! ”

Pinel, who had originally answered the question well, suddenly changed his expression after hearing Tsuru’s question again

Full of hideousness, killing intent, the kind of unrestrained malice that seemed to target the whole world was displayed in front of the crane and many navies, and even most of the naval gunners trembled a little.

“My purpose? You ask my purpose?

Well, hahahahaha, it’s very simple, my purpose has never changed from beginning to end, from the day I was taken out of Mary Joa by that old man Karp, my purpose has never changed, and there is only one meaning of my existence!

I’m going to pull the self-proclaimed gods off that mountain

I’m going to take those stupid pigs with snot and bleed one by one

I’m going to kill all those who breathe different air from everyone else with glass covers

I’m going to chop them up and play the games they played on me all over again

As long as there is still a Draco living in this world, my purpose is only one, and that is revenge!

The world is wrong, so I’m going to correct it!

In order to make the world fairer, I want to make the world chaotic, because only chaos can bring fairness!

If chaos doesn’t change the world

Then I’ll ruin and recreate one!

Hey, hey! ”


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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